Impeaching Donald Trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The only positive aspect of this fake presidency is that karma will eventually come calling for the enablers aka the GOP. They can never again claim to be the party of *family values*.

I know you believe this, looking through the only lens you have, the lens of hatred

What you will never admit is that the best way to keep a family strong is financial stability

and trump wins on that one

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The impeachment of Trump is backfiring big time on the Democrat Party. They will lose control of the House in 2020, leaving Trump with both houses of Congress. And after 2020 he will fill at least one more seat on the Supreme Court with a Justice who will not legislate from the bench.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Con artist, thieves and drug lords win on that one too.

That very well may be so but, Trump is none of the above. What seems to escape the American socialist left is that Trump has delivered on exactly what he promised the voters he would do, I understand that he is hated for taking a wrecking ball to the Washington globalist cabal which encompasses members of both parties...or it did, the RINO's & those that have ignored their voters are slowly being weeded out, and good riddance! You can hate the man for supporting everything you hate but, understand that he was elected to do exactly what he has been doing...listening to the voters...what a concept :idea:.

What we saw happen across the pond this week is more of the same, the voters wanted BREXIT, they voted for it, and now they have delivered a landslide conservative majority to restore liberty & soveriegnty to the UK whether the globalist lefty socialists like it or is a good thing. The point being, Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime were disliked by those of us on the right.

Gary K

New member
That very well may be so but, Trump is none of the above. What seems to escape the American socialist left is that Trump has delivered on exactly what he promised the voters he would do, I understand that he is hated for taking a wrecking ball to the Washington globalist cabal which encompasses members of both parties...or it did, the RINO's & those that have ignored their voters are slowly being weeded out, and good riddance! You can hate the man for supporting everything you hate but, understand that he was elected to do exactly what he has been doing...listening to the voters...what a concept :idea:.

What we saw happen across the pond this week is more of the same, the voters wanted BREXIT, they voted for it, and now they have delivered a landslide conservative majority to restore liberty & soveriegnty to the UK whether the globalist lefty socialists like it or is a good thing. The point being, Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime were disliked by those of us on the right.

I don't believe conservatives displayed anywhere near the hatred of Obama that the left displays on an almost daily basis for Trump and the people that voted him into office. The volume of death threats, the actions of antifa, the violence against Trump voters, the media's support of all that and their own calls for violence against Trump and conservatives by the left was nowhere to be found against the Obama administration by conservatives. Can you imagine the screams from the left if a conservative drama group had acted out the stabbing to death of Obama which the mockingbird media, the Democrat politicians, Hollywood, and way too many Democrat voters thought was a good thing to do when Trump got elected? I see many levels of greater hate from the left that the right didn't even consider. The main response from the right was the criticism of Obama's policies, his lying, and his rush to judgment whenever he saw a chance to cry racism, or criticize the police, long before the facts of many events were known.

The fact that conservatives in the UK voted out the socialists is a really big thing considering the media there is just as corrupt, and biased against anything that opposes socialism, as the media here. Plus George Soros put a lot of money into the anti-Brexit campaign. He funded multiple activists groups there to oppose Brexit. He used his money here too opposing anything that opposes socialism.

The people of the UK really took heart at seeing the changes coming here. That ought to spur us on to insisting on more changes, such as enforcing the Constitution once more. I think it will create a loop that keeps on encouraging the destruction of the lawless politicians in both nations.


Well-known member
I don't believe conservatives displayed anywhere near the hatred of Obama that the left displays on an almost daily basis for Trump and the people that voted him into office.
You're right, but that's what RocketMan said: we disliked Obama and the left HATES Trump. We aren't reactionary children like most leftists are. We are way more mature and apparently much wiser.

Gary K

New member
You're right, but that's what RocketMan said: we disliked Obama and the left HATES Trump. We aren't reactionary children like most leftists are. We are way more mature and apparently much wiser.

I don't read rocketman's words that way.
Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime were disliked by those of us on the right.
He's making an equivalency between the dislike of the left and the right in how they each view the other side's president. It would probably be a lot clearer if he hadn't forgotten the closing comma after his descriptive phrase--and his corrupt regime. I noticed that because I'm guilty of doing that sometimes too. And leaving out that closing comma tends to blur the meaning of the sentence.

Here's his sentence with the comma inserted: Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime, were disliked by those of us on the right.


Here's his sentence with the comma inserted: Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime, were disliked by those of us on the right.

Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime, were disliked by those of us on the right.

It's all in the emphasis.....or lack thereof.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So what! This whole impeachment effort by one party in the House is backfiring big time on the Democrats.

In CNN's new national poll, 45% of Americans say that President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. That's down from 50% who said the same in CNN polls in October and November.

The so-called evidence presented by the Democrats is so weak that CNN's own polls show that support for impeachment has declined by 5% since the House Democrats tried to prove that Trump should be impeached.

This, coupled with the evidence that Obama's FBI abused the Civil Rights of Cater Page in their effort to illegally spy on the Trump campaign will lead to an overwhelming victory for the Republicans in the 2020 election!

Gary K

New member
Trump is a rabid self promoter and from comments like this one it seems he's herded his sheeple quite well.... I'll give him that.
But has he tended to them very well? Let's see:

It seems like you're constantly proving to be fact resistant. Facts bounce off you like water runs off a duck.

You look at what Trump has accomplished against a rabid Democrat party and a mockingbird media that the Democrats use to trumpet their message on a daily basis, as well has how much the Republicans in Congress have worked against him, and Trump is a miracle worker. He's gotten a lot accomplished despite being ambushed again and again by Republicans. If they had actually worked with Trump he would have been able to keep all his campaign promises. But swamps do what swamps do. They act without any sense of integrity.

You guys ought to be really worried because your propaganda arm has been sending out your lies for years and people aren't listening to them any more. They've gotten wise to the shell game between the media and the Democrats. No matter what kind of misinformation you democrats and the media keep trumpeting Trump is growing in popularity and is now more trusted than when you fools began your campaign of slander and innuendo.

Gary K

New member
Trump is a rabid self promoter and from comments like this one it seems he's herded his sheeple quite well.... I'll give him that.
But has he tended to them very well? Let's see:

Politifact is a left wing organization. Of course they are going to say bad things about Trump. They get $200,000 a year from Democracy Fund which was established by Pierre Omidyar. He funds some of the same organizations George Soros funds and also funds many other far left projects and organizations. He funds "The Intercept" a far left web site. He has been called just as dangerous as George Soros for Omidyar is also a billionaire as he founded EBay and uses his money to fund left wing political organizations.

Politifact was purchased in 2018 by the Poynter Institute. Here's a link to those who fund the Poynter Institute.

It's a long list of left-wing organizations.

Yeah, Politifact knows it's sheeple very well. They tell you what to think of just about everyone and everything.

Gary K

New member
Trump is no less despised by the American left than Obama, and his corrupt regime, were disliked by those of us on the right.

It's all in the emphasis.....or lack thereof.

LOL. Now I understand at least part of what your comprehension problem is. You don't understand the rules of English grammar. According to the rules of English grammar the "his" that you emphasized can only refer back to the proper name just preceding it. Therefore, "his" can only refer to Obama.


like marbles on glass
Yep. Grabbing another cup of coffee as I enjoy the awesomeness of this *historic* event. ... :cloud9:

Republicans slowing down the process of impeachment today by motions to adjourn, but they can't stop it, reminding me that the significance of the American people voting so many Democrats into the House in 2018 can't be overstated.

I'll be watching as much as possible, I've got relatives arriving for the holidays and I still have a lot to do to be ready. (I'm quite good at procrastinating...)


Hall of Fame
Republicans slowing down the process of impeachment today by motions to adjourn, but they can't stop it, reminding me that the significance of the American people voting so many Democrats into the House in 2018 can't be overstated.

Their *objections* are pathetic, purely partisan-based and hypocritical. Like no one remembers when the GOP based an impeachment on an extramarital affair ...:shocked:


like marbles on glass
Rep. Tom Cole complaining that all witnesses/information were not allowed to be submitted. Apparently he's forgotten how many witnesses and information Trump blocked from admitting into the record...


like marbles on glass
Liz Cheney: "the impeachment of a 'duly-elected president'"

:chuckle: Not the first time I've heard this, defining impeachment in such a way as to make it seem like the impeachment process is the illness rather than the prescription.