The people choose Trump
Just trying to be a little light-hearted. I hope you all will continue to enjoy being American.
5. My lifetime membership is about to expire. I was told in early February that it would expire in early March or April but it now seems it might expire a little later. So there wouldn't really be enough time anyway.
this will sound insensitive to many here5. My lifetime membership is about to expire. I was told in early February that it would expire in early March or April but it now seems it might expire a little later. So there wouldn't really be enough time anyway.
-can you list just a few things you would like to live long enough to see?
5. My lifetime membership is about to expire. I was told in early February that it would expire in early March or April but it now seems it might expire a little later. So there wouldn't really be enough time anyway.
5. My lifetime membership is about to expire. I was told in early February that it would expire in early March or April but it now seems it might expire a little later. So there wouldn't really be enough time anyway.
I think you have it backwards. They're all horrible choices for president, but Sanders is at least genuinely horrible. With Clinton you get Bill in the background and at least some governing skills in the White House.
Please.... Hillary has governing skills?
Who said that? I said that at least we'd have her husband in the background. I'm not particular fan of the Mrs.Please.... Hillary has governing skills?
That said and in order: not until and unless she's convicted of a felony; she's a politician and almost all of them are serial liars, the rules of rhetoric and expectations of the electorate all but guarantee it.The woman is a felon and serial liar neither of which are virtues of governance much less good governance.
I missed that, what office has he held? His business record is mixed. His rhetoric is problematic as world leaders go, unless we've been secretly hankering for our own capitalistic version of Khrushchev all these years.I give no props to Trump at all given his very unpleasant persona but, as far as being able to govern, manage, & lead successfully Trump has a proven track record even if his rhetoric is horrible.
I think the first part is mostly an expression of your partisanship. I don't care for her, but I'm not going to say calling her a lot of unsubstantiated names is the way to go. She's just not a candidate who has anything on the plate that appeals to me and a few things that don't. It looks like she may become the first president by default in a very long time though. So let's hope Bill has his thumb on the scale when she weighs and measures if that happens.Hillary couldn't organize a shoebox much less manage it and if she managed to cobble any semblance of leadership together we could all rest assured she lied, cheated, stole, or murdered someone to make it happen....the woman is detestable & showcases all that is wrong in American politics.
Who said that? I said that at least we'd have her husband in the background.
You're an idiot.the man couldn't govern the zipper on his trousers
So let's hope Bill has his thumb on the scale when she weighs and measures if that happens.
hillary will get a lot of votes from people who are thinking this
-never thought I would see the day when hillary might look good
-that day is here
-won't vote for her but would want her to win against trump
-we can survive hillary
-the republican party will put the pieces back together
-hope it doesn't take more than four years
hillary will get a lot of votes from people who are thinking this
-never thought I would see the day when hillary might look good
-that day is here
-won't vote for her but would want her to win against trump
-we can survive hillary
-the republican party will put the pieces back together
-hope it doesn't take more than four years
The GOP has all the pieces in place for a Trump 8 year presidency
Impeachment?I think he'd be hard-pressed to make it 2.
Just quit?
Lamé?I figure he's cut from the same cloth as Palin.