Inside Look at an Abortuary

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Zakath

... of which 70% describe themselves as Christians... Then revoke tax exemptions for churches and other non-profits and use the proceeds to hire enough inspectors...

:thumb: Case solved!

I prefer imposing a 20% atheist tax, assuming you guys actually work.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by On Fire

I prefer imposing a 20% atheist tax, assuming you guys actually work.
There's not enough of us in the population to make a difference in the tax revenues... you Christians, on the other hand, with your billions in untaxed real estate and scores of billions in untaxed income... :greedy:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

So you have hard evidence of three problem clinics out of how many thousands? :think:

I know half a dozen former Catholic clergymen. Would you take the word of six ex-Catholic priests that their whole system is not corrupted?

How many does it take Z? How many victimized kids do we need to know an organization or it's policies are corrupt?


Probably not.

How many witnesses would it take to convince you that what you "know" isn't so? Perhaps you see only what you wish to see...

It's the mounting evidence that is allowing me to "see" this isn't just one or two clinics. Why do you wish to ignore it?

For me, enough to make a statistically reliable sample.

Which would be? C'mon Z, give me a ballpark.

First, you need to know how many abortion providers there are in the U.S...

You ballparked thousands. Ballpark how many of them have to break a law before it's ok to say they are less than noble in practice.

It's not PP's job to police all the clinics in the country, only their own. It is the job of the local health departments to do so. It appears that they are not doing so, at least in that town.

Plannedbarrenhood threw a fit over SC even attempting to regulate "filthy facilities". That was a headline about 5 months ago or so.

Why do you suppose that might be? :think:

Because murdering babies is their goal. They don't seem to care about much of anything else.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

How many does it take Z? How many victimized kids do we need to know an organization or it's policies are corrupt?
How many abortion clinics who uphold the law of the land do you need to see before you believe they're not mostly like the two or three you've mentioned?

Seems a fair question...

It's the mounting evidence that is allowing me to "see" this isn't just one or two clinics. Why do you wish to ignore it?
How many clinics is it, Nineveh? "Give me a ballpark."


Which would be? C'mon Z, give me a ballpark.
Give me the total number of facilities providing abortion services in the US and I'll give it to you much closer than a "ballpark". It's only a simple matter of inferential statistics...

You ballparked thousands.
Nope. I never threw out any numbers (to keep up with the baseball metaphor). You're pulling that one out of your hat...

Ballpark how many of them have to break a law before it's ok to say they are less than noble in practice.
Just give me a number, oh knowledgable one. :ha:

Plannedbarrenhood threw a fit over SC even attempting to regulate "filthy facilities". That was a headline about 5 months ago or so.
If you say so... :rolleyes:

Because murdering babies is their goal. They don't seem to care about much of anything else.
Oh, perhaps you're ignoring all the other family planning and healthcare services they offer in addition to providing abortions at some of their facilities? Here's a partial list of non-abortion services provided by PP of Houston (the first one that popped up in google)...

  • Gyn exams
  • PAP tests
  • Laboratory tests
  • Birth control counseling and contraceptives
  • STI testing and treatment
  • Adoption referrals (yes PP does offer adoption referrals)
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling
  • Prenatal care
  • Vasectomy
  • Tubal ligation
  • Colposcopy
  • HIV/AIDS counseling and treatment
  • Mid-life counseling
  • Psychotherapy
  • Treatment of UTIs and Incontinence


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

How many abortion clinics who uphold the law of the land do you need to see before you believe they're not mostly like the two or three you've mentioned?

Seems a fair question...

Provide an example.

Here are more examples of "clinics" breaking the law.

How many clinics is it, Nineveh? "Give me a ballpark."


Give me the total number of facilities providing abortion services in the US and I'll give it to you much closer than a "ballpark". It's only a simple matter of inferential statistics...

Do you own homework, it's your argument.

Nope. I never threw out any numbers (to keep up with the baseball metaphor). You're pulling that one out of your hat...

You said "how many thousands". Sounds like a "ballparked" figure to me.

Just give me a number, oh knowledgable one. :ha:

Your argument, your homework. Try :)

If you say so... :rolleyes:

Oh, perhaps you're ignoring all the other family planning and healthcare services they offer in addition to providing abortions at some of their facilities? Here's a partial list of non-abortion services provided by PP of Houston (the first one that popped up in google)...

  • Gyn exams
  • PAP tests
  • Laboratory tests
  • Birth control counseling and contraceptives
  • STI testing and treatment
  • Adoption referrals (yes PP does offer adoption referrals)
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling
  • Prenatal care
  • Vasectomy
  • Tubal ligation
  • Colposcopy
  • HIV/AIDS counseling and treatment
  • Mid-life counseling
  • Psychotherapy
  • Treatment of UTIs and Incontinence

And which of those "good" services undoes their law breaking?

BTW... just about any GP or hospital offers those services, no need for plannedbarrenhood meatshops.


New member
Hall of Fame
Where there is demand, the market will meet it.

Unless you guys figure out a way to change hearts, and not just legislate your morality, abortions will continue to be performed, legal or not.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Where there is demand, the market will meet it.

Unless you guys figure out a way to change hearts, and not just legislate your morality, abortions will continue to be performed, legal or not.
Given the choice, I'd rather see a few idiots perform self-abortions than a law that allows babies to be murdered in so-called legitimate hospitals and clinics.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by On Fire

Given the choice, I'd rather see a few idiots perform self-abortions than a law that allows babies to be murdered in so-called legitimate hospitals and clinics.

Given the choice, anything we can do to limit abortion is of course preferable. But you're not going to have public support for illegalization for a while. If the people DID want abortion to go away, Washington leadership would get it done.


Well-known member
Originally posted by granite1010

Where there is demand, the market will meet it.

Unless you guys figure out a way to change hearts, and not just legislate your morality, abortions will continue to be performed, legal or not.
The sad truth is, though, that a lot of idealogues would rather punish those who disagree with them then they actually want change things. This is why they're far more interested in passing laws that will allow them to punish people then they are in changing people's hearts and minds, and eliminating the desire for abortions.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by PureX

The sad truth is, though, that a lot of idealogues would rather punish those who disagree with them then they actually want change things. This is why they're far more interested in passing laws that will allow them to punish people then they are in changing people's hearts and minds, and eliminating the desire for abortions.

When all else fails the church has repeatedly stamped its foot, run to Uncle Sam, and coerced the public. The minute the church realizes it can't get its way by playing nice, it throws a hissy fit.

The war on drugs and Prohibition come to mind...


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Provide an example.

Here are more examples of "clinics" breaking the law.
Yeah, I recall Enyart chortling about that one a few years back, at least till someone pointed out that what the group was doing was also illegal...

Do you own homework, it's your argument.
Nineveh's way of saying she's got a losing argument and needs to bail, fast... :rolleyes:

You said "how many thousands". Sounds like a "ballparked" figure to me.
You obviously don't understand the meaning of the term then...

Your argument, your homework. Try :)
Nineveh's way of saying she's got a losing argument and needs to bail, again... :rolleyes:

And which of those "good" services undoes their law breaking?
Which of those services are breaking the law? :think:

BTW... just about any GP or hospital offers those services, no need for plannedbarrenhood meatshops.
Then don't patronize them, and while you're at it, perhaps you could convince your fellow Christians to stop patronizing them. If most of their customers went away, most of the clinics would close down. Then you'd get what you want... but first you have to convince "your people" to stop using the clinics... :think:

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Uh...talking to the wrong guy, OF. So my birth state has some atheists running around. No offense, but big whoop.

No, I'm pretty sure you're the one who accussed THE CHURCH of throwing a hissy fit every time it can't get it's way playing nice. Now THAT'S a big blanket.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by On Fire

No, I'm pretty sure you're the one who accussed THE CHURCH of throwing a hissy fit every time it can't get it's way playing nice. Now THAT'S a big blanket.

But this happens to be true. Unless you can think of an exception where a) the church, once it held civic power, DIDN'T abuse it, or b) where the church--just in America, say--NEVER resorted to legislative pressure when it couldn't get its way.

You won't because you can't.

I do like Zak's suggestion: why doesn't the Christian community stop tolerating abortion in its own ranks and puts its money where its mouth is?:devil: