ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
America most certainly is a spiritual and moral decline. People think because we have nice tech toys everything is ok. But look at how prevalent fornication, homosexuality, abortion, greed, gluttony, avarice, anger, etc. are in our society. I see it more with the younger generation. I know a lot of millenials that are in a spiritually dark place. Oh, they may have nice material things like a good job, a car, tech toys, etc but for many that I've spoken that tell me they feel so empty inside. They hide this by putting on their "happy face" on social media. They have fallen victim to placing their faith and trust in themselves, or celebrities, or politicians, or in material things. They have treasure in this world but they don't understand their true treasure is in God's kingdom. Some young people are starting to see the light. I truly believe their will be a great spiritual awakening in the future that will be driven by the utter spiritual dispare of millions and millions of people. The church will stand like a beacon of light in these dark times as the Bible says it supposed to be and will.