How Can Hillary Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Mil Girls?


Jewish tradition also held that up to 40 days, the unborn baby is “mere fluid.”
Kind of hard to accept since we now know that even the heart is beating before that.

Mere fluid, as in there is no bone.

Jewish tradition also held that in later stages of development, the baby is actually a part of the mother (like a limb).
Kind of hard to accept since now we know that the baby is completely different from the mother (half the time not even the same sex!).

Eve was a part of Adam, as a bone.

And, if life doesn’t begin until the baby is halfway through the birth canal, how could Elizabeth have known that the unborn John “leaped for joy” in her womb?

John's vessel was sanctified.

The Exodus passage refers to a departing of the child. If the result is a premature birth, then a fine is levied, presumably for the added burden. If a miscarriage…life for life.

Life for life in the event of the woman dying.
You just admitted above that the Jews didn't see the fetus as life, and now you're saying otherwise. See, this is the sort of inconsistency which makes the declaration that 'abortion is murder' arbitrary.

I believe radical feminism is only part of the problem. The percentage of support for abortion is very close to being equal between men and women. Pro-murder women welcome abortion so they aren’t “burdened.” Pro-murder men welcome abortion so they can use women, then not be “burdened.” We need to actually go after the real institution of abortion ~Rebellion against God~

Institutionalized abortion began in Rome when egalitarianism was idealized. As men's philosophy and, most especially Christianity, began to take hold, abortion was almost immediately tossed.
These values remained until the 1900's, when feminism arose, where abortion and birth control not only reentered society but was actually seen as a primary liberation of women.
The very existence of it is through the autonomy of women, history straight up reveals this plain as day. What I really think is that men chose their values accordingly, and find feminist ideology to be worth more than keeping pregnant women out of abortion clinics.

I'm not, and never have, pulled any punches there because it's reality and nobody wants to face it- you can't get rid of abortion without undoing feminized society.




fluid is very different from tissue, including discrete cellular structures, which are present as the egg and the sperm cell

differentiation begins week 5

The Jews didn't use scientific definitions, only the definition that accounted for which they felt of a month old fetus.

This is where the whole matter just breaks down into mere semantics.
To say that a month old fetus would compromise one's choice in having to choose between it and a newborn is preposterous. Life simply just becomes ambiguous at that point, and the Jews acknowledged it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Jews didn't use scientific definitions, only the definition that accounted for which they felt of a month old fetus.

This is where the whole matter just breaks down into mere semantics.
To say that a month old fetus would compromise one's choice in having to choose between it and a newborn is preposterous. Life simply just becomes ambiguous at that point, and the Jews acknowledged it.

life isn't ambiguous at any point

when the sperm and the egg join, a new creation is formed, an unambiguously discrete individual creation

it's alive

until someone kills it

then it's unambiguously dead

King cobra

Mere fluid, as in there is no bone.
Jewish tradition had it wrong. “Mere fluid” denotes no real value. We now know that at fertilization, the genetic constitution of an individual human being is established. The only things needed to continue life are nutrients and love. Nothing “mere” about that.
Eve was a part of Adam, as a bone.
God had to start somewhere. Adam began as dirt, then was infused with a “breath of life.” Eve began with a rib. To say that continues today is foolish.
John's vessel was sanctified.
I appreciate that. Nevertheless, the unborn John was recognized by God as a human being. Luke referred to him as a “babe.”
Life for life in the event of the woman dying.
Life for life in the event of the baby dying. Life for life had already been established for the woman. This passage actually confirms the sanctity of life for the unborn.
You just admitted above that the Jews didn't see the fetus as life, and now you're saying otherwise. See, this is the sort of inconsistency which makes the declaration that 'abortion is murder' arbitrary.
Yes, many Jews didn’t see the unborn human as life. Some did. Many Jews didn’t see Jesus as the Messiah. Some did.
See, this is the sort of observation which illustrates rebellion against God. Many rebel. Some don’t.
That in no way negates the fact that unjustly ending the life of an innocent human being is murder.
you can't get rid of abortion without undoing feminized society.
There needs to be a balance. I would never agree to undoing the feminine influence on society. Women deserve rights, but not wrongs.


There needs to be a balance. I would never agree to undoing the feminine influence on society. Women deserve rights, but not wrongs.

Then you will never undo abortion, hombre. It's that simple- with the emergence of feminism comes abortion, it has been repeated through history and it's one of a myriad of reasons why the Bible is anti-feminist.

We live in a society that professes in patently not holding women accountable, right down to abortion, and throws it on men. Abortion was never illegal, and eventually became a a protected right because men decided not to do anything about the heel pressed against their neck.

Jezebel has ransacked your society and that is why you have institutionalized abortion. It's not judges, men, or law, that is all after the fact and remains because feminism remains.

So good luck with your apparent cognitive dissonance, I choose to simply see it for what it is- mere idealism isn't going to do anything, and that's what pro-lifers labor under while fooling themselves otherwise.

Go by example:
The Romans did away with abortion by limiting egalitarianism.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
well, that's one way to get 'er done :thumb:


King cobra

Then you will never undo abortion, hombre. It's that simple- with the emergence of feminism comes abortion, it has been repeated through history and it's one of a myriad of reasons why the Bible is anti-feminist.

We live in a society that professes in patently not holding women accountable, right down to abortion, and throws it on men. Abortion was never illegal, and eventually became a a protected right because men decided not to do anything about the heel pressed against their neck.

Jezebel has ransacked your society and that is why you have institutionalized abortion. It's not judges, men, or law, that is all after the fact and remains because feminism remains.

So good luck with your apparent cognitive dissonance, I choose to simply see it for what it is- mere idealism isn't going to do anything, and that's what pro-lifers labor under while fooling themselves otherwise.

Go by example:
The Romans did away with abortion by limiting egalitarianism.
Ignoring your poor grasp of history, I agree that men should take the lead. But taking the lead shouldn't involve blaming women for our own failures. God didn’t excuse Adam for that, and He’s not going to excuse us.


Ignoring your poor grasp of history, I agree that men should take the lead. But taking the lead shouldn't involve blaming women for our own failures. God didn’t excuse Adam for that, and He’s not going to excuse us.

Women blame you for their failures- they'll bring up Adam's failure in a second if you bring up any fault of Eve, and there is no contest with those as yourself when they do. So when you state what you've just stated, you are consenting to that.

You can't take the lead if you are following. Men didn't lead women to institutional abortion, women originally proposed it as a straight up liberation. And what do you think that is a liberation from, the Boogeyman? :AMR:
They stigmatize men into taking a hit for their own sins, and that is what you are laboring under.

King cobra

Women blame you for their failures- they'll bring up Adam's failure in a second if you bring up any fault of Eve, and there is no contest with those as yourself when they do. So when you state what you've just stated, you are consenting to that.

You can't take the lead if you are following. Men didn't lead women to institutional abortion, women originally proposed it as a straight up liberation. And what do you think that is a liberation from, the Boogeyman? :AMR:
They stigmatize men into taking a hit for their own sins, and that is what you are laboring under.

And who did Adam blame?

We, as men in general, have to admit failure where we’ve failed...before we can lead effectively.

Your Boogeyman is Hillary. And she’s gotten you to support a child killer.


And who did Adam blame?

Your logic is that men are to blame for all of women's failures.
They will completely agree with you, and have stated it themselves :rolleyes:

Your Boogeyman is Hillary. And she’s gotten you to support a child killer.

There's never going to be a president who will reverse abortion, because your feminist society will not allow it.
I don't know how much clearer I can make it- if you want to get rid of abortion, cut the head off the beast instead of pleading with it. It will not comply :wave:

King cobra

Your logic is that men are to blame for all of women's failures.
They will completely agree with you, and have stated it themselves :roll eyes:
Not “all" of their failures...women are human too after all.

These men that women blame...
Are you talking about men who neglect God?
The men who cheat on their wives?
The men who beat their wives so they can feel tough?
The men who use women, then disappear?
The men who use women, then throw money at them to get rid of the “problem”?
The men who gamble the grocery money away?
The men who drink themselves to a stupor every night?
The men who vote for pro-aborts (a lot are voting for Hillary too)?
If these are the men they are blaming, they have a case.

Of course, like Eve blaming Satan, that doesn’t give women the right to do wrong.
And, unlike Adam blaming both God and should man up, admit wrong, and lead justly.


Not “all" of their failures...women are human too after all.

These men that women blame...
Are you talking about men who neglect God?
The men who cheat on their wives?
The men who beat their wives so they can feel tough?
The men who use women, then disappear?
The men who use women, then throw money at them to get rid of the “problem”?
The men who gamble the grocery money away?
The men who drink themselves to a stupor every night?
The men who vote for pro-aborts (a lot are voting for Hillary too)?
If these are the men they are blaming, they have a case.

Of course, like Eve blaming Satan, that doesn’t give women the right to do wrong.
And, unlike Adam blaming both God and should man up, admit wrong, and lead justly.

Stop using the Bible to justify your Stockholm's Syndrome.

One of the complaints of feminists is that the leading people on pro-life advocacy are men. In fact, they are upset with virtually anything where men correct them.

A4T loves your post- she thanked it because it alleviates her- but go and actually pick up the reins and see what happens then.
What you're saying is plain bogus- if that's what you like to labor under than so be it, just don't think you'll ever change a single thing by it- they're depending on your impending failure which is why they are doing what they're doing now :chuckle:

You're the one making Adam's mistake.