Yes, that's right. I decided not to vote for Trump or Clinton for several reasons:
1. I am not an American citizen.
2. It would take too long for me to become a citizen of the United States in time for the election.
3. I am happy living in a non-gun culture so I would not want to become an American citizen.
4. I haven't got the money to transfer myself and my family to the U.S.
5. My lifetime membership is about to expire. I was told in early February that it would expire in early March or April but it now seems it might expire a little later. So there wouldn't really be enough time anyway.
6. I don't want to live in California. Because I have just got used to the idea that God made us male and female and it would be just too much strain on my poor brain having to work out which of the 15 different types any given person was.
7. I don't like the idea that I would go about my business and suddenly discover that I have contravened half a dozen laws and regulations that I didn't know about and that people actually care that I did.
8. I want more than two weeks holiday each year.
For all these reasons, I have decided not to vote Clinton or Trump.
Though, if I had the choice, I would have probably voted Cruz. But since he is out, I would vote Trump. Not Hilary. Anyone but her. And Sanders is worse. Can you imagine it, at least Ronald Reagan was a Republican! I can picture Mrs Sanders standing behind him at a distance prompting him on without moving her lips (like Nancy had to do) 'It's not 10,000, dear, just 1,000... You must get out of the habit of inventing things. It's been fine so far as no one really cares but you're the president now.'
Just trying to be a little light-hearted. I hope you all will continue to enjoy being American.