Impeaching Donald Trump

The Barbarian


CURL: Impeachment Inquiry Changes No Minds As Fake News Flourishes

President Trump is being impeached by Democrats, who control the House of Representatives. And after three days of contentious testimony — with breathless headlines deemed BREAKING! every five minutes — you know how many minds have been changed?

Since October, there's been a gradual increase in the number of people favoring impeachment. But it's been almost entirely independents and moderate democrats.

There's a tiny increase in the number of republicans calling for his removal. But without those independents, Trump has no hope of winning the election.

He needs to do something soon.



New member
Since October, there's been a gradual increase in the number of people favoring impeachment. But it's been almost entirely independents and moderate democrats.

There's a tiny increase in the number of republicans calling for his removal. But without those independents, Trump has no hope of winning the election.

He needs to do something soon.

The Democrats are making it more certain that Trump will be reelected.

Trump approval ticks up amid impeachment battle: Gallup

President Trump’s approval rating ticked back up amid the public impeachment battle, a poll released Wednesday found.

A Gallup poll found 43 percent of respondents supported Trump’s performance, 2 percentage points more than the end of October poll. The disapproval rating of the president dropped to 54 percent from 57 percent in the previous poll.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What should be emphasized at every opportunity is that Trump was justified in investigating VPOTUS Joe Biden accepting a 3 miilion dollar bribe and laundering it through his crackhead son

The Barbarian

The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows the following today:

For impeachment and removal of Donald Trump:
Economist/YouGov 11/17 - 11/19 49 yes 42 no +7 impeach and remove

Politico/Morning Consult 11/15 - 11/17 47 yes 44 no +3 impeach and remove

NPR/PBS/Marist* 11/11 - 11/15 47 yes 47 no tie

Gallup began polling 11/1 and ended 11/14, before the revelations of the direct witnesses in public hearings.

Notice that this is not the percentage of people who think Trump should be investigated; it's the percentage of people who think he should be impeached and removed from office. Obviously, the public hearings are having an effect.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows the following today:

For impeachment and removal of Donald Trump:
Economist/YouGov 11/17 - 11/19 49 yes 42 no +7 impeach and remove

Politico/Morning Consult 11/15 - 11/17 47 yes 44 no +3 impeach and remove

NPR/PBS/Marist* 11/11 - 11/15 47 yes 47 no tie

Gallup began polling 11/1 and ended 11/14, before the revelations of the direct witnesses in public hearings.

Notice that this is not the percentage of people who think Trump should be investigated; it's the percentage of people who think he should be impeached and removed from office. Obviously, the public hearings are having an effect.

I wonder how the numbers would change if those surveyed understood that removal from office will never happen

Child of God

How did we EVERY get a President whose Greatest line was "You are Fired"?

I will tell you, Hillary Rigged the Primaries to get HER as the Primary, she was was not, and it was RIGGED.

If there is a Hell Hilary will go to Hell, for rigging the Primaries.

How much else she has to go to Hell is not on me, she died this to me.
Berney should have been the Candidate, and he would have beaten Trump.


Trump is entirely Hilary's Fought.


like marbles on glass
"The House Committee on the Judiciary is introducing two articles of impeachment, charging the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, with committing high crimes and misdemeanors."

We do not take this action lightly. But we have taken an oath to defend the Constitution. And unlike Pres. Trump, we understand that our duty first and foremost is to protect the Constitution and to protect the interests of the American people."


like marbles on glass
From The American Conservative:

The Case For Impeachment Is Overwhelming

The case for Trump’s impeachment seemed quite strong more than two months ago, and the evidence provided to the House’s impeachment inquiry has strengthened it further. The president’s abuse of power is not in dispute. It is clear that he used the powers of his office in an attempt to extract a corrupt favor for his personal benefit, and this is precisely the sort of offense that impeachment was designed to keep in check. It doesn’t matter if the attempt succeeded. All that matters is that the attempt was made. It is also undeniable that he has sought to impede the investigation into his misconduct. The president has committed the offenses he is accused of committing, and the House should approve both articles of impeachment.

The president doesn’t have a credible line of defense left. That is why his apologists in Congress and elsewhere have been reduced to making increasingly absurd and desperate claims. The president’s defenders want to distract attention from the fact that the president abused his power, violated the public’s trust, and broke his oath of office, but these distractions are irrelevant.

The central question at the heart of this matter has always been whether we will tolerate the president corruptly using the powers of his office for personal benefit. The president’s defenders have answered loudly that they will tolerate corruption of the presidency. If we have any respect left for the Constitution and the rule of law, it is imperative that the president is not allowed to escape without facing serious consequences for his abuses. This is important not only to hold the current president in check, but it is also necessary to warn future presidents that such corruption will not be permitted to flourish.

Members of the House have been given a simple test of their fidelity to the Constitution. Are they enablers of presidential abuse of power and corruption, or will they do what their oaths of office require of them and hold a corrupt president in check?

Gary K

New member
From The American Conservative:

The Case For Impeachment Is Overwhelming

The case for Trump’s impeachment seemed quite strong more than two months ago, and the evidence provided to the House’s impeachment inquiry has strengthened it further. The president’s abuse of power is not in dispute. It is clear that he used the powers of his office in an attempt to extract a corrupt favor for his personal benefit, and this is precisely the sort of offense that impeachment was designed to keep in check. It doesn’t matter if the attempt succeeded. All that matters is that the attempt was made. It is also undeniable that he has sought to impede the investigation into his misconduct. The president has committed the offenses he is accused of committing, and the House should approve both articles of impeachment.

The president doesn’t have a credible line of defense left. That is why his apologists in Congress and elsewhere have been reduced to making increasingly absurd and desperate claims. The president’s defenders want to distract attention from the fact that the president abused his power, violated the public’s trust, and broke his oath of office, but these distractions are irrelevant.

The central question at the heart of this matter has always been whether we will tolerate the president corruptly using the powers of his office for personal benefit. The president’s defenders have answered loudly that they will tolerate corruption of the presidency. If we have any respect left for the Constitution and the rule of law, it is imperative that the president is not allowed to escape without facing serious consequences for his abuses. This is important not only to hold the current president in check, but it is also necessary to warn future presidents that such corruption will not be permitted to flourish.

Members of the House have been given a simple test of their fidelity to the Constitution. Are they enablers of presidential abuse of power and corruption, or will they do what their oaths of office require of them and hold a corrupt president in check?

This article is a major news flash: Never-Trumpers hate Donald Trump. Who would have ever guessed that? It couldn't be possible, could it?


like marbles on glass
CHAIRMAN ADAM SCHIFF: You've been asked to opine on the meaning of the term bribery, although you weren't asked to opine on the terms high crimes and misdemeanors. Bribery, for those at home, is the conditioning of official acts an exchange for something of personal value. The official acts we are talking about here are a White House meeting that President Zelinsky desperately sought and was deeply important to this country at war with Russia, to show the United States had this new president's back. That meeting was important, that meeting is an official act. The military assistance is even more significant, because Ukrainians are dying every day in their war with Russia. And so the withholding of military assistance to get these investigations, which you now have acknowledged Ambassador Volker, was wrong, the president to request, the idea of withholding that military aid to get these political investigations, should be anathema, repugnant to every American. Because it means the sacrifice, not just of Ukrainian national security, but American national security, for the interests of the president personally and politically.

Now, my Republican colleagues all seem to be upset about with this, is not that the president sought investigation of his political rival, not that he withheld a White House meeting and $400 million in aid we all passed on a bipartisan basis to pressure Ukraine to do these investigations. Their objection is that he got caught!

Their objection is that someone blew the whistle, and they would like this whistleblower identified! The president wants this whistleblower PUNISHED! THAT'S their objection, not that the president engaged in this conduct, but that he got caught! Their defense is, "Well, he ended up releasing the aid. Yes, AFTER HE GOT CAUGHT! It doesn't make this any less odious.

Americans may be watching this and asking, why should the United States care about Ukraine? Why should we care about Ukraine? And this was the import of the conversation in that Kyiv restaurant with Gordon Sondland holding the phone away from his head, because the president was talking so loud, what does the president ask in that call, a day after that now infamous call he had with Zelinsky, what is it he asked on that cell phone call? Not whether they had passed some new anti-corruption reform, no, are the Ukranians going to do the investigation. Meaning into Biden. And Sondland's answer is, they're going to do it. They'll do essentially anything the president wants. What's more telling is I think the conversation with Sondland has with Foreign Service officer Holmes afterwards, in which the president says that, basically, Donald Trump does not give an expletive about Ukraine. He cares about the big things. Mr. Holmes says, well, Ukraine's at war with the Russians, that's kind of a big thing. And Sondland's answer is, no, he cares about big things that affect his personal interests.

This is why Americans should care about this. Americans should care about what happened to our allies, who dies. Americans should care about their own national security, and their own president and their own constitution, and they will need to ask themselves, as we will have to ask ourselves in Congress, are we prepared to accept that the President of the United States can leverage official acts of military assistance, White House meetings to get an investigation of a political rival? Are we prepared to say, well, I get that's just what we should expect of a president of the United States? I don't think we want to go there. I don't think our founding fathers would have wanted us to go there. Indeed, I think when the founding fathers provided a remedy, that remedy being impeachment, they had a very concern that the president made may betray the national security interests of the country for personal interests. They put that remedy in the constitution, not because they wanted to willy-nilly, overturn elections, no, no but because they wanted a powerful anti-corruption mechanism when that corruption came from the highest office in the land.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
This absolute abortion of an impeachment is laughable at best, I am soooooooo enjoying the show as the libtards tear their party apart at the seams with this fools errand, there is no good ending for them :rotfl:. The polls are all showing the president's approval ratings keep going higher, republican donor monies keep going up, democrats have lost most, if not all of the independent vote...yep, it is all coming up roses :chuckle:. Next step...we will see if the democrats in swing districts will vote to commit political suicide, and vote with the party, or save their collective butts by voting against this baseless impeachment proposition. IF it manages to pass it goes to the senate where it will either be quickly dismissed given no law has been broken, nor has any charge they have made been proven to any degree, except for the crime of hurting the feelings of libtards collectively :chuckle: other than that they have absolutely nothing to assert, OR this could go the other way where senate leadership decides to let the democrats own this action politically by dragging this out for the long haul, exonerating the president by, calling witness' such as Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, amongst others, calling the elusive whistleblower, and no, there is not any lawful protection that any whistleblower has from being identified publicly, or being required to testify. Personally I want to see the latter, I say drag this thing out, get it all out there , including the entire Ukrainian/Biden corruption either case the president is not removed. In the end Trump goes on to win a second term, and the republicans take back the house given that the democrats haven't done squat for the American people for two years but, manufacture faux scandals, and waste all Americans time & money in this endeavor. The end result for the democrats is that they have accomplished nothing, in fact they have went backwards, lost political ground with this nonsense, and they have solidified in the minds of a majority of Americans that the democrat party is unfit to govern. Meanwhile Trump has delivered the best economy this country has ever seen, put people back to work, has bolstered wages for the working class across the board at an average of 3% per year under this president, the trade imbalances & downright theft with China, & Europe are finally being addressed, NATO partners are finally being forced to support their own defense, ISIS has been demolished, the wall is being built slowly but, it is getting done, the illegal immigrant caravans have stopped even with democrats refusal to address the illegal immigration problem...this is just a short list of promises that were made to the American people & delivered, even while the democrats have wasted two years, instead of working for the American people. People vote with their wallets, and you can be sure that Trump will be taking his second term by a landslide...MAGA :FrankiE:


like marbles on glass
t's been almost impossible to watch the Republican temper tantrums during the hearings, but maybe that's their aim? There's only one audience member they care about (hint: the one who sent 123 tweets/retweets in one day which is probably killing his staff because how can they explain why he has so much time on his hands...).

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
No one who testified before the House Intelligence Committee was able to name even one crime which they could attribute to Trump.

But that does not matter to those who continue to defend those who spied on the Trump campaign! They care nothing about civil rights!


Hall of Fame
t's been almost impossible to watch the Republican temper tantrums during the hearings, but maybe that's their aim? There's only one audience member they care about (hint: the one who sent 123 tweets/retweets in one day which is probably killing his staff because how can they explain why he has so much time on his hands...).

The only positive aspect of this fake presidency is that karma will eventually come calling for the enablers aka the GOP. They can never again claim to be the party of *family values*.