ECT Humility

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Luck of humility is not sense of humor.

You have tons of cheer leaders, even Calvinists cheer you up.

BTW, I bring up the most interesting topics. so I am not boring person:)

You have been calling me troll.

now what are you doing here?

You ae trolling my boy.
That's it. Not only are you eliminated from receiving my amazing bobblehead, you have moved down from my "167th favorite mess-hack," to my "196th favorite mess-hack," and I am taking back that new hat I bought you.

Good day to you, sir. May the LORD God give you joy, and then send plagues upon thine heart.


New member
That's it. Not only are you eliminated from receiving my amazing bobblehead, you have moved down from my "167th favorite mess-hack," to my "196th favorite mess-hack," and I am taking back that new hat I bought you.

Good day to you, sir. May the LORD God give you joy, and then send plagues upon thine heart.
It was funny till the last part.

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Well-known member
I guess you'll have to define "boasting", then. In one sense you are absolutely correct - Jesus came not to do His own will, not to speak His own words - but to do that which He saw His Father do and speak that which His Father gave Him to say. He came to bear witness to the truth - not to elevate Himself. But that was because He came for a specific reason. In that sense, He deflected all attempts to be publicly exalted during His earthly ministry. Satan tempted Him in that way, Peter resisted Him in that way and crowds wanted to make Him an earthly king. Yes. He rejected all this. But on the other hand, the claims He made for Himself were outrageous (if they hadn't been true, that is). For anyone else to claim what He did would have been well beyond boasting - it would have been outright blasphemy.

But again, whether Jesus boasted or not is in the broader context of why He came. As has been pointed out, the way He came the first time will not be in the same manner - nor for the same purpose - that he returns bodily to earth.

I guess what I'm saying is - why is the boasting issue important? I'm not saying it isn't, but how would it be wrong for the Creator of all things to boast? It's an entirely different issue with Him than it is with us?

For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.

Isaiah 45:4-6

For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.
Isaiah 45:18

Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

Isaiah 45:21-22

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Isaiah 46:9-11

Could Jesus not have justly said all these things? Would that have been boasting? Was it boasting when said through Isaiah? question is what do you mean by boasting and what is the import of that? Your OP sentence runs on a little and is a bit hard to understand (clearly, that is). Explain what you mean by boasting and why you believe Jesus never boasted.

BINGO :thumb:


Well-known member
Rats! I had assessed that this thread was about me, as next to the word "humility," in Danny Web's dictionary, is my picture, as I exhibit that quality magnificently, but am way too humble to state it.

You are humble. But you should take the time to address this.

Here our great God humbled Himself, took on the form of a servant (human being), and He gets called a "Holy Temple" like He is nothing more than a building.

This cannot stand.


You think you are so clever..

You can hide, meaning make excuses, but you can not run, meaning it is see-through to me.

All my enemy posters are self clamed "saved" Christians.

You are only fooling yourselves.


New member
That's because you don't know there is more than one definition of judging.

You claim to know what is humble and what isn't. I'm challenging your judgement.

I accept....let's put it to the test.

(Notice; what I espouse in not necessarily what i always exude; being human and all)

What is your metric? How will we test to see if what I speak of is actually humility or just some random imagining of the lost.

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In my observation,

pops and marhig are one of the most humble Christians.

And they understand me perfectly.:)

They value my observation.

I don't have many Christians value me but quality counts a lot.:)


New member
Fine. You are now also officially eliminated, from TOL's 2017 "The Poster With The Greatest Sense Of Humor, While Not Taking Themselves Too Seriously, And Not Being So Sensitive" award.

(Kicks at the dust)

Am I still in the runnin fer that bobblyhead thingy....!?

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New member
In my observation,

pops and marhig are one of the most humble Christians.

And they understand me perfectly.:)

They value my observation.

I don't have many Christians value me but quality counts a lot.:)
I do value your opinion; and Mrs. Mary seems very righty guided, not that i know her past here.


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Well-known member

I accept....let's put it to the test.

I already told you that you are not a judge.

(Notice; what I espouse in not necessarily what i always exude; being human and all)

What is your metric? How will we test to see if what I speak of is actually humility or just some random imagining of the lost.

Have you ever heard of a whited sepulchre?
A person can paint the outside, and what's in the heart is hidden.
It's known as donning a MASK.

A clue for me is that truly humble people aren't always talking about being humble (like you do). John W is excluded because most of us realize he is joking.

Pride is easily seen under the fake humility people like you are so obsessed with. Thus I am able to judge.


I do value your opinion; and Mrs. Mary seems very righty guided, not that i know her past here.


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Yes, her faith is simple and clear just like I always try to be. She is the only one like that in my forum life.

she just object my observation of Paul.

I was so surprised to hear her saying she does not claim to be saved. I didn't know that JWs do not claim to be saved but according to Rose, JWs don't claim so.

To me that is the barometer of humility Christian.


That's it. Not only are you eliminated from receiving my amazing bobblehead, you have moved down from my "167th favorite mess-hack," to my "196th favorite mess-hack," and I am taking back that new hat I bought you.

Good day to you, sir. May the LORD God give you joy, and then send plagues upon thine heart.

oh shoot,

Now I don't qualify for anything?

not even annoying award?


New member
[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] ;5224542]"I already told you that you are not a judge."

Believers must be judges of themselves at very least.

"Have you ever heard of a whited sepulchre? "

You call me one enough

"A person can paint the outside, and what's in the heart is hidden.
It's known as donning a MASK."

A person can also aspire to a virtue sincerely due to the knowledge that such is wholly good and wise and true.

"A clue for me is that truly humble people aren't always talking about being humble (like you do). John W is excluded because most of us realize he is joking."

A clue for any who believe the words and deeds of the Christ to be pertinent to their own salvation and way of living in this life would be the observation of one who openly speaks against the very topic of a known virtue as if it is only ever fake or for the appeasment of the eyes of man. I'll be the first to tell you i am not holy. But that doesn't mean I have to bask is such decay; especially after having such a foundation and truth and example and Way as Jesus the very Christ of GOD.

"Pride is easily seen under the fake humility people like you are so obsessed with. Thus I am able to judge."[/QUOTE]

Pride is readily observable to those with eyes to see. Who is proud but the one who goes about belittling all whom she disagrees with within all their enteractions; with no regard or hope for that person, though they plea otherwise in their own mask and part in their play.

You espouse projection as usual it seems; and too as usual; with no scriptural support or support of any sort other than because you say. I can't judge but you can; so much so that you won't even list a metric to see if what I speak of is a genuine virtue and too good for all mankind; and more importantly perhaps; if it is of the truth.

Yep, no pride there....

Get over yourself ma'am.

Projection....back out of your desisions and seek out your motives lest you be found without oil on that marvellous day


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