Hurting People On TOL

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Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post
Christ, in His earthly walk was, speaking to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel! Christ chose Paul to be the Apostle to the gentiles!
Paul spoke to us of the "Dispensation of Grace" a time in which we
live today! Gentiles were NEVER given the law, nor were they under
the law! Christ was speaking to those who were under the law! In
other words, the house of Israel! We gentiles are not under law, but,
under Grace!

I would have to ignore an awful lot of Scripture to believe this, Grosnick.

You see Jerusha, this is why I don't trust Paul as Jesus' true servant because his teachings has conveyed this kind of evil faith.

You cannot twist the way protestants twist the gospel because Jesus' word is simple and clear unlike Paul's confused teachings.


I read your post and responded accordingly. If you don't like my response or don't agree with it that's one thing, but to state that I'm "not paying attention as usual" is insulting and uncalled for. If you want people to see Yeshua in you, you're going to have to leave that behavior behind.

that is your judgement. You dismissed the overall teachings of Jesus and Paul's teachings. They don't harmonize. Why do you think protestant disregard most of Jesus' teachings, like "love your enemy"?

and you are one of them too. You are pro-military. You don't understand Jesus' clear and simple message of "love your enemy".

So you are not a good representative of Jesus either, friend.


Of the 66 books in the Bible, which do you consider inspired by God?


I don't pick any books. I pick all godly messages and teachings. They are the inspired word. There are tons of word convey God's love in both NT and OT.

God and Jesus are love and this is the whole message of the Bible. Jesus explains what is love clearly and simply.


Grosnick Marowbe

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I don't pick any books. I pick all godly messages and teachings. They are the inspired word. There are tons of word convey God's love in both NT and OT.

God and Jesus are love and this is the whole message of the Bible. Jesus explains what is love clearly and simply.


Meshak has me on ignore, so this post is for everyone else
to see! Meshak is dancing around AMRs question! She
doesn't trust or like the Apostle Paul! She ONLY trusts in
the red letters of the 4 Gospels; nothing else! She just
doesn't want to answer truthfully! She by her own words,
is trying to "Earn" her way into eternal life! Can't be done!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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You see Jerusha, this is why I don't trust Paul as Jesus' true servant because his teachings has conveyed this kind of evil faith.

You cannot twist the way protestants twist the gospel because Jesus' word is simple and clear unlike Paul's confused teachings.

You really HATE the Apostle Paul, don't ya? He preached the message
from God, for today! Yet, you disregard him and spew your hatred
for him, and his message! You're NOT a "True believer" little Meshak!

Grosnick Marowbe

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You see Jerusha, this is why I don't trust Paul as Jesus' true servant because his teachings has conveyed this kind of evil faith.

You cannot twist the way protestants twist the gospel because Jesus' word is simple and clear unlike Paul's confused teachings.

So, now you say, Paul preached an "Evil faith?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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Meshak is a "denier" of the true faith, as preached by the Apostle Paul! She
doesn't trust in the Grace of God! She ONLY trusts in her own good works!


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I don't pick any books. I pick all godly messages and teachings. They are the inspired word. There are tons of word convey God's love in both NT and OT.

God and Jesus are love and this is the whole message of the Bible. Jesus explains what is love clearly and simply.


What is your criterion for knowing what a godly message and teaching is? We know you don't give credence to the entire bible and rip out many books as without any authority, so please explain your measure for truth vs untruth when it comes to the word of God.

Right Divider

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Yes, UNDER God, not in place of, not to be held above Yeshua and Paul was certainly no better than Peter or any of the disciples taught by Yeshua.

So, what is wrong with going straight to Yeshua? Nothing.
You, like very many others here (including meshak), seem to think that the only revelation that Yeshua EVER gave was during His time ON THE EARTH. You completely ignore His revelation FROM HEAVEN after His ascension. This is when He revealed other things to the apostle Paul/Saul.

That is where you go wrong.

Right Divider

Body part
I wasn't trying to skirt around her point. The point of Meshak's that I was addressing is the fact that Yeshua is enough.

Some people here keep implying that Yeshua on earth is different from Yeshua risen, that His teaching changed post resurrection and that He gave new teaching to Paul to deliver to the world, the implication then being that Peter and other disciples were chopped liver. There is nothing in Scripture that states that or even implies it.

You didn't answer my question.
Each revelation must be understand in its context and the fuller context of how they fit together. None of the apostles are "chopped liver", but there is currently ONE apostle for ONE body. There were and will be TWELVE apostles judging TWELVE tribes.

You mash them together and get a mess.

Ask Mr. Religion

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What is your criterion for knowing what a godly message and teaching is? We know you don't give credence to the entire bible and rip out many books as without any authority, so please explain your measure for truth vs untruth when it comes to the word of God.

What she said!
Good job, sister!


Ask Mr. Religion

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You don't have your own word but have to rely on someone else talk about God and Jesus' whole messages?

do you know God and Jesus' whole messages? What is it?

What is Bible all about?
I saw no need to repeat in my own post what A4T so succinctly asked. Why be redundant?

As I have stated to you in the past, all Scripture speaks to God's redemptive plan and our Lord's purpose therein. In fact our Lord said so directly, did He not? :AMR:


Ask Mr. Religion

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He said "you cain't understand because you are not My sheep. you are of your father the devil"
Yes and so confirmed Paul in Romans 1. The lost...

- is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9);
- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23);
- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19);
- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12);
- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6);
- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1);
- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3);
- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14); and
- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).

Mankind either hates God or loves Him. There is no in-between position, despite the claims of those that think they are "basically good" people and just trying to sort it all out.



Yes and so confirmed Paul in Romans 1. The lost...

- is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9);
- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23);
- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19);
- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12);
- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6);
- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1);
- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3);
- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14); and
- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).

Mankind either hates God or loves Him. There is no in-between position, despite the claims of those that think they are "basically good" people and just trying to sort it all out.


that's not a popular position to take around here

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
that's not a popular position to take around here
Yes, I know.

When we begin to understand that those around us, friends, co-workers, and the like--who are not believers-- actually literally hate the One we hold dear, we are well on the path towards conducting ourselves accordingly with these persons. This in no way means we treat them badly, with impunity or arrogance, but that we never forget exactly what type of person we are dealing with in our daily walk such that we start erring on the side of "I'm OK, you're OK." :AMR1:



New member
You see Jerusha, this is why I don't trust Paul as Jesus' true servant because his teachings has conveyed this kind of evil faith.

You cannot twist the way protestants twist the gospel because Jesus' word is simple and clear unlike Paul's confused teachings.

Faith in Yeshua is never evil.


New member
Yes and so confirmed Paul in Romans 1. The lost...

- is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9);
- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23);
- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19);
- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12);
- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6);
- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1);
- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3);
- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14); and
- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).

Mankind either hates God or loves Him. There is no in-between position, despite the claims of those that think they are "basically good" people and just trying to sort it all out.


This is also a perfect description of false brethren. It is something that baptisms, creeds, theology and presumption cannot disguise.


New member
that is your judgement. You dismissed the overall teachings of Jesus and Paul's teachings. They don't harmonize. Why do you think protestant disregard most of Jesus' teachings, like "love your enemy"?

and you are one of them too. You are pro-military. You don't understand Jesus' clear and simple message of "love your enemy".

So you are not a good representative of Jesus either, friend.

I don't and can not judge. I can discern and that is different. God reaches people where they are and they respond to Him and the leading of the Ruach as they are able or as they want. He judges each of us individually based on our responses and only He has the right to judge. After reading Scripture, I came to the conclusion that loving ones enemy is not the same as "do not defend yourself or others". If that's what you want to believe that's your right but you have no right to project that onto others especially when Yeshua stated "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" or in light of the fact that God sent His people out several times to destroy their enemies.


New member
That is where you go wrong.

I don't believe that anyone who knows and loves God and His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach is going wrong.

You, like very many others here (including meshak), seem to think that the only revelation that Yeshua EVER gave was during His time ON THE EARTH. You completely ignore His revelation FROM HEAVEN after His ascension. This is when He revealed other things to the apostle Paul/Saul.

I disagree with any form of doctrine that creates a two-faced impression of Yeshua. He did not present the faith one way on earth and present it differently after His resurrection. He would not mislead His people that way. Any doctrine that divides in that manner is inconsistent with the nature of God and with Scripture.
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