If Evolution

The Barbarian

Evolutionary hoaxes are perpetuated by personal gain. If Evolution was a fact, it would be established as such today. The missing links would not ALL be missing.

Let's test that belief. Give us any two major groups of organisms, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack transitionals.

Show us what you have.


So what? That is irrelevant to the FACT that the Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were the FIRST TWO HUMANS.


Cain and his wife were BOTH descendants of Adam and Eve, just like ALL of the rest of us.

See Genesis 5, -- oh, that's right, you don't believe the Book of Genesis and yet you quote from it. :juggle:

You're a loon!

Awwwwww, poor dear, needs to add all kinds of children to Adam to cover the mistakes of the editors.

Outside of the bubble we have the bones of humans that lived hundreds of thousands of years ago.


I guess you don't realize God gives revelation progressively and gives different instructions to different peoples at different times. God is clear that the old Jewish program is no longer in place.

I guess you don't realize that the apostles were human, the authors of conflicted scripture were human as well. The men of the church have always been human.


New member
Let's test that belief. Give us any two major groups of organisms, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack transitionals.

Show us what you have.

It has been said that apes are our relatives. It has also been said that man evolved from slim, that later became fish, before evolving into humans.

Right Divider

Body part
We have the fossil record, you have the Jews story that they wrote about themselves. They made you a "Gentile dog"......and you still belive it. :rotfl:
You seem to be equally completely ignorant about both.

Give the aliens a call. Perhaps they have more to teach you.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
Let's test that belief. Give us any two major groups of organisms, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack transitionals.

Show us what you have.

Quote CherubRam
It has been said that apes are our relatives. It has also been said that man evolved from slim, that later became fish, before evolving into humans.

I gave The Barbarian an answer, and now he has disappeared.

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
Let's test that belief. Give us any two major groups of organisms, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack transitionals.

Show us what you have.

It has been said that apes are our relatives.

Australopithecines fit nicely between humans and other apes. Would you like to see the list of transitional features in Australopithecines?

It has also been said that man evolved from slim,

Who's "slim?" Did you mean the creationist misconception that humans evolved from slime?

that later became fish, before evolving into humans.

Actually, fish evolved into tetrapods, land vertebrates, not humans. That was later. But Acanthostega is a great transitional form between fish and tetrapods. Want to learn about the transitional features of Acanthostega?

While the existence of all these transitional forms is compelling evidence for evolution, what's even more compelling is that there are no transitional forms where they shouldn't be. No feathered mammals, no arthropods with bones, no whales with gills.

That's a much more devastating blow against YE creationism.