I went to a mosque today.

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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Most Christians would agree with you that such violence was not Christ-like.

However, calling those who commit violence in the name of Christ un-Christian seems no different to me than the many Muslims who claim that committing violence in the name of Allah against innocent people makes terrorists "not Muslim".

This is a really good point. How should we find an answer to it?

I think the answer lies in separating religion from patriotism. This may seem difficult, especially in America, but they really are different things.

Is it possible to be a follower of Christ and a terrorist? No.
Is it possible to be a follower of Mohammed and a terrorist? Yes.

Is it possible to be a terrorist and a patriot? No.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sure it is. Do you need examples? Or will we fall into "no true scotsman"?

define "terrorist"

and chests of tea don't count

here's what google's got:
noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists

a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.



Your IQ is less than 100.
:mock: fundamentalist christians

It's interesting that you are restricted to argumentative tactics which assume an intellectual superiority, when you are attempting to point out how archaic belief is and simultaneously defend a topic that most educated Atheists agree should be addressed.

Even Individuals like Bill Maher and other secular humanists recognize the issue with Islam.

Chris Hitch, though dead is followed by many atheists of his kind that address the obserdity of squelching realistic discussion about the global danger of Islam.

You claim to be rooted in higher education, but your arguments and discussion are indicative of a simple displeasure with Christianity in general that you seem to be venting towards.

This is important because you are doing the very thing you are claiming believers in Jesus are doing.

Your reply?

Incidentally... your CS Lewis quote doesn't offend me... it is your right to believe what you choose.

- EE


Sure it is. Do you need examples? Or will we fall into "no true scotsman"?


Instead of looking to for a specific reaction... why haven't you addressed my posts towards you?

They were far from fundamental... and they spoke from multiple perspectives that have validity.

When a topic is said to be off limits because it is politically incorrect... and the topic involves global threat... it is unwise to discourage discussion.

This isn't a kill em all discussion, but a rationalization that Islam is an issue and discussion of it isn't advocating genocide of a religious nature.

In fact... I distinguished that individuals must be taken into account and Love thy neighbor has been discussed.

Chair... what happens if the IDF shuts down and sends word to hezbollah, Isis and the Taliban?

Why are leaders of these groups Islamic Scholars that graduated from Saudi, Islamic Universities?


Although tame be current world standards, you think the Boston Tea Party WASN'T a terrorist act?

Interesting enough... the abolition of Slavery was a portion of the Civil war and religious freedom was a portion of the reason the US was founded. This includes the right to not believe in God.

Do Islamic majority countries favor Athieism?


Most Christians would agree with you that such violence was not Christ-like.

However, calling those who commit violence in the name of Christ un-Christian seems no different to me than the many Muslims who claim that committing violence in the name of Allah against innocent people makes terrorists "not Muslim".

I disagree with this argument immensely.

Jesus is recorded as being Martyred and teaching peace and Love.

Mohammad is recorded as a war lord that spread his beliefs through deception and violence.

To convey this argument is to ignore the subtext behind the dichotomy that is rapidly apparent through study.

If a green peace activist goes on a whale killing spree... do you say that's so green peace of them?


Well-known member
The root of Christianity is Judaism. The root of Judaism is Love thy Neighbor as yourself and Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart and soul.

The root of Islam is a banding together of all tribal nations that opposed Israel and Christianity. Islam is born of war! You have read the Hadith and Qu'ran? You have studied the history of the religion and its eschatology?

Some of the most outspoken advocates of human Respect and dignity are Jews. How many advocates of human dignity in Islam are there?

Now take the Islamic number and ask yourself how many are safe advocating for human rights in Muslim majority states that have zero relations with Israel.

This is my point! Ofcoarse we don't shun the human being, but the marks of religious belief go deep and can't always be distinguished.

In all religions and anti-religions, there are good people and bad people. I'm sure that in Nazi Germany, there were some good Nazi's that secretly assisted Jews. But... Chair... the exception is never the "rule". This is my stance and I hope my answer was clear and to the point.

Apologies for missing this.

I do not deny for a moment that Islam is problematic and has problematic roots. Yet is has had better periods than it has today. And even today there are branches of Islam that are moderate- not just individuals.

The usual thing to do is to interpret holy texts in a new way, to suppress the violence. Like "and eye for an eye", which the Rabbis insisted was not meant to be taken literally.

If you had asked someone a few hundred years ago if there was hope for Christianity- he would likely had said no. It will be violent forever.


Well-known member
define "terrorist"

and chests of tea don't count

here's what google's got:
noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists

a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Northern Ireland.
Some anti abortion groups

But hey- why not just check the wikipedia.
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