Inside Look at an Abortuary

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010
NEVER resorted to legislative pressure when it couldn't get its way.

Legislative pressure?!?! And have our law makers actually represent public opinions?

From a CBS news poll this month:

"Which of these comes closest to your view? Abortion should be generally available to those who want it. OR, Abortion should be available, but under stricter limits than it is now. OR, Abortion should not be permitted."

Generally Available 36%
Stricter Limits 35%
Not Permitted 26%
Unsure 3%

So 61% of Americans want at least stricter control. When's that gonna happen?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by On Fire

Legislative pressure?!?! And have our law makers actually represent public opinions?

From a CBS news poll this month:

"Which of these comes closest to your view? Abortion should be generally available to those who want it. OR, Abortion should be available, but under stricter limits than it is now. OR, Abortion should not be permitted."

Generally Available 36%
Stricter Limits 35%
Not Permitted 26%
Unsure 3%

So 61% of Americans want at least stricter control. When's that gonna happen?

Who knows. Maybe when and if Christians stop having abortions, or when the church actually gets its act together.

I'm not holding my breath. On the other hand, Christians do not have a monopoly on the pro-life movement.


Originally posted by granite1010

Given the choice, anything we can do to limit abortion is of course preferable. But you're not going to have public support for illegalization for a while. If the people DID want abortion to go away, Washington leadership would get it done.

Like most people I am anti-abortion but pro-choice. What right do certain religious groups have to try and take away that choice?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

Yeah, I recall Enyart chortling about that one a few years back, at least till someone pointed out that what the group was doing was also illegal...

Mind giving some source? It would only be illegal is states that don't allow taping phone calls. Not like the illegality of that issue changes what's on the tapes. Last I knew it was used in a court case. Further info can be found by looking through that link.

Nineveh's way of saying she's got a losing argument and needs to bail, fast... :rolleyes:

Pardon? I've given you 4 witnesses so far. Not including all the testimony I could dig up pretty easily from Docs that have left. It only takes a google search Z.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of the term then...

That's much more simple to say than actually giving some info innit?

Nineveh's way of saying she's got a losing argument and needs to bail, again... :rolleyes:

Alright, so far we have more than one witness of more than one clinic doing more than one illegal activity and you have offered....?

Which of those services are breaking the law? :think:

The point being?

Then don't patronize them, and while you're at it, perhaps you could convince your fellow Christians to stop patronizing them. If most of their customers went away, most of the clinics would close down. Then you'd get what you want... but first you have to convince "your people" to stop using the clinics... :think:

They aren't needed, these "back allies with false fronts".


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Like most people I am anti-abortion but pro-choice. What right do certain religious groups have to try and take away that choice?

This question leads right back to the legitimacy (or otherwise) of abortion, and will probably hijack this thread...


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Mind giving some source? It would only be illegal is states that don't allow taping phone calls. Not like the illegality of that issue changes what's on the tapes. Last I knew it was used in a court case. Further info can be found by looking through that link.
The state laws regarding recording of telephone conversations (i.e. "wire tapping") are either one-party or two-party laws (a few have "all parties, which includes the telephone company). In a state with a one-party law, only one party needs to consent to the recording for it to be legal. In a state with a two-party law, both parties need to be consenting otherwise the recorder is breaking the law.

It gets interesting when the call is interstate between states with differing laws. Case law has held, in this instance, that the more restrictive of the two laws is upheld.

Here's how it works. West Virginia, where I live, is a one-party state. So if I secretly record a call from my one-party state to neighboring two-party state (say Maryland, for example), I am breaking the law. Additionally, by breaking the law in another state through interstate commerce (i.e. telephony, the Internet, or the U.S. Mail) I have now committed a federal crime and the case comes under the jurisdiction of the FBI...

As far as I am aware, there are ten two-party states. I checked the link you posted and all the tapes they mention are for the state of California - a two party state. This essentially makes all the tape inadmissible in court as evidence. Presumably the "Traditional Values Coalition" knows this which is why they haven't tried to get anyone prosecuted and are attempting to sucker people like you into doing their work for them. Additionally, if any of these tapes were recorded out of state and ended up in the hands of the FBI, your friends at TVC would be looking at, at the very least, the loss of their precious tax exemption.

Pardon? I've given you 4 witnesses so far. Not including all the testimony I could dig up pretty easily from Docs that have left. It only takes a google search Z.
So how about doing one and coming up with a number? I'm quite willing to shoulder the burden of doing the statistical analysis, all you've got to do is come up with the number of abortion providers in the U.S...

That's much more simple to say than actually giving some info innit?
Speaking from experience, eh? ;)

Alright, so far we have more than one witness of more than one clinic doing more than one illegal activity and you have offered....?
Questions and inquiries. (And an occasional answer - see above). It's what I do... :)

The point being?
That these organizations provide valuable services to their communities. And like churches, I would suggest we shouldn't condemn them all because a few are below par in their processes.

They aren't needed, these "back allies with false fronts".
... in your opinion. You religionists would have more credibility if you'd clean up your own business before presuming to tell the rest of the world how to take care of their business. I hear a lot of talk about "changed lives", but don't see much of it at all... deal with your own abortion seeking people first. :doh:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

The state laws regarding recording of telephone conversations (i.e. "wire tapping") are either one-party or two-party laws (a few have "all parties, which includes the telephone company). In a state with a one-party law, only one party needs to consent to the recording for it to be legal. In a state with a two-party law, both parties need to be consenting otherwise the recorder is breaking the law.

It gets interesting when the call is interstate between states with differing laws. Case law has held, in this instance, that the more restrictive of the two laws is upheld.

Here's how it works. West Virginia, where I live, is a one-party state. So if I secretly record a call from my one-party state to neighboring two-party state (say Maryland, for example), I am breaking the law. Additionally, by breaking the law in another state through interstate commerce (i.e. telephony, the Internet, or the U.S. Mail) I have now committed a federal crime and the case comes under the jurisdiction of the FBI...

As far as I am aware, there are ten two-party states. I checked the link you posted and all the tapes they mention are for the state of California - a two party state. This essentially makes all the tape inadmissible in court as evidence. Presumably the "Traditional Values Coalition" knows this which is why they haven't tried to get anyone prosecuted and are attempting to sucker people like you into doing their work for them. Additionally, if any of these tapes were recorded out of state and ended up in the hands of the FBI, your friends at TVC would be looking at, at the very least, the loss of their precious tax exemption.

Thanks for the update, but that doesn't unsay anything on those tapes. You can always say they they are lying about what's on them and they staged them all of course. Made up all the names of the people, the clinics and the phone numbers they dialed. But you are fighting an uphill battle (with me at least) trying to make a taped conversation worse than telling an "underage girl" to "call back and don't tell us your age or the age of your boyfriend or we will have to report you".

So how about doing one and coming up with a number? I'm quite willing to shoulder the burden of doing the statistical analysis, all you've got to do is come up with the number of abortion providers in the U.S...

Try Google, it worked for me :)

Speaking from experience, eh? ;)

Well, ok...except the witnesses I've already provided.

Questions and inquiries. (And an occasional answer - see above). It's what I do... :)

Looks to me what you "do" is try to give outs to corrupt organizations.

That these organizations provide valuable services to their communities. And like churches, I would suggest we shouldn't condemn them all because a few are below par in their processes.

"Valuable services" provided by reputable physicians can be located in evey town/village/city one can locate an "ally with a false front".

... in your opinion. You religionists would have more credibility if you'd clean up your own business before presuming to tell the rest of the world how to take care of their business. I hear a lot of talk about "changed lives", but don't see much of it at all... deal with your own abortion seeking people first. :doh:

Zakath, I know you wanna bash a Christian whenever you get the opportunity. But let's keep this on topic. Or else we have to get into the Christians standing outside the clinics trying to change anyone's mind. And who started the abortion ball rolling to begin with. And who is pushing abortion now. And who screams the loudest when any dare to regulate any facet of it......


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Thanks for the update, but that doesn't unsay anything on those tapes.
Of course not.

You can always say they they are lying about what's on them and they staged them all of course. Made up all the names of the people, the clinics and the phone numbers they dialed.
I never said that, but it is an outside possibility that the entire thing was staged as a publicity stunt.

I think the idea that not a single prosecution arose from 800 alleged violations of state laws in almost 50 states says alot about the quality of the alleged "evidence".

Looks to me what you "do" is try to give outs to corrupt organizations.
What "organizations"? :think:

"Valuable services" provided by reputable physicians can be located in evey town/village/city one can locate an "ally with a false front".
Is that "ally" or "alley"?

Zakath, I know you wanna bash a Christian whenever you get the opportunity. But let's keep this on topic. Or else we have to get into the Christians standing outside the clinics trying to change anyone's mind. And who started the abortion ball rolling to begin with. And who is pushing abortion now. And who screams the loudest when any dare to regulate any facet of it......

Who started the abortion industry doesn't matter nearly so much as who patronizes it decade after decade, millions of abortions upon millions.

It's you Christians!

Your attempt at redirecting conversation is an excellent illustration of the "big lie" about the alleged regeneration of the Christian "new birth." If these people were regenerated, why are hundreds of thousands of them every year doing what you claim your deity says is an abominable act?

Because your god isn't stronger than human nature?

Because your devil's followers are more powerful than your god's?

Because your allegedly wondrous born again experience is honestly incapable of changing human hearts and minds?

It appears that your "new birth" is just another human philosophical abstraction unavailable to the vast majority of the human race - either that or your god has failed in his ultimate attempt at reconciliation and is content with the greater majority of his creation sliding into oblivion.

Face facts, Nineveh. In most cases, purchasers of abortion services are from the very group of people who whine the loudest about the illegitmacy of the act itself. I think your continual banging of the gong of sexual predation and "failing morals" is merely to distract people. You're fighting a losing battle to keep out of public knowledge the failure of your religion to bring about the changes it so loudly claims are part and parcel of your alleged religious experience.

Outsiders don't have to "bash" Christians. Nothing we could ever do compares with the job you do on yourselves. :chuckle:

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Like most people I am anti-abortion but pro-choice. What right do certain religious groups have to try and take away that choice?
WHy do you think murdering babies is OK?

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Can anyone name some Christian abortuaries?

And for those who are not defending abortion but still defending the ideas/concepts/laws/regulations involved therein, why are you doing so?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

Of course not.

I never said that, but it is an outside possibility that the entire thing was staged as a publicity stunt.

I think the idea that not a single prosecution arose from 800 alleged violations of state laws in almost 50 states says alot about the quality of the alleged "evidence".

And you know what would happen if there was publicity over these tapes? I rather think they would welcome it.

What "organizations"? :think:

Like plannedbarrenhood, in this instance?

Is that "ally" or "alley"?

: ... rolls eyes ... :

Who started the abortion industry doesn't matter nearly so much as who patronizes it decade after decade, millions of abortions upon millions.

And neither are the subject of this thread. Make your own.

Your attempt at redirecting conversation...

You mean like by talking about anything but the clinics that are breaking the law, for instance?

Oh! And thanks for the handy example :

is an excellent illustration of the "big lie" about the alleged regeneration of the Christian "new birth." If these people were regenerated, why are hundreds of thousands of them every year doing what you claim your deity says is an abominable act?

Because your god isn't stronger than human nature?

Because your devil's followers are more powerful than your god's?

Because your allegedly wondrous born again experience is honestly incapable of changing human hearts and minds?

It appears that your "new birth" is just another human philosophical abstraction unavailable to the vast majority of the human race - either that or your god has failed in his ultimate attempt at reconciliation and is content with the greater majority of his creation sliding into oblivion.

Face facts, Nineveh. In most cases, purchasers of abortion services are from the very group of people who whine the loudest about the illegitmacy of the act itself. I think your continual banging of the gong of sexual predation and "failing morals" is merely to distract people. You're fighting a losing battle to keep out of public knowledge the failure of your religion to bring about the changes it so loudly claims are part and parcel of your alleged religious experience.

Outsiders don't have to "bash" Christians. Nothing we could ever do compares with the job you do on yourselves. :chuckle:

Gee, Z, nothin' like providing your own example of being a hypocrite in the "redirecting the conversation" thing, good job!

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Given the choice, anything we can do to limit abortion is of course preferable. But you're not going to have public support for illegalization for a while. If the people DID want abortion to go away, Washington leadership would get it done.
They didn't run a poll at the Supreme Court when they rammed Roe vs. Wade down our collective throats in 1973. To hell with what the anyone thinks, moral clarity requires an end to legalized abortion. Not in ten!

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by PureX

The sad truth is, though, that a lot of idealogues would rather punish those who disagree with them then they actually want change things. This is why they're far more interested in passing laws that will allow them to punish people then they are in changing people's hearts and minds, and eliminating the desire for abortions.

Shall we wring our hands over the NOW crowd's disappointment that Roe v. Wade was overturned or celebrate the fact that abortion is no longer the law of the land?

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Like most people I am anti-abortion but pro-choice. What right do certain religious groups have to try and take away that choice?
You may say you are anti-abortion but your actions speak otherwise. If you were anti-abortion you would simply say abortion is wrong for everyone except to save the life of the mother.

If you say who am I to tell anyone what is right or wrong, you have crossed into the world of moral relativism. You are now speaking the language of Secular Humanism. Those who subscribe to the Judeo-Christian World View do not hesitate to point out right from wrong. Moral clarity and certainty springs from the Judeo-Christian World View.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

And you know what would happen if there was publicity over these tapes? I rather think they would welcome it.
Enyart tried to stir something up but either his audience is so small that no one cared or perhaps most people know more about running entrapment schemes over interstate telephone lines than you do...

You mean like by talking about anything but the clinics that are breaking the law, for instance?
We tried that, but you didn't want to do that.

Oh! And thanks for the handy example :
Glad to oblige... :thumb:

Gee, Z, nothin' like providing your own example of being a hypocrite in the "redirecting the conversation" thing, good job!
Ya gotta love "Christians", those folks who sponsor a debate forum then call people who show up to debate "hypocrites" when they don't agree with their pre-set positions.

I'm used to it. The irrationality and double standards are all part of TOL's quirky charm.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Why not get back on the topic?

It's not a Christian abortuary breaking the law here folks.
From my point of view, it doesn't matter what emblem a clinic hangs on its sign. If they have actually broken the law, they should be closed until either the problem is rectified or they go out of business.

Either way solves the problem of law breaking.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Murder is illegal in the US. All of it should be, with no partiality!