That very well may be so but, Trump is none of the above. What seems to escape the American socialist left is that Trump has delivered on exactly what he promised the voters he would do, I understand that he is hated for taking a wrecking ball to the Washington globalist cabal which encompasses members of both parties...or it did, the RINO's & those that have ignored their voters are slowly being weeded out, and good riddance! You can hate the man for supporting everything you hate but, understand that he was elected to do exactly what he has been doing...listening to the voters...what a concept :idea:.
What we saw happen across the pond this week is more of the same, the voters wanted BREXIT, they voted for it, and now they have delivered a landslide conservative majority to restore liberty & soveriegnty to the UK whether the globalist lefty socialists like it or is a good thing. The point being, Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime were disliked by those of us on the right.