Inside Look at an Abortuary


Merely Christian
Police in New Jersey say an abortionist who flushed the remains of babies down toilets and tossed bloodied materials into garbage bins is now facing charges, just days after his receptionist was arrested for illegally performing terminations.

According to the Asbury Park Press, Dr. Flavius Thompson, 60, turned himself in at the Lakewood Police Department this week, and is accused of operating an abortion clinic without a license to process or store medical waste.

Thompson's office is at the Pleasant Women's Pavilion, a licensed abortion clinic, where a search warrant was executed last Saturday.

Officials say he's charged with violating the New Jersey Water Pollution Act by flushing "products of abortions" into the sanitary sewer.

The Press says Thompson also faces a charge of "dumping class-three regulated medical waste, mainly human blood products and items saturated, dripping or caked with human blood into the trash to be carted to a place not authorized to accept medical waste by the state Department of Environmental Protection."

The charges against Thompson come in the same week his receptionist was arrested for allegedly performing abortions without a license.

Liza Berdiel, 24, is accused of injecting abortion-inducing drugs into three patients. Prosecutors say she performed the abortions after-hours or when Thompson was not working. Both Berdiel and Thompson have been released by authorities pending future court dates.

"This investigation exposes some of the many abuses that occur daily inside the so-called 'safe and legal' abortion industry,'' Marie Tasy, executive director of New Jersey Right to Life, told cite

Before anyone says, "Well, that's just one "clinic"..." , note that last paragraph. This is just one that's been caught and charged.


New member
It's a sad comment on our twisted society.

Killing unborn children is considered to be less detrimental to society than polluting the water when disposing of their bodies.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Liza Berdiel, 24, is accused of injecting abortion-inducing drugs into three patients.
But a woman is allowed to take a birth control pill?:kookoo:

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Officials say he's charged with violating the New Jersey Water Pollution Act by flushing "products of abortions" into the sanitary sewer.

Gotta love the "political correctness" on that one. :rolleyes:


Resident Atheist
But the laws about proper disposal of human tissue and/or body parts are there to prevent the spread of disease. Public health laws like those have nothing to do with the practice of abortion.

On the other hand, I think that if that clinic (or any clinic) was violating one or more laws it should be shut down. Period.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Zakath

But the laws about proper disposal of human tissue and/or body parts are there to prevent the spread of disease. Public health laws like those have nothing to do with the practice of abortion.
Agreed, however, the arrest revealed the callous nature of the abortion industry in terms that the average Joe Blow can fully understand.

Posted by Zak:
On the other hand, I think that if that clinic (or any clinic) was violating one or more laws it should be shut down. Period.
Again we agree, this is an ominous trend... :noid:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Art Deco

Agreed, however, the arrest revealed the callous nature of the abortion industry in terms that the average Joe Blow can fully understand.
A single callous clinic operator can no more be said to be indicative of an entire industry than a single child-abusing churchman can be said to be indicative of the sexual proclivities of the entire church leadership...

Posted by Zak: Again we agree, this is an ominous trend... :noid:
One data point does not a trend make... but it does point out the need for inspections of the facilities (as well as pathology laboratories, hospitals, and other organizations that handle tissue) to ensure commpliance with local health codes.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

A single callous clinic operator can no more be said to be indicative of an entire industry....

I saw this remark coming a mile away.

Would you take the word of an ex clinic worker? These two? How many witnesses would it take to convince you this is more than just one clinic on either count (improper disposal and non liscence).

than a single child-abusing churchman can be said to be indicative of the sexual proclivities of the entire church leadership...

How many does it take?

One data point does not a trend make... but it does point out the need for inspections of the facilities (as well as pathology laboratories, hospitals, and other organizations that handle tissue) to ensure commpliance with local health codes.

I totally agree with you, it's plannedbarrenhood that needs convinced.


I hate the term "birth-control pill" as that is only one of that medicine's uses. (I know it's the most frequent use, but it isn't the only use.)


New member
I hate the term "birth-control pill" as that is only one of that medicine's uses. (I know it's the most frequent use, but it isn't the only use.)

I agree completely. I was originally put on one for medical reasons, at a rather early age. I hated being expected to explain why I was taking "birth control pills" when I went on things like school camps. Not that it was any of their business anyway.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Zakath

A single callous clinic operator can no more be said to be indicative of an entire industry than a single child-abusing churchman can be said to be indicative of the sexual proclivities of the entire church leadership...
Of course it is indicative of the entire industry, since the industry is based on the brutal murder of innocent babies in and out of the womb. How very clever to shift attention to sex in the church, and away from the steaming wickedness that passes for a lawful industry. :doh:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Crow

It's a sad comment on our twisted society.

Killing unborn children is considered to be less detrimental to society than polluting the water when disposing of their bodies.
You took thine words out of thine mouth.


New member
Hall of Fame
Dave Matthews's band dumps 800 pounds of human waste and everyone has a cow.

We turn infants into human waste and it's suddenly protected by the Constitution.


I dunno, just sounds like a "Twilight Zone" episode, or something...


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

I saw this remark coming a mile away.

Would you take the word of an ex clinic worker? These two? How many witnesses would it take to convince you this is more than just one clinic on either count (improper disposal and non liscence).
So you have hard evidence of three problem clinics out of how many thousands? :think:

I know half a dozen former Catholic clergymen. Would you take the word of six ex-Catholic priests that their whole system is not corrupted?


Probably not.

How many witnesses would it take to convince you that what you "know" isn't so? Perhaps you see only what you wish to see...

How many does it take?
For me, enough to make a statistically reliable sample.

First, you need to know how many abortion providers there are in the U.S...

I totally agree with you, it's plannedbarrenhood that needs convinced.
It's not PP's job to police all the clinics in the country, only their own. It is the job of the local health departments to do so. It appears that they are not doing so, at least in that town.

Why do you suppose that might be? :think:

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Zakath
It's not PP's job to police all the clinics in the country, only their own. It is the job of the local health departments to do so. It appears that they are not doing so, at least in that town.

Why do you suppose that might be? :think:
Because tens of thousands of wicked people are getting pregnant and choosing murder over responsibility thereby keeping these abortuaries in business and putting a strain on local health department workloads?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by On Fire

Because tens of thousands of wicked people are getting pregnant and choosing murder over responsibility thereby keeping these abortuaries in business and putting a strain on local health department workloads?

Is it reasonable to expect WICKED people to be RESPONSIBLE?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by On Fire

Because tens of thousands of wicked people are getting pregnant and choosing murder over responsibility...
... of which 70% describe themselves as Christians...
...thereby keeping these abortuaries in business and putting a strain on local health department workloads?
Then revoke tax exemptions for churches and other non-profits and use the proceeds to hire enough inspectors...

:thumb: Case solved!