Boy are you off. I read what remains of her letters.
First off, she was a kid - fifteen years old - not a woman.
And hers was a case of the following, made obvious by her writing:
She appears to have been a simple girl who greatly loved the Lord and His Word in her understanding of that.
Much like, say, GT, here on TOL, through much exposure to unsound Bible teaching in which a lot of verses were taught, she came to know, both, a lot of Bible, but from an unsound perspective.
That, coupled with having gone a bit overboard in the practice of the fasting and self-deprivations that were espoused by her assembly, together also, with what had obviously been her fervent desire to hear from God, and what the mind can do with this kind of thing that even today, many ignorantly refer to as "the Spirit's leading..." resulted in delusions she interpreted as from God.
For a fifteen year old kid, she knew tons of passages, the poor soul.
Through which she interpreted her "vision."
And hers was the Post-Trib view popular in her day. She never did espouse a Pre-Trib Rapture.
Now, here's the thing - Darby was a Cessasionist. MacDonald's rants would not have influenced him in the same way it did her and her group, anymore than it would influence today's A9D aka MAD which is also Cessasionist.
In her time period, those "girls" were probably getting married and having children, since the life expectancy was much lower then. Be that as it may, I don't know and don't care what half of those man-made doctrinal labels mean. They are not in the Word and therefore are of no interest.
But let's talk what IS in the Word. For instance, tribulation comes from a Greek word for a threshing instrument called a tribulum, used to take the chaff off the wheat/Seed. Circumcising the heart is the principle being revealed in this word, ie. removing the flesh from off the Spirit within so that He might be seen.
Again, the rapture is a LIE, shown to us clearly in Matt. 13 where the parable of the wheat and the tares is explained AGAIN, after He sent the MULTITUDE away, because they only care about their own needs, ie. fishes and loaves.
If you will notice the good seed (Christ) is planted in a field called the "world". Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory tells us where and what that field is in the world. Then we are told that the tares were planted there while he slept. You can try all you want, but you cannot find where HaShem woke Adam up after putting him to sleep, UNTIL Christ comes as prophesied by Isaiah, Arise and shake off the dust, thy light is come.
Those tares are removed by angels (messages, messengers), thrown into the fire (of the HG) and THAT is the end of the world, let him who have an ear, let him hear, meaning it's a MYSTERY, not obvious to the carnally driven mind that only cares about saving it's own skin. And amazingly enough, if you look up the Hebrew word for ANKLE, it runs into a meaning of, THE END OF THE WORLD. Go figure.
Further; the single verse used to support flying away, needs to be dissected also. Like clouds, for instance. Clouds are the smallest particle of something, DUST and water vapor, Adam was taken from the dust of the earth. Men are called clouds without water (no Spirit guiding them) in Jude. We are told that a prophet like unto Moses would be raised up; well, Moses was told to meet Him in the cloud, the cloud being the cloud of incense which we are told represent the prayers of the saints.
Clouds of incense ASCEND. Prayers ASCEND. Flesh DOES NOT ASCEND, except in one way. Make of yourselves a LIVING SACRIFICE, tied down with cords of love that cannot be broken. Those saints under the altar in Revelation? They got there only one way, and that is through the grate on top of it, consumed by fire, until the offering makes a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord.
You want your rapture? There it is, and it's not for the fearful and unbelieving willing to let their brethren face all the destruction they imagine while they sail away. Peace