Your 'standard' has nothing to do with procreation. It is just about who is gay and who is straight and your desire to justify your own prejudice.
I feel I was unduly harsh...sorry...yet I'm still pleased I wasn't brought up catholic, close though...AnglicanWhile many of my personal attributes are no doubt pitiable, I am certain my marriage is not among them.
Incorrect. It has much to do with procreation.
I feel I was unduly harsh...sorry...yet I'm still pleased I wasn't brought up catholic, close though...Anglican
They still become one flesh, infertility notwithstanding.But you said: "If a sexual act is intrinsically opposed to either the unitive or procreative aspect of sex, then the act is immoral."
An infertile couple can't be procreative by definition so if a heterosexual couple is infertile, say because of a hysterectomy, than any sex that couple has would be immoral and "just for the sake of personal, physical gratification." Right?
You made the claim that the law was divided into parts.
You were the one who couldn't provide biblical support for your claim.
Are you adult enough to acknowledge you were wrong?
They still become one flesh, infertility notwithstanding.
I supported my claim.
Maybe you have a reading comprehension problem?
She answered you sufficiently :yawn:I asked if you could cite chapter and verse that says the law was split into ritual, ceremonial and moral parts?
You responded:
and you then included a list of laws that you put into arbitrary categories.
I asked if you could cite chapter and verse that says the law was split into ritual, ceremonial and moral parts?
You responded:
and you then included a list of laws that you put into arbitrary categories.
She answered you sufficiently :yawn:
generally accepted = arbitrary.Response: "no."
Not a false claim, irregardless of the following "arbitrary" categories (which were not mine but are generally accepted).
But suit yourself. Neither my heart, my conscience nor my Father condemn me.
And let's take this issue of trust. You say trust in yourself, the flawed, puny creature, the spiritually unregenerate, without the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit in your lives. You're so wise in your own eyes, for your few, what, decades of experience, that you can afford to dismiss eternal God's wisdom, who was from before the ages? You're advocating going to battle in this life without any armor, unarmed, again, with a target on your back, saying you'll just do without God, who by His power made the vast universe and has power over all things living. You'll go up against the armies of Satan, in the spiritual realm and his operatives in the flesh, with a slingshot, and while at enmity with Almighty God?!
The question would be why on earth should anybody trust you, given this huge lapse in judgment? You're an accident waiting to happen, then it's off to hellfire, and you're apparantly so twisted blind to be oblivious to the very real danger you're in. I'd say the real issue of trust involves whether a person trusts the right or the wrong things. This trusting in yourself thing will end very badly, and, of course, I'd not trust you, as a matter of fact, for these good reasons. So, maybe trust isn't your forte in the dictionary of understanding, with you trusting in all the wrong things that lead to crash and burn, for you to be speaking proactively of trust, in the first place?
And I never said trust me. Quit with such sophomoric copouts and pickup a Bible, learn what God has to say, which is the only opinion that counts, now, or a million years from now. I'd recommend the gospel according to John, and then the book of Romans, slowly and thoughtfully read, in a translation that reads well for you.
Again, self-convincing diatribes such as this offer no compelling evidence to accept the verity of word wrought from self-imposed debauchery. If and until you come the realization that within the character of self (yourself) lies the very embodied nature of that which you're so desperately and futilely seeking to insulate (armor) yourself from, there exists no persuasive discourse for trusting such an individual who's oh so righteously ambitious as to divisively impose 'targets' upon the backs of others.
But you said: "If a sexual act is intrinsically opposed to either the unitive or procreative aspect of sex, then the act is immoral."
An infertile couple can't be procreative by definition so if a heterosexual couple is infertile, say because of a hysterectomy, than any sex that couple has would be immoral and "just for the sake of personal, physical gratification." Right?
They still become one flesh, infertility notwithstanding.
You incorrectly equate "personal, physical gratification," with the unitive purpose of conjugal relations.then it isn't about fertility.
Response: "no."
Not a false claim, irregardless of the following "arbitrary" categories (which were not mine but are generally accepted).
But suit yourself. Neither my heart, my conscience nor my Father condemn me.
Christianity says all other ways are false (Jn 14:6).
Nobody planted a target on your back. You have one on your back, my friend, and exactly the case your eyes don't see it. The world is likewise divided, between the children of God and the children of the devil, a division that has existed since long, long before I was ever born. You're, in fact, and obviously so, kicking against God, engaging in shooting the messenger behavior that is unworthy.
Again, read the Bible, study the New Testament, beginning with the gospel according to John. Therein are the claims, the divisions explained, all of this. And again, it's a sophomoric copout to attack the messenger, just because I believe the word of God like countless others down the generations, the issue not at all me, as you try to deflect, but God's word you refute, He the one you're actually lashing out against, your attack of me by proxy and senseless. This would indicate your judgment is, as mentioned, not trustworthy, being angry at God and taking this out on another human being, who's merely informing you of what He has said.
Think about it. It's not me who can save or damn you. It hasn't been my truth, any inventions of mine, I've argued. I tell you to read the Bible, and you just come back that, by default then, you can't do that, because of me, who has pointed you to that Bible truth? Don't you see how senseless this is? Again, you're kicking against God, His "diatribe," as you put it. The Lord will also explain that very real target on your back that will damn you to the torments of hell, facts which were brought to light a tad before my time. You might not like bad news, but hitting the power switch will never make that news go away. Nor will it negate the good news you NEED to tune into, like all of us.
It's always so ironic. I'm trying to help you avoid a cosmic, personal disaster, holding up a sign the bridge is washed-out up ahead, and you're angry over that sign, so you'll just step on the gas.
there exists no persuasive discourse for trusting such an individual who's oh so righteously ambitious as to divisively impose 'targets' upon the backs of others.