I will not vote for trump


New member
What an absolutely ignorant picture, if you want to see a corrupt elitist individual that couldn't give a wit for anyone but, number one than look no further than the felon Hillary, who would sell her soul for a buck...probably already did. :down: very weak....

My thoughts exactly. Donald is not a expert worshipper like so many in our country.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not voting or 3rd ballot or write ins won't score points with God or your peace of mind.
You should follow your conscience, PJ, but you shouldn't speak for God on the point.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that is Pro Life
If you believe him. I'm not sure that I do. I'm also not sure that what he believes on the point will have any real impact. That rhetoric has been consistent on the right since the Court the right mostly put in place gave us Roe and abortion to begin with.

Pro conservative Supreme Court
That's no automatic virtue any more than a liberal mindset, which gave us good and ill, can be said to be.

Pro Military
What does that mean, practically speaking? That he wants to expand it? That he'll change how both Republican and Democratic parties have failed veterans? And if so, how will he manage it? How do you know he'll try?

good economic plans
He has a few ideas I like. I'm sure he has a few I won't.

and Pro Constitution
I don't believe that one. He's pro Trump. If he honored the Constitution he wouldn't have hedged on the question of honoring the process, absent clear evidence of fraud.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
538 was not most accurate in 2004 2008 or 2012....IBD was. To me, the last poll taken is the one that counts if you want to know who the president will be. The ones taken all year round don't mean anything. What exactly was 538 consistent about?

I think you're wrong about that. 538 isn't a poll taking organization and isn't included in those groupings. It uses polls from a wide array of sources to extrapolate. I posted the results of their predictions in the past two cycles. Post results better than these:

2008: correctly called the outcome in 49 of 50 states (Indiana being the lone mistake). The final called margin of victory for Obama was estimated at 6.1, which was lower than the 7.2 actual. Additionally, 538 correctly called every senate race.

2012: 538 correctly called the outcome of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and correctly called 31 of 33 Senate races. Rasmussen, by way of contrast, missed on 6 swing states in the presidential cycle.

538 was off on the final popular vote tally by .3%


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
please vote republican every chance you get
hillary will be our next president -
there is nothing you can do about it now -
there was a time when you could do something about it
not now
please vote republican to limit the harm she can do to our country


What an absolutely ignorant picture, if you want to see a corrupt elitist individual that couldn't give a wit for anyone but, number one than look no further than the felon Hillary, who would sell her soul for a buck...probably already did. :down: very weak....


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you are smarter than trump
you realize that he is the reason he is behind
he might be smarter than you
Are you seriously still on that six months later :chuckle:

Haven't you noticed? He uses a Catholic persona to conceal his true identity, but failed to consider he shouldn't have used his picture as an avatar. He's Jeb Bush, the dynasty dealt a crushing blow such that Zeus must have ordained Trump to serve as Hillary's footstool. When you're self-appointed family blue bloods, Mommy said it's your turn, sanctified by the Military Industrial Complex and thought yourself destined to greatness for God, country, General Dynamics, Exxon/Mobil and the Carlyle Group, rest assured in no particular order, or at least certainly not the one presented, it's essential another explanation avail itself, other than face the crushing, deflationary fact nobody but a Bush really wanted another Bush in the White House. You know how it goes, when the fox couldn't reach the grapes?


Well-known member
I will not vote for trump
-I will continue to vote for all other republicans
-I will never vote for a democrat

-the idiots have taken over the republican party
-we will all suffer the consequences
-we all have to do our best to protect ourselves
-no one knows what the future will bring
-it is possible to know who we are voting for
-it is possible to know what is best for our country
-it is possible
-it will have to get worse before it gets better
-be prepared

-this is where you find out
-is not an idiot

How is possibly for any one to know what is best for one's country when one cannot know what is best for oneself. One would not and does not know what to pray for or do:

Romans: 8 KJV N.T.
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: . . . .

Seems that you are over-reaching. All humans are idiots. Seems that the Spirit knows and humans do not know.


Well-known member
Matthew: 7 King James Version (KJV)
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The above means that the very great majority will choose and go through the wrong gate and the wrong way with respect to all their decisions.

The above means that truth (the best thing for one and one's country) will be the weirdest thing for the masses.

(Interesting how Truth and Trump share some letters. May be Truth is destine to trump, Trump. May be Trump is the closest thing to Truth, among current U.S.A. Presidential hopefuls.)

The above revelation from the Holy KJV N.T., means that traditional beliefs must be totally wrong. Also all other beliefs that are shared by more than a few people must also be wrong.

The first hint that one might know what is right for one and one's country is that one holds and lives by a set of weirdo beliefs that are held and lived by only a few other weirdos.

The air is rear where truth (i.e. the best thing for one and ones country) is known and reigns.

Romans: 8 KJV N.T.
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: . . . .

Indication is that few people reach the Spirit to know what He (the Spirit) has in mind for each of them to pray for and do. The very great majority do their own thing which can never be the best thing.

Idiots are more than billions. They include those who read the Holy KJV N.T. and corrupt/interpret it, rather than accepting it, as is.

Seem to have too many supposed Christian leaders, pastors, etc., openly and freely giving Antichrist/Anti-Holy KJV N.T. advise (i.e. while falsely presenting themselves to be Christians). Fact is they are among the great majority and great masses, they do not belong to the club of the chosen few, what will they know?

One must first come home to the Spirit of Truth Who informs one about All Truth, then one will know what is right for one and one's country.

. . . who but only a few tell you the above?

The very great majority of people who profess to know and teach you Christianity (and also demand and take your tithes and offerings) are misleading you. They are teaching foolishness in the name of truth and Truth/Christianity.

Only the Spirit of Truth knows and brings All Truth to each person privately and individually through each of their own hearts/spirits.

An authentic Christian (whether a leader, pastor or other) will tell you that the above is the only way to get and know truth and Truth.

Stay at home and search your own heart/spirit to know what the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth has in mind for you to know, pray for, say and do. And remember this would not conform to what is held to be Christianity by the masses (i.e. the billion traditional/main stream Christians), including the millions of priests, pastor etc. who are simply posing as Christians.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
-trump is running to get hillary elected

then the only way to foil his nefarious plans is to keep hillary from getting elected

and there's only one way to keep hillary from getting elected.....




OKdoser, that post was awesome :up:

Tell us in a few words why Libertarians like yourself think that Donald Trump would be a good or great President.

If you can possibly type the response in your own words instead of using a Lew Rockwell article, it would be much appreciated.


Well-known member
Do not simply sound good to each other and flatter each other within your collective cage as created by your own false prophets.

Do not move through life with blinkers . . . while you believe that you are wise because you tell each other that you are wise. .

Recognize that you have infirmities (and no man can help you, not even you). Only the Spirit of Truth knows All and can help you, intuitively and individually:

Romans: 8 KJV N.T.
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: . . . .

Recognize that you cannot think/intellectualize your way to wisdom. You have to be led to wisdom.

Romans: 8
27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God

Romans: 8 King James Version (KJV)
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Most people do not believe that there is a hell that some go to after their one life on earth. They believe that this one life they live is everything.

Those who are not led by the intuitive urging of the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Jesus, Who conveys the Will or Spirit of God/the Holy Spirit, go to hell.

These foolish people (who intellectualizes their decisions) exchange a one good 'seen' (material) life on earth for an eternity in hell. You should not go through that gate and down that way.

Matthew: 10 King James Version (KJV)
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 16:25King James Version (KJV)
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

A U.S.A. Presidential election is not that big a deal. There are far more bigger deals in your life. Take a chance, it is not a big risk. It is all a chance, at no event can one make a wise decision through one's intellectualizing.

Obviously everyone seem to want change. Do not deny this little inner intuitive, knowing that so many share. Obviously Trump is change. God has presented Trump. Not for your analysis for you cannot analize anything correctly.

God has provided Trump because you wanted change.

Don't be a coward. You cannot loose your eternal life and soul. Instead you might just find your eternal life and soul, that is elusive and not seen.

You guys are letter discerning which killeth, i.e. destroy your eternal lives. Instead follow silent intuitive spirit urging, they giveth eternal life.

The collective spirit/intuitive urging of most people in the U.S.A. is 'I want change'. To be right, there is no need to analyze, simply trust your urging for change. Vote Trump.

. . . it is the Christian thing to do.
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Well-known member
Tell us in a few words why Libertarians like yourself think that Donald Trump would be a good or great President.

If you can possibly type the response in your own words instead of using a Lew Rockwell article, it would be much appreciated.

'Thinking' is letter discernment which killeth. It is a tool of our Satanic/flesh side. When Satan (anyone who is ruled by his/her Satan/flesh side) wants to control others, he/she promote and demand thinking, (i.e. one dimension discernment)

The tool of Jesus and God, is intuiting. This is spirit discernment which giveth life. Intuitions transcend thinking and simply guide a person into what to know, pray for say and do. 'Intuitions'/spirit discernment does not provide a one dimensional physical only reason. Intuitions are anchored in multidimensional knowing which defies and reaches far beyond, physically spoken and physically written words/expression.

Clinton supporters are letter discern-ers. Clinton, her approach to life and her campaign are all suited to them

Trump supporters are spirit/intuitive discern-ers. Trump, his approach to life and his campaign are all suited to them.

The Presidential election is a fight between letter/intellectual/one dimensional discernment/ earth-ly-ness on the one hand and spirit/multidimensional discernment/intuitions/heaven-ly-ness, on the other.

The former is Satanic, the latter is Godly. It is time for the U.S.A. to get back on tract. The world's population is growing exponentially into the latter, which anchors Christ consciousness.

This is not a fight among two personalities, per say. This election is a (last) peaceful way/opportunity for the U.S.A. citizenry, to remove the Old (Satanic) ideology and introduce a New (Christian) ideology.

Which ideology will you guys, let rule among you? Do not make light of your U.S.A. Presidential election. Your vote is necessary. Fact is you choose to come to earth, you have to participate.

Now you must do so according to your own individual heart/spirit (i.e. your intuitions) without intellectualizing.

Indeed be informed and guided, the Trump way, not the Clinton way.
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