Honor God's Son or Perish


Active member
All of my threads have one thing in common. They will lead you to Christ.

I don't see how knowingly bearing false witness against "Catholics" and "Calvinists" while ignoring your own severely deficient doctrine leads anyone to Christ. Your threads may contain some truth, but when the observer sees the contradictions and hypocrisy and your refusal to deal with them, what kind of a witness is that?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I don't see how knowingly bearing false witness against "Catholics" and "Calvinists" while ignoring your own severely deficient doctrine leads anyone to Christ. Your threads may contain some truth, but when the observer sees the contradictions and hypocrisy and your refusal to deal with them, what kind of a witness is that?

The Gospel is to simple for you to believe. You like complicated, confusing religion.

Jesus comes into the world as our representative and does everything for us that we cannot do for ourselves.

Jesus acceptance into heaven is our acceptance. We are accepted in him.


Active member
The Gospel is to simple for you to believe. You like complicated, confusing religion.

Jesus comes into the world as our representative and does everything for us that we cannot do for ourselves.

Jesus acceptance into heaven is our acceptance. We are accepted in him.
Your posts are of no value to me because you never attempt to explain yourself. You use words like "gospel" and "religion", but I don't have any idea if those words are english translations, dictionary words that have already been defined, or your own made up words. Why would you give something you made up a name that is already in use? If you want to make stuff up, at least give it a unique name so that people know what you are talking about.
Or at the very least, answer people with clear, consistent answers rather than continue stating the same phrases over and over than have no meaning.
If two people converse using the same words, but each person has a different understanding of the definitions, you will NEVER be understood. So why even bother?
If you look at my prior posts, you will see that I have asked many questions to which you have not responded.You can call me "religious" all you like but I have no idea what that word means to you and you refuse to provide quotes where I stated being "religious" or "trusting in myself" so I can't help you.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Your posts are of no value to me because you never attempt to explain yourself. You use words like "gospel" and "religion", but I don't have any idea if those words are english translations, dictionary words that have already been defined, or your own made up words. Why would you give something you made up a name that is already in use? If you want to make stuff up, at least give it a unique name so that people know what you are talking about.
Or at the very least, answer people with clear, consistent answers rather than continue stating the same phrases over and over than have no meaning.
If two people converse using the same words, but each person has a different understanding of the definitions, you will NEVER be understood. So why even bother?
If you look at my prior posts, you will see that I have asked many questions to which you have not responded.You can call me "religious" all you like but I have no idea what that word means to you and you refuse to provide quotes where I stated being "religious" or "trusting in myself" so I can't help you.

You want to blame me because you are dull of hearing?

The Pharisees were religious. They thought that they could please God by what they did and by what they had become. You can read what Jesus thought about them in the 23rd chapter of Matthew.


Active member
You don't want the truth. If you wanted the truth God would reveal it to you.

Why would I go to a blind and deaf Burmese speaking street peddler whose offering some unknown burnt meat on a stick when I am starving, when my loving wife has already prepared a lovely smelling, nutritious warm 5 course free dinner?
The street peddler talks a lot but doesn't speak good English, he is too blind to see what he is offering and he can't answer questions.
There may be a little bit of meat there but who knows what was added to it to try and give it some flavor, even something poisonous.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Why would I go to a blind and deaf Burmese speaking street peddler whose offering some unknown burnt meat on a stick when I am starving, when my loving wife has already prepared a lovely smelling, nutritious warm 5 course free dinner?
The street peddler talks a lot but doesn't speak good English, he is too blind to see what he is offering and he can't answer questions.
There may be a little bit of meat there but who knows what was added to it to try and give it some flavor, even something poisonous.

Only the Holy Spirit can reveal truth.

When you get hungry enough for the truth it will be revealed to you.

Read the book of Romans, especially chapters 3, 5 and 6. Paul had the truth because it had been revealed to him by Christ, Galatians 1:11,12.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Belief of the Truth is only revealed to those who have been Chosen to Salvation 2 Thes. 2:13.

That's why you don't believe the Truth!



I have forgotten more of the truth than you will ever have. You think that Calvinism is the way, the truth and the life.


Well-known member
The only sinners that are going to be saved are the whosoevers.

"Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

What kind of gospel teaches that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways?


Well-known member

I have forgotten more of the truth than you will ever have. You think that Calvinism is the way, the truth and the life.

No you don't believe the Truth. It's hid from you 2 Cor. 4:3-4!

You don't even believe that Christ death alone saved sinners, cause you think they're going to wind up in hell anyways !
