Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Christians in the west don't even have the courage to come together and throw out a recently elected President that said that "Obergefell v Hodges is settled law", so don't expect them anytime soon to start a Christian crusade to overthrow the barbaric false religion known as Islam.
Is it my lucky day or what, not one but two Ron Paul Libertarians grace my thread with their presence.
What I do realize is that Donald the Degenerate Trump lied and said that he would appoint SCOTUS Judges to overturn Roe v Wade, but for some reason Obergefell v Hodges is "settled law".
SCOTUS rulings were never intended by the Founding Fathers to set legislative precedence, they were supposed be a guide for Congress to act on if they so chose to.
An now for a disclaimer:
Since you're in a thread that deals with worldwide Christian persecution, why don't you tell that great Libertarian lie which says that if the US just left Islam alone, they would leave everyone else alone.
I just love a good fairytale before bedtime.
I wonder just how much more ignorance you can demonstrate....
Trump's only nominee so far has proven in his rulings to support the Constitution. He is doing the right thing so far. What is it that you expect Trump to do? Kill the existing SC judges so he can nominate more judges, as when someone is placed on the SC they are there for life? Just how much more ignorant and bombastic can you get?
Your obsession with LIbertarians is hilarious. You will disagree with a libertarian just because they are a libertarian. And, call anyone who says libertarians are right on anything a libertarian. Libertarian economists are correct on economic issues. They agree with conservatives right down the line on economic issues. They also agree with conservatives that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Those are two very important issues for our country right now. And yet you think that agreeing with them on these two issues is evil. These two issues alone are the basis for how the left is going about destroying not ony the morality, but also the economic strength, of this country. And yet you think the Libertarians who oppose that agenda are purely evil.
As to what I bolded.... Duh. You seem to have a major problem with reading comprehension. That's the point of what I've been saying to you all along. That's why I told you that the court is the responsible party for destroying the morality of this country. That's why Trump said these things are settled law. He said it because the SC has not been following the Constitution for well over 100 years, and will not until judges who will follow the law are in place. Until that time that is "settled law" for there is no way to overturn it other than through the SC.
It's pretty strange that you tell me that about the SC, and yet condemn me and Libertarians for wanting to follow the Constitution. The Constitution is our only safeguard of liberty, and you cannot have liberty without morality, nor morality without faith. Oh, that's right. You'll disagree with that because the originator of-- you cannot have liberty without morality, nor morality without faith--is someone Libertarians quote quite often. They even get some of their positions on what they think the US ought to be from him. Now that you know that you will not be able to accept such an obvious truth for if you do you will be agreeing with a Libertarian and nothing could possibly be more evil than that.