Hovind Charges Dropped

Mocking You

New member
What happened? Were you in an accident? I mean, because you don't seem to know anything now.

Not an accident. U.N. soldiers in a black helicopter forced me off a rural road and kidnapped me. They took me to an interment camp in Wyoming where I was indoctrinated in the beliefs of the Illuminati and the Federal Reserve. It was in InfoWars and was also featured in World Net Daily. Surely an avid reader like you saw it?


New member
Not an accident. U.N. soldiers in a black helicopter forced me off a rural road and kidnapped me. They took me to an interment camp in Wyoming where I was indoctrinated in the beliefs of the Illuminati and the Federal Reserve. It was in InfoWars and was also featured in World Net Daily. Surely an avid reader like you saw it?

I must've missed it. I don't read " news" a lot. I check in on it a couple times a week to know what's going on. For years I watched way too much news. No need for it.