Heading to the beach later, and had a really fine lunch with three generations of the family. So the odds are good.You have a wonderful day sir
You have one as well.
Heading to the beach later, and had a really fine lunch with three generations of the family. So the odds are good.You have a wonderful day sir
Ah, they're just a couple of bellyachers in search of a bottle of Rolaids.
And there was that GM rep. Man, that has to be a relief for you.
I've always found it interesting that you can't even manage an honest insult.
With all that blood in your eyes. Sure.
Can't handle it implies that the intent was to do something other than note a connection in your mind.
Or, you're literally the best argument against most of what you try to pass off as observation...the rest is just fun commentary. :thumb:
You have a wonderful day sir
If someone is a Marxist he is also a Nazi.That's actually correct. The extreme ends of the Left and the Right meet up at the other end - Hitler and Stalin - two peas in a pod.
If someone is a Marxist he is also a Nazi.
That's actually correct. The extreme ends of the Left and the Right meet up at the other end - Hitler and Stalin - two peas in a pod.
By the way, that's why Trump was right to attack both sides after the Charlottesville disaster, because the Neo-Nazis and the Antifa agitators are both equally evil.
Antifa flag comes directly from German Communist Party in 1932
>> https://www.sott.net/article/360454-Antifa-flag-comes-directly-from-German-Communist-Party-in-1932
Proof that neither of you have a clue what you're talking about.
Ain't he just the most self-loving twit you've ever encountered? :chuckle:
OMG, you truly are the the village idiot aren't you. Your ignorance is frightening.
Hitler and Stalin:
- Brutal Dictators
- Warmongers/Expansionists
- Invaded their neighbors (were even allies at first)
- Socialists (economically)
- Concetration Camps/Gulags
- Murdered all opposition
- Single Party Rule
- Gestapo/KGB
Thats not what she was saying you crackhead. She's saying that once you do away with the labels, its all the same oppressive genocidal crap.Nazis were not Marxists.......
Coming from a retard like you thats high praise........You, sir, are an idiot.
The King of Bloviating will have his say. :chuckle:
Thats not what she was saying you crackhead.
If someone is a Marxist he is also a Nazi.
She's saying that once you do away with the labels, its all the same oppressive genocidal crap.
In fact I'll add Democrats into the mix too.
They are just as evil as Nazis. They murder millions by abortion, they promote abomination evils. they strive for government control of our lives.... ....the only thing that Democrats DON'T do that Hitler DID do is, put their country first. How about that.
You're the Henny Youngman of TOL
Nazis were not Marxists. :nono:
Prove that you're not a complete idiot for supporting this absolutely baseless assertion.
- Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class conflict
The Nazis were strongly influenced by the post–World War I far-right in Germany, which held common beliefs such as anti-Marxism, anti-liberalism and antisemitism, along with nationalism, contempt for the Treaty of Versailles and condemnation of the Weimar Republic for signing the armistice in November 1918 which later led it to sign the Treaty of Versailles.
Hitler had been introduced to The Protocols by Alfred Rosenberg and from 1920 onwards he focused his attacks by claiming that Judaism and Marxism were directly connected, that Jews and Bolsheviks were one and the same and that Marxism was a Jewish ideology-this became known as "Jewish Bolshevism".
Generally speaking, Nazi theorists and politicians blamed Germany’s previous economic failures on political causes like the influence of Marxism on the workforce, the sinister and exploitative machinations of what they called international Jewry and the vindictiveness of the western political leaders' war reparation demands. Instead of traditional economic incentives, the Nazis offered solutions of a political nature, such as the elimination of organised labour groups, rearmament (in contravention of the Versailles Treaty) and biological politics.
Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, pacifism and internationalism.
Joseph Goebbels published a pamphlet titled The Nazi-Sozi which gave brief points of how National Socialism differed from Marxism. In 1930, Hitler said: "Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not".
You, sir, are an idiot.
No, except as opposites. There’s no reason to suppose that Hitler, whose views were stated in Mein Kampf, written in the mid-1920s while he was briefly in prison for leading an attempted coup against the Weimar government, ever read Marx, whose ideas were set out in works written from the 1840s through the 1880s. Marx’s basic idea was expressed in the famous last line of the Communist Manifesto (1847–48), “Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” Hitler divided the world into “Aryans,” who were supposed to enslave “subhuman” Slavs , and murder the even less human Jews. Marx himself was a nonreligious Jew, a descendent of rabbis. Marx wanted the workers to take power and rule themselves. Hitler wanted to be the Fuehrer, the leader, and take power with the aid of private armies and cozying up the most reactionary wealthy elements in German society, then be absolute dictator whose world was law. Marx wanted the workers to abolish private property and run the economy and society collectively. Hitler was careful not to disturb the wealth of the rich, and in 1934 had the handful of Nazis who took the word “socialist” in the name of his Party seriously murdered in “the Night of the Long Knives.” Marx specifically opposed “setting the state free, as in Czarist Russia,” thought the state was an instrument of class oppression, and wanted it reduced to a minimum of necessary functions that would provide for the common good; he wanted the police “stripped if their political functions.” Hitler wanted to run a terroristic all-powerful state dominated by not one but several secret police, such as the Gestapo and the SD. Hitler viewed what he called “Jew Bolshevism” as the main enemy, to be annihilated at home and abroad, outlawed the nominally Marxist Socialist and Communist powers where he took power and, in Russia, ordering the murder of its leadership. Marx never faced Nazis, but hated anti-semites, and an important Marxist leader of the next generation (August Babel) called antisemitism “the socialism of fools.” Marxists were opposed to Nazis almost all the time the two coexisted, and the Soviet Red Army was mainly responsible for the defeat of Nazism after the Nazis invaded the USSR. The practice of self-styled Marxism in the communist states like the USSR was in many ways closer to that of the Nazis than it was to Marx’s ideology, but you asked about the relation of the ideologies. |
You, of all posters, are in a position to diagnose? :rotfl:
You, of all posters, are in a position to diagnose? :rotfl:
Would you like to pick up where [MENTION=15148]CatholicCrusader[/MENTION] fumbled and retreated? If someone is a Marxist is he also a Nazi?
Take your time Grosnick. I'm sure you'll need it.
Need what? How would YOU of all posters know what Old GM needs? Oh. You were just being sarcastic, right? Well, next time be a little more cryptic.
So far as your question goes, these days and for the past year and a half, the line has become rather blurred. I mean, after all, the rise of Antifa/Black Lives Matter displayed a kind of combination of both extremes. On side of the proverbial coin, they were 'extreme socialists.' Whereas, on the other side of the coin, they displayed 'Nazi/fascist' tendencies and actions. I'd have to say we are witnessing today, some sort of 'HYBRID.' In other words: A combining of both extremes to create another substantial ideology.