Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not all Muslims have the courage to follow the extremely violent teaching of their Quran that directly reflects the teachings of their pedophile/pederast/homosexual/bisexual/mass murdering false prophet Muhammad.
Well, that's a start. How honorable of you to admit that not all Muslims are violent. That was all I asked you.
Let me put it in terms that you and your fellow rainbow flag waver Art Brain can understand:
When a minority of homosexuals were committing terrorist acts (firebombing churches, beating up pregnant women and little old ladies, etc. etc. etc.) in order to intimidate people to not speak out against the homosexual agenda, that minority of homosexuals was acting on behalf of all of their fellow rainbow flag wavers to promote the LGBTQueer agenda.
The same goes with Islam, not all followers of the pedophile prophet are soldiers out on the battlefield.
But then there's the topic of sleeper cells...
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But shown, they do possess an extremely violent/sexually depraved book (the Quran).
Should all books that display extreme violence be banned?
You tell me: Are there any other books out there like the Quran that throughout history are responsible for perpetrating hundreds of millions of murders, mayhem and sexual depravity on mankind?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWArrior
You tell me Sandy. Should barbarians who perpetrate mass murder and mayhem based on the extremely violent writings of documents that they possess and embrace still be allowed to have those documents?
Should anyone who reads a book or views a movie with violence be allowed to view them? Better yet, why not just make a list of every book, movie, etc. that has violence in it and begin the task of seize and destroy?
It's funny that you should say that Sandy, because in your beloved Islam, possession of this book would bring about imprisonment or death to those who possess it.
Unlike your beloved Quran, the above book is a book of love, not hate.