If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church


Literal lunatic
Haven't read them. Have you?

Nope, just his revelation unveiled launch pad for the Left Behind series.

Course he has books written in the 60's which was in the churches who have taught you Dispensationism.

SOOOO, let's just say you should have applied that to those who taught you.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Once upon a time, in the 16th century A.D., some prideful and arrogant men denied and rejected that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself---and against which he declared that the powers of death would never prevail (Mt. 16:18)---and invented their own doctrines and sects based upon their personal, subjective, and entirely non-authoritative reading of the Bible. Since then, tens-of-thousands of competing and contradictory man-made non-Catholic sects have been concocted, categorically violating the will and plan of God, and implicitly claiming that Jesus Christ himself is a liar. The end.

Not a very happy story, is it.

Gaudium de veritate,


The Bible does not say anything about a church in Rome.

Seeing how the Bible is God's book, woudn't you think that there would be some little thing about a church in Rome?


New member
The Bible does not say anything about a church in Rome.

Seeing how the Bible is God's book, woudn't you think that there would be some little thing about a church in Rome?

Um..actually it does.
Rev 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

The church in this great city loses the bridegroom because she refused to repent of her apostasy.


New member
Once upon a time, in the 16th century A.D., some prideful and arrogant men denied and rejected that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself---and against which he declared that the powers of death would never prevail (Mt. 16:18)---and invented their own doctrines and sects based upon their personal, subjective, and entirely non-authoritative reading of the Bible.

I would like to present an alternative version of the story. Once upon a time there were men who saw that the power of death had prevailed upon the only church they knew, and had taught them to kill others who did not believe as them. They were tired of all the killing and persecution, and began to translate the scriptures into a language they could read, and found that the scriptures did not teach what the church was teaching, but taught them to love their enemies and teach them. So they tried to introduce reforms into the church in order to make the church more like Christ, but were forced to run for their very lives or be captured, prosecuted as heretics, and probably tortured to death.
Since then, tens-of-thousands of competing and contradictory man-made non-Catholic sects have been concocted, categorically violating the will and plan of God, and implicitly claiming that Jesus Christ himself is a liar. The end.
Though the intent of these men was to reintroduce the true worship of God, and the true forgiveness of sins through his Son rather than by buying indulgences or visiting their local priest, they no longer knew the structure of the original church, so they went back as far as they could in the record to restore the original versions of the scriptures as best they could, and the "original" structure of the church. Unfortunately, the Nicene council did not represent the original structure of the church, but simply what was left after 3 centuries of persecution and underground worship. So they ended up being the daughters of this church rather than a restoration sanctioned by God.

Not a very happy story, is it.
That I agree with. Not a happy story at all. Men went through a lot of false teachings and persecution because of all the doctrines of men introduced over the millenia since Christ.


New member
If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church

You may have an aversion to the Roman Catholic Church, don't want to go there, heard so many odd and unkosher sounding things about it..

But you will nonetheless be led there b/c that is part of Christendom...

Been there, done that. While I believe many Catholics are good people, and often better people than Protestants, that does not mean they represent the true church of God. While I believe the Jesuits gave me a good education, I must say I never particularly felt "the spirit" in the teachings of the Catholic church.

and if you study history of the Church (from reliable sources) you will learn more and more about this historic Church, THE Church... (but you don't believe that yet) and you will learn more and more and

never, ever go back.
Yep, the more I learned on my own, the more I realized that the Catholic church took in the things of pagan religion in its effort to gain converts to Christianity until she no longer resembled the early church of The Way of Christ. From the time the bishop of Rome decided to accept the title of the pontifex maximus or chief of the Roman pagan college of pontiffs later held by the emperors, she had gone the way of earthly kings, and ruled according to men, rather than according to God....
The night had indeed arrived in which Jesus had said men could do no work, and it had only taken a few hundred years. But that is what happens when men on earth squabble over thrones and mitres. They still do not realize that the heavens do rule and not men on earth.


New member
I would like to present an alternative version of the story. Once upon a time there were men who saw that the power of death had prevailed upon the only church they knew...
Jesus Christ founded only one "Church" (Mt. 16:18; 1 Tim. 3:15)---not "churchES." Thus, if the powers of death did indeed prevail against Christ's one historic Church, Jesus must have been a liar (Prov. 19:5). Your assumption here has devastating consequences which simply cannot be avoided.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Jesus Christ founded only one "Church" (Mt. 16:18; 1 Tim. 3:15)---not "churchES." Thus, if the powers of death did indeed prevail against Christ's one historic Church, Jesus must have been a liar (Prov. 19:5). Your assumption here has devastating consequences which simply cannot be avoided.

I don't see the kingdom Christ was talking about as being a temporal, earthly church. Indeed, He said my kingdom is not of this world. Further, the stone that was symbolized in Peter was the stone of revelation - hence the priests and elders of the church represented the stone - thus led men to the stone of Israel and the rock of our salvation. So have the gates of hell prevailed against His revelation? I say, no it hasn't. Even though Satan infiltrated His earthly church, it was all according to prophecy. You should rejoice that you live in this day and age when the truth is available in its fulness once again and the times of the restitution of all things is at hand as was prophesied in The Acts, and that the stone which smites the image is going forth. For such is the kingdom of God. You have a great opportunity to embrace more truth.


New member
I don't see the kingdom Christ was talking about as being a temporal, earthly church. Indeed, He said my kingdom is not of this world. Further, the stone that was symbolized in Peter was the stone of revelation - hence the priests and elders of the church represented the stone - thus led men to the stone of Israel and the rock of our salvation.
Categorically refuted here and here.


No, I was agreeing with your point, that the "Catholic Church is the Church, not any other denomination."*

*Note, however, that the Catholic Church does not actually qualify as a "denomination" since it is the original Church founded by Christ, and all denominations therefore derive from it.

I did not say RCC is the church.


New member
Categorically refuted here and here.

What He was saying is that my kingdom will be built upon prophecy and revelation that the gates of hell shall not defeat. As a stone of revelation Peter was prophesied to die in glory to the Father - a truth your church has lost, rather trying to emphasize a temporal tie to the authority of Peter. You can link to any other sites you want, but cannot refute this truth.


New member
What He was saying is that my kingdom will be built upon prophecy and revelation that the gates of hell shall not defeat. As a stone of revelation Peter was prophesied to die in glory to the Father - a truth your church has lost, rather trying to emphasize a temporal tie to the authority of Peter. You can link to any other sites you want, but cannot refute this truth.
Post #37