I will not vote for trump





New member
Remember that Ivana Trump was under oath during a deposition when she talked about being raped by the accused child molester Donald Trump.


The testimony of a party or witness in a civil or criminal proceeding taken before trial, usually in an attorney's office.

Deposition testimony is taken orally, with an attorney asking questions and the deponent (the individual being questioned) answering while a court reporter or tape recorder (or sometimes both) records the testimony. Deposition testimony is generally taken under oath, and the court reporter and the deponent often sign affidavits attesting to the accuracy of the subsequent printed transcript.


Was she under oath when she recanted that statement?

Did you follow the Republican Party Presidential debates? Do you remember how Donald Trump treated Carly Fiorina and Meghan Kelly? Do you remember how he treated Ted Cruz's wife Heidi?

The accused child molester has a long history of treating women like trash. How can you defend this filthy moral degenerate?

He treats women who attack him like he treats men who attack him. He makes no distinction in genitals when defending himself.


New member
Remember that Ivana Trump was under oath during a deposition when she talked about being raped by the accused child molester Donald Trump.

Was she under oath when she recanted that statement?

t’s not that Trump’s multiple marriages or affairs should be off limits. I asked him in our recent Trump Tower interview if his personal history rendered him a questionable role model (he replied that people know who he is). Newt Gingrich faced similar questions about his three marriages in 2012, and savaged CNN’s John King for asking about it at the beginning of a debate.

But we’re talking here about a single allegation, made in the heat of a highly contested divorce, that Ivana largely walked back then—and dismisses today.

And to tie that to Trump’s controversial comment about Mexican illegal immigrants including “rapists” is to use a very thin reed indeed.

This was first reported by a 1993 book, “Lost Tycoon,” based on an Ivana deposition. According to that account, an angry Trump “tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants,” then had sex with her “for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified.” The author calls it a “violent assault” and says that in “versions” that Ivana repeated to some confidantes, “he raped me.”

Except Donald Trump denied it. Except Ivana Trump issued a statement that was included in the book:

“On one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”

What a scoop, huh?

Now it would be one thing if Ivana was making this allegation today. Instead, the first Mrs. Trump issued this statement to CNN yesterday:

“The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

That’s the “victim” presented by the story.

listen I don't like trump either but it's important not to use false facts even if its a against a tweeting blowhard pretending to be a conservative.


He treats women who attack him like he treats men who attack him. He makes no distinction in genitals when defending himself.

More on the accused child molester's history of being a sexual deviant:

Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein: Trump Child Rape Claim for $100 Million Denied by Trump Attorney

As a thrice-married admitted adulterer, Trump’s history doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in this area, from bragging about bedding married women to his comments to Howard Stern about watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape to his weird habit of commenting on the sex appeal of his own daughter to embracing convicted rapist Mike Tyson to defending Bill Clinton himself in his sex scandals in the 1990s, just to pick a few examples.


Each one of those that I put in bold has a link. Donald Trump truly is a sick degenerate.




New member
If the incident against Ivana Trump were an isolated incident, one could question it. However, as shown in previous posts, including the one above, accused child molester Donald Trump has a long history of sexual deviancy.

I don't think that any ex-wife would stick up to for their ex-husband if she were actually raped.


I don't think that any ex-wife would stick up to for their ex-husband if she were actually raped.

This isn't just any "ex-husband". Accused child rapist Donald Trump is an extremely powerful male (notice I didn't refer to the degenerate as a "man") who could ruin Ivana's life if she didn't play along.

I keep getting the feeling that you're defending accused child rapist Donald Trump.


New member
More on the accused child molester's history of being a sexual deviant:

Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein: Trump Child Rape Claim for $100 Million Denied by Trump Attorney

As a thrice-married admitted adulterer, Trump’s history doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in this area, from bragging about bedding married women to his comments to Howard Stern about watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape to his weird habit of commenting on the sex appeal of his own daughter to embracing convicted rapist Mike Tyson to defending Bill Clinton himself in his sex scandals in the 1990s, just to pick a few examples.


Each one of those that I put in bold has a link. Donald Trump truly is a sick degenerate.

What you just described is average for most non Christian males. He has a healthy sexual libido and isn't a prude. Let's lock him up and throw away the key. He isn't a homosexual and you won't even give him credit for that.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

More on the accused child molester's history of being a sexual deviant:

Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein: Trump Child Rape Claim for $100 Million Denied by Trump Attorney

As a thrice-married admitted adulterer, Trump’s history doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in this area, from bragging about bedding married women to his comments to Howard Stern about watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape to his weird habit of commenting on the sex appeal of his own daughter to embracing convicted rapist Mike Tyson to defending Bill Clinton himself in his sex scandals in the 1990s, just to pick a few examples.


Each one of those that I put in bold has a link. Donald Trump truly is a sick degenerate.

What you just described is average for most non Christian males.

So most "non Christian males" are sexual deviants? I don't know what kind of people you call friends (I have a pretty good idea), but of my "non Christian male" friends, none of them have

1). Raped their wife while pulling out her hair in a fit of rage.
2). Been accused of raping a 13 year old girl with a convicted sex offender as the co-defendant.
3). Engage in and brag about adulterous affairs.
4). Talk about how sexy his daughter is and if she weren't his daughter, he's probably date her (yes, "date" in Donald Trump's world means an incestuous relationship).
5). Speak highly of convicted rapists (like Trump did with Mike Tyson).
6). Defend serial sexual deviant Bill Clinton.

He has a healthy sexual libido and isn't a prude.

Your definition of "healthy" is sick and twisted.

Let's lock him up and throw away the key.

In a righteous and just world justice would prevail for degenerates like accused child molester Donald Trump

He isn't a homosexual and you won't even give him credit for that.

Who knows what kind of "action" Trump has seen over the years. In any event, he's a strong ally of your beloved rainbow movement, hence the reason you like him like you do.


One more thing before you return with an attempt at defending that disgusting moral degenerate (and accused child molester) Donald Trump:

Most "non Christian males" don't have the opportunity to be the next President of the United States. As depraved as our nation currently is, electing this disgusting and vile degenerate is not the answer that we as a nation need.


Hall of Fame
More on the accused child molester's history of being a sexual deviant:

Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein: Trump Child Rape Claim for $100 Million Denied by Trump Attorney

As a thrice-married admitted adulterer, Trump’s history doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in this area, from bragging about bedding married women to his comments to Howard Stern about watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape to his weird habit of commenting on the sex appeal of his own daughter to embracing convicted rapist Mike Tyson to defending Bill Clinton himself in his sex scandals in the 1990s, just to pick a few examples.


Each one of those that I put in bold has a link. Donald Trump truly is a sick degenerate.

What you just described is average for most non Christian males. He has a healthy sexual libido and isn't a prude. Let's lock him up and throw away the key. He isn't a homosexual and you won't even give him credit for that.

So adultery equates to a healthy sexual libido? How on earth can anyone spin a thrice married adulterer's betrayal of his family to ... a *healthy sexual libido"? :plain:
Last edited:


So adultery equates to a healthy sexual libido? How on earth can anyone spin a thrice married adulterer's betrayal of his family to ... a *healthy sexual libido"? :plain:

Remember that a good portion of accused child molester Donald Trump supporters are misogynists. When you hate women like they and their accused child molesting candidate does, anything depraved is "healthy".

On that note: If Hillary Clinton is elected, you do realize that a serial adulterer and accused child molester (Bill Clinton flew on convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's "pedophile express", also known as the "Lolita Express") will be occupying the White House once again?

May 14, 2016 - Newly released flight logs show former US president Bill Clinton flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” jet at least 26 times...


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

More on the accused child molester's history of being a sexual deviant:

Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein: Trump Child Rape Claim for $100 Million Denied by Trump Attorney

As a thrice-married admitted adulterer, Trump’s history doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in this area, from bragging about bedding married women to his comments to Howard Stern about watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape to his weird habit of commenting on the sex appeal of his own daughter to embracing convicted rapist Mike Tyson to defending Bill Clinton himself in his sex scandals in the 1990s, just to pick a few examples.


Each one of those that I put in bold has a link. Donald Trump truly is a sick degenerate.

So most "non Christian males" are sexual deviants? I don't know what kind of people you call friends (I have a pretty good idea), but of my "non Christian male" friends, none of them have

1). Raped their wife while pulling out her hair in a fit of rage.
2). Been accused of raping a 13 year old girl with a convicted sex offender as the co-defendant.
3). Engage in and brag about adulterous affairs.
4). Talk about how sexy his daughter is and if she weren't his daughter, he's probably date her (yes, "date" in Donald Trump's world means an incestuous relationship).
5). Speak highly of convicted rapists (like Trump did with Mike Tyson).
6). Defend serial sexual deviant Bill Clinton.

Your definition of "healthy" is sick and twisted.

In a righteous and just world justice would prevail for degenerates like accused child molester Donald Trump

Who knows what kind of "action" Trump has seen over the years. In any event, he's a strong ally of your beloved rainbow movement, hence the reason you like him like you do.

Unproven accusationns. And you expanded on the original list.


Hall of Fame
I am reporting you for twisting my words. I hope you get banned.

Uh huh ... because quoting your EXACT quote is twisting your words. Only in your world. Here's an idea: try actually *thinking* before you post.

These are your words: "What you just described is average for most non Christian males. He has a healthy sexual libido and isn't a prude"

Since when is having a "healthy" sexual libido and not being a prude the type of attributes we strive for in a President?

BTW, let's not forget who brought up the guys libido.


Quote Originally Posted by Rusha

So adultery equates to a healthy sexual libido? How on earth can anyone spin a thrice married adulterer's betrayal of his family to ... a *healthy sexual libido"?

I am reporting you for twisting my words. I hope you get banned.

Before I ask the following question, I can tell that you're terribly distraught over a woman having the audacity to make you look like the fool that you are: Would you like me to call 911 and have the boyz in white jackets check up on you?

Now the question:

What did you mean by this?

Quote: Originally posted by ClimateSanity
He [accused child molester and unrepentant adulterer Donald Trump] has a healthy sexual libido and isn't a prude.


Unproven accusationns. And you expanded on the original list.

With a "healthy libido", it's very likely that accused child molester and unrepentant adulterer Donald Trump very well might have engaged in some good old fashioned faggotry sometime during his moral degenerate life.



Hall of Fame
With a "healthy libido", it's very likely that accused child molester and unrepentant adulterer Donald Trump very well might have engaged in some good old fashioned faggotry sometime during his moral degenerate life.

It's my understanding that Charlie Sheen also has a "healthy libido". Perhaps he'll run as well.