I will not vote for trump


Hall of Fame
I totally have the right to terminate a pregnancy which I neither sanctioned or agreed to.

The person who perpetrated the violation is to blame

The rape is a violation ... the unborn child is not. The unborn baby of a rape victim is every bit as innocent as an unborn baby conceived via consensual sex.


I'm strongly considerating voting for Trump if Sanders loses the primaries.

There's too many Muslims and Mexicans around...


...And this country ain't big enough for the both of us. ;)


New member
either way, clinton or trump, america will get the president it deserves
The electoral process is so controlled by the establishment that America rarely gets the chance to vote for a genuinely good candidate. I wouldn't blame the poor choices we have to chose from on the American people. I place the blame squarely on those who have made this country what it has become since the 50's.


Well-known member

So tell me again why you think;

1) a man that has made a cottage industry out of the immigration of Eastern European Slovenian women

2) and now wants to install a Yugoslavian immigrant in the Lincoln Bedroom as his closest confidant

3) should be entrusted to solve immigration with an iron curtain spanning our southern border?



New member
Meanwhile, I still have high hopes for Ted Cruz becoming the Republican nominee. He's a strong Christian Conservative.


Meanwhile, I still have high hopes for Ted Cruz becoming the Republican nominee. He's a strong Christian Conservative.

The establishment likes him. I don't like the establishment. Therefore, I don't like Cruz.

The man wasn't even born here. :nono:


Has anyone ever thought how it is better to destroy the neocon republican than vote for establishment favorite Ted Cruz?


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm strongly considerating voting for Trump if Sanders loses the primaries.

There's too many Muslims and Mexicans around...


...And this country ain't big enough for the both of us. ;)

What will you do if Sanders wins the D nomination?


New member
The establishment likes him. I don't like the establishment. Therefore, I don't like Cruz.

The man wasn't even born here. :nono:

No, the establishment doesn't like Cruz. The establishment just tolerates Cruz more than Trump. Lastly, Cruz is qualified to run for POTUS.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, the establishment doesn't like Cruz. The establishment just tolerates Cruz more than Trump. Lastly, Cruz is qualified to run for POTUS.

I don't like cruz either
-I can vote for him
-I will never vote for trump
-I will never vote for democrats

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I'm strongly considerating voting for Trump if Sanders loses the primaries.

There's too many Muslims and Mexicans around...


...And this country ain't big enough for the both of us. ;)

Now look here Trad [how are ya :)]

YOU are cheer leading for Bernie after berating me for suggesting that in certain extreme cases abortion is permissible.

Every fibre of me AGREES with Bernie politically, economically and socially....in those areas he is a wonder in US politics and a breath of fresh air. BUT

BUT I could never support his stance on abortion...free abortion for everyone as a right...right up to the time of birth.

I would vote Ted Cruz whose politics I despise rather than vote Bernie.

So you and my dear friend Chrys can cut me a little slack.....I am no liberal