Angry white Americans
Angry white Americans
Look closely at the faces in this picture and tell me how a brash, extravagant billionaire attracts supporters (Indiana) like this?
One word - PAYBACK.
White America has a score to settle - 911, terrorism, job cutbacks, companies moving offshore, recessions, the housing crisis, even going back to the botched war in Viet Nam - they are just an angry, frustrated mob who know something is wrong. Trump can afford an army of advisers telling him which buttons to push to activate this neo-silent majority. These voters are now ripe to choose short term satisfaction over the long term wisdom of a qualified statesman (which doesn't exist).
But when they find out Donald is not what they think and that his isolationist policies will actually make their life more difficult, they will go to the back burner again and simmer until they either boil over or just give up and never vote again. Either way, everyone loses.
The truth is, these people should be angry at themselves for not demanding and rewarding excellence in politics. But, as we know, excellent leaders are now unelectable; its all about marketing now.
If elected, Donald Trump will do more to polarize Americans than the last 10 Presidents combined. If he loses, he will be the country's biggest cry-baby.