This'll get me a shot of Southern Comfort I'm sure, but I'm gonna call it like I see it. Ted Cruz would be the presumptive Republican nominee right now, with likely the 1237 needed delegates to win this thing, if he had won the one area of this country that he was considered a shoe-in to win: that being the Bible-believing South. Going into the South he supposedly had a firewall set in place, much like Hillary's hold on the same region. In the South, Hillary had the blacks she could count on come hell or high water to vote her way, and Cruz was supposed to have the same with Evangelicals, himself being a firebrand Pentecostal homeboy. What happened? Well the blacks came through for Hillary (Think where she'd be today if they hadn't) but the entire South voted for Trump. A minor two-day waffle while Trump got himself "educated" on the horrors of Duke and the KKK, before his eventual denouncement of same, was all he needed to secure every state south of the Mason-Dixon line and east of Texas. To a cowboy in the West, this is how it looks. The South ~ King James in one hand, Confederate flag waving with the other ~ said which am I most willing to lay down that I might stretch out my hand and pull the lever come Super Tuesday? The answer came through loud and strong. Throughout the Bible-belt the flag flew high and proud. State after state that was supposed to be Cruz's went to Trump. Give those states to the guy with the firewall going into them and this whole thing looks a lot differently. Trump is no more KKK than than Jesse Jackson, and the South is not going to rise again, but for a long weekend leading into Super Tuesday, Trump whistled Dixie and in droves those really dependable Evangelicals said in their hearts, I'll vote my conscience next time: This one's for Dixie.
Bottoms up?