Hurting People On TOL

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They are human beings and I stand by my statement. I think you are foolish to slander my parents.

Your penchant for covert name-calling (Using the words "foolish," & "slander") had to come from somewhere.

Is your intention to attack me because I have "made" you defensive and/or angry?

How did you come about expressing your feelings by attacking others (and probably believing that I "caused" you to react that way!)?

Was that from your past?

Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on. Unless we were not allowed to express strong feelings and emotions when we were young. And were never taught to recognize those emotions and name them. And thus became clueless on how to express those feelings in adult ways.

Wherever I look, I see signs of the commandment to honor one's parents and nowhere of a commandment that calls for the respect of a child. Psychotherapist Alice Miller


i realized after creating the thread title that the first word could be seen as an adjective or as a verb

i think we're seeing examples of the first usage


Well-known member
Should one, while posting on tol, be sensitive to the emotional fragility of others and post in such a manner as to be sensitive to their feelings?

and no, i'm not talking about deliberately picking at a sore spot, like a disability or loss in the other poster's past

i'm talking about the normal type of discourse that has been happening on tol for the past fourteen years, where those with bizarre beliefs and behaviors, resistant to gentle language and persuasion, persist in their nonsense

iow, is truthsmacking passe?

I try to be sensitive to others sensibilities. Unless I see them operating by a double standard. Then I become exceptionally harsh.

The original TOL when I got here was not "Truthsmack". I know some of the more arrogant powers that be believed that is what it was. But that has fallen because it was not really what it claimed to be.
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New member
Her POINT is that Paul was anitchirst.
Her POINT is completely and utterly wrong.

How can her stance that Paul is anti-Christ be wrong and another poster's stance that Peter was anti-Christ be right? Neither man was anti-Christ. Both are loved by Yeshua.


I try to be sensitive to others sensibilities. Unless I see them operating by a double standard. Then I become exceptionally harsh.

The original TOL when I got here was not "Truthsmack". I know some of the more arrogant powers that be believed that is what it was. But that has fallen because it was not what it really claimed to be.
Jesus was "truthsmacked" by the powers and principalities of the Roman Empire. It was their truth that claimed Jesus was guilty of high treason and needed to be destroyed.


How can her stance that Paul is anti-Christ be wrong and another poster's stance that Peter was anti-Christ be right? Neither man was anti-Christ. Both are loved by Yeshua.

Jesus' overall all messages are about being faithful to His teachings and commands where as Paul's is not. Paul emphasize too much of faith only.

Paul's over all teachings are anti-Christ because he dose not harmonize with Jesus' overall messages.

Do you understand what I am saying?


hey, there's tards in every generation :idunno:
Unfortunately, the "biggest tard" is the American Empire. Even now the same guys who got us into Iraq are massing together these days and piling on Obama because he won't use weapons to blow these people into smithereens.


which people are we gonna blow to smithereens next?

never mind, doesn't really matter

they probably deserve it
Once we get the good people over here and make the evil people stay over there, then all we have to do is kill the evil people and we will have world peace.

Like Korea, Vietnam or Iraq. [Haw haw]

...but the line between good and evil runs down the center of every human heart. And who is willing to destroy a piece of their own heart?

Also, since those we kill have surviving friends and family who are just base enough to nurture scapegoating, revenge fantasies and outright violence, we might start thinking of consequences instead of focusing on our own good intentions.

A lot of us were against the Afghan/Iraq war because we knew it would be like attacking a hornet's nest. A global police action against human rights crimes by terrorist elements seem a better and more effective idea to me. It has been used countless times to bring terrorists to justice in a legal courtroom.


Well-known member
how about a triple standard?

Is that like "triple bypass surgery"?

or a quadruple standard?

Only for quadrupeds.

are you sensitive for odd multiples?

I am not sensitive myself. But I do try to understand other people's sensitivity.

do they have to be primes?

Yes. :up:

who are you kidding?

you're just a big pussycat :kiss:

Sometimes I am, and sometimes I am a tiger. Just ask MOM.


Once we get the good people over here and make the evil people stay over there, then all we have to do is kill the evil people and we will have world peace.

Like Korea, Vietnam or Iraq. [Haw haw]

...but the line between good and evil runs down the center of every human heart. And who is willing to destroy a piece of their own heart?

Also, since those we kill have surviving friends and family who are just base enough to nurture scapegoating, revenge fantasies and outright violence, we might start thinking of consequences instead of focusing on our own good intentions.

A lot of us were against the Afghan/Iraq war because we knew it would be like attacking a hornet's nest. A global police action against human rights crimes by terrorist elements seem a better and more effective idea to me. It has been used countless times to bring terrorists to justice in a legal courtroom.

i ran over a hornet's nest in the ground with my lawn mower last week

went back at night and sprayed half a can of raid down the hole

no more hornets :idunno:


Is that like "triple bypass surgery"?

Only for quadrupeds.

I am not sensitive myself. But I do try to understand other people's sensitivity.

Yes. :up:

Sometimes I am, and sometimes I am a tiger. Just ask MOM.

i always check the sky when i step outdoors ever since mom

darn those tigers and their horrible morals! :sibbie:


Well-known member
Unfortunately, the "biggest tard" is the American Empire. Even now the same guys who got us into Iraq are massing together these days and piling on Obama because he won't use weapons to blow these people into smithereens.

That's because we let laissez faire capitalism be our frontal lobe, when we should be aware that it is only fertilizer for economic growth.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Thomas the Psalmist
I think TruthSmacking is needed, sometimes with a stern word too, but belligerent unkind remarks I do not think is needed or necessary.
But there are times when it helps to make a point.​

If TruthSmacking becomes passe, then the mission of TOL has failed, and the redemption mission of the Church will have failed for the redemption mission requires absolute truth and TOL's TruthSmacking (without belligerence or unkindness) will become a watered down milk-toast forum.
Failure? Failures can start over, and quitters, well they never come back.

I'm all for TruthSmacking with out belligerence and unkindness, yet a stern word may always be in order form Truth Smacking.
Maybe it should be hit them over the head TruthSmacking.

For myself I've always tried to be fair, encouraging for the good, and that bad ideas and theology should be dealt with in accordance with TOL rules.
Yes your fair, but you have no clout.


Well-known member
Are you saying then that Annas and Caiphas and Herod were saved or would be or will be?

Hmm....does it look like I said anything to that effect? :think:

Nope, nothing at all about anyone's individual salvation.

So, back to my point. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. I'm sure you've read these two verses many times, right?

Romans 10:13-14
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?


Well-known member
Jesus' overall all messages are about being faithful to His teachings and commands where as Paul's is not. Paul emphasize too much of faith only.

Paul's over all teachings are anti-Christ because he dose not harmonize with Jesus' overall messages.

Do you understand what I am saying?

Uh, that's because we are justified by the faith of Jesus Christ....NOT OUR OWN....not yours and not mine or anyone else's. We can't be faithful enough "to His teachings", but we most certainly can believe unto righteousness....which is the message the RISEN LORD gave Paul to give to us. Listen up or you will not enter through the narrow gate. That garbage bag of good deeds you are packing stinks.

Galatians 2:16KJV
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.​

Since you claim Paul is anti-christ, you reject the message of the RISEN LORD, and you prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you don't even know what "anti-christ" means. :loser:
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