Ever heard of origami?
Nobody makes a conscious choice as to their sexual orientation ...
A better explanation would be sin and repentance. But that's what the thread title was trying to get us to think about.It was easy to explain the thread title.
So easy.
had nothing to do with Cambodia, China, Russia, Rwanda ....
Evil is man's default setting
The default setting of human beings is general compliance to societal boundaries and guidelines.
... and when the societal boundaries and guidelines told the Volksgemeinschaft that the life of the Jew was without value and must be exterminated, they were happy to be compliant ...
... your silly, reductionist intro about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
In any population there is a subset of individuals who have little to no capacity for empathy or compassion, or awareness of harm caused to others. This group represents roughly 5% of the population and are known as sociopaths and psychopaths.
as the Stanford Prison Experiment shows, it only takes six days to change that to 30%
No. That would be a sociopath sir.
in what way is "and when the societal boundaries and guidelines told the Volksgemeinschaft that the life of the Jew was without value and must be exterminated, they were happy to be compliant" silly or reductionist?
I strongly recommend https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Men-.../dp/0060995068
... The majority of the German population were not “happy to be compliant” ...
The majority of Germans made a decision to merely survive ...
com·pli·ant /kəmˈplīənt/ adjective: compliant
How Hitler Won Over the German People There were still many Germans who were skeptical of Hitler when he became chancellor in 1933. But Führer propaganda and military success soon turned him into an idol. The adulation helped make the Third Reich catastrophe possible. ..... Much suggests, in fact, that between the death of Hindenburg in August 1934 and the expansion into Austria and the Sudetenland four years later Hitler was indeed successful in gaining the backing of the vast majority of the German people, something of immeasurable importance for the disastrous course of German policy ahead. Apart perhaps from the immediate aftermath of the astonishing victory in France in summer 1940, Hitler's popularity was never higher than at the height of his foreign-policy successes in 1938. https://www.spiegel.de/international...-a-531909.html |
[h=2]If one is "born gay" how do you explain ex-gays?[/h]
Where is the credible evidence from reputable scientific and medical sources that "ex-gays" even exist!
Can "ex-gays" and "ex-straights" even exist!
from der spiegel
How Hitler Won Over the German People
There were still many Germans who were skeptical of Hitler when he became chancellor in 1933. But Führer propaganda and military success soon turned him into an idol. The adulation helped make the Third Reich catastrophe possible.
Much suggests, in fact, that between the death of Hindenburg in August 1934 and the expansion into Austria and the Sudetenland four years later Hitler was indeed successful in gaining the backing of the vast majority of the German people, something of immeasurable importance for the disastrous course of German policy ahead. Apart perhaps from the immediate aftermath of the astonishing victory in France in summer 1940, Hitler's popularity was never higher than at the height of his foreign-policy successes in 1938.