Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized


Well-known member
1) I am Reformed by belief, but belief it was for freedom the Lord Jesus Christ set us free. Galatians 5:1
....belief it was for freedom.... .......What freedom?

As I said, the main reason I am against homosexuality is more in line with the social and physical harm.
So..... you are against any actions which aline with Social or Physical harm?

Spiritually, I believe we all need healing and reconnection with the Father as the Bible sets it out. I am Evangelical, Fundamental, and Conservative, and while self-legalistic, try to avoid putting anyone under a yoke or burden that God has not given them.
Evangelical........ OK, so you spread the word, you are not free to do what you want because you are required by God to spread the word. , so you have discarded freedom for God's work.
Fundamental..........OK, so you will keep every single guide rule and laws passed down by the Divine Words of God to His Ordained Prophets and Apostles. The way is fived for you by the writings of the NT, I'm guessing.
Conservative...... I just don't know how a person who has found the way would bother with Earthly concepts like Conservative, Liberal, etc...... you just do exactly what you're told..... by the bible.... yes?
Self-Legalistic...... I can't see that. Your Legislation is there, written large in the Divine Words of the Prophets and Apostles of the New Covenant, surely? You cannot legislate for yourself, surely?
He said His yoke was easy and His burden light. "Jesus Saves" needs to be good news and the more I can get someone talking to God, the more I can get out of the way of that conversation. A good introduction and a Bible with a few reading instructions is a good place of introduction.'
The way is only easy for those who discard the Mammon of this World. I always stiop and give to, speak to.... tramps, because they might have found the way, but I never listen to rich, well cladd, folks, full of fatness and money. :)
Mark {10:23} And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! {10:24} And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust
in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! {10:25} It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for
a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

2) Spiritually, I am concerned about Homosexuality because scripture says our bodies are meant for the Lord, as we are meant for the Lord.
So you are not free after all?
And just who is free? Is Salvation a free-gift given to the selrected ones? If so, we none of us need worry but just live our lives, content in the Will of God, judging nobody else...........?

Only a Christian would be interested in that, so I think it has to be a message after sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with someone. If they want to follow Him, they will be concerned and take His words as their own. Part of those instructions include how we interact together as a church as well.
You cannot say who else would be interested in the Words of God.

Sex overall is a concern for couples. I really didn't need to think much about it until I was married. It brings its own frame of mind. Most people do not wait until they are married, which lends to your idea about those in the church not being very different when it comes to such things. I think we are a bit different, but of course some of those observations are true. Ephesians 5 says that marriage is a picture of Christ to His bride, the church, therefore, men ought to love their wives and sacrifice for them and wives ought to be helpers for their husbands. I am not too caught up in roles, but rather the biblical expression of love in them and as they are intended by God, to portray some certain part of His character.
Sex is not a concern........ it is a privilege, a joy between two people. And Jesus noted that some rules were layed down only for hard hearts ion hard times. Couples attract to each other naturally. It is a natural predestination, really.
Mark {10:4} And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put [her] away. {10:5} And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. {10:6}
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. {10:7} For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; {10:8} And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. {10:9} What therefore God hath joined together,
let not man put asunder.

3) Because of that, I'm pretty sure there is not much difference between the church at large and the rest of society as far as problematic behavior. Our divorce rates, for instance, aren't far from the rest of the world. We do outgive others as a people group. I think forgiveness is a huge thing, however. It allows people the ability to walk in grace, and they tend to grace others because of it.
If you would approach a gay couple and tell them that in your heart and soul you forgive them, you might be surprised at the responses! :)

Unconditional love tends to also help others espouse those ideals in their lives and expressions to others as well. I have shared close community with people who have been changed and who love. The world may not see us as different, but I'm not sure they are looking hard enough. I was shocked recently that Richard Dawkins thought only Christianity could defeat ISIS for example.
Richard Dawkins has about as much idea about stamping out fundamental Islam as he does about the life and mission of Yeshua BarYosef. :D

4) I have had a few friends who were Ba'hai. It is so open as a theology/religion, though, that most who I talk to become Christians when they start looking. In a way, it is almost like a world religions class for them.
Fair enough. Bahais are too tied up with their own prejudices for me. Women cannot sit upon the World Bahai Council (UIHJ), Gays cannot vote at any level. blah blah blah....... and far too much emphasis is placed upon the writings of a few relatives and the UHJ, not enough upon the Bahai Prophet.
Yes..... I really like your definition of Bahai, that it is an introduction to the religions of the World. :)


Well-known member
Good. Any kind of brain-washing or mind-conditioning is an abomination, really.

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22),
Homosexuality WAS forbidden, one law among 613 very importabnt laws, back in the day.
If you want to live 'back in the day' then there are religions which aline slightly more closely with that than New Covenant Christianity. :)
considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24)
....back in the day....
, punishment for (Lev. 20:13),
.....back in the..... oh dear......
unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:
....... doesn't have to be unclean. But we're not going to get involved in the complexities of loving making on this forum, I hope? :D

All this ranting reminds me of the Pharisees and Priesthood, who had discarded nearly all of the 613 in favour of their own comfy quisling lifestyles, yet shouted and pointed fingers at Jesus and John the Baptist. .......hmmmm.......


Well-known member
:yawn: Mal 3:6
Ah ha! So you contaminated my post with your writing,[Sodom, Gomorrah 1 Co 6:9-10]and passed it as my own for a deception??? !!!!
....and then
Mal 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.
..... Surely..... The Lord's preogative is the Lord's prerogative?! :D

Ha ha! And there was Jesus, The Lord, repealing 96 of the old laws in a couple of sentences, crying out the call of Hosea!!
Matthew {9:13} But go ye and learn what [that] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Hosea {6:6} For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

So go and learn, with an eye to the truth, rather than to your own agenda! ??



Well-known member
....belief it was for freedom.... .......What freedom?
My laptop doesn't have a lot of RAM, and it messes things up for me :( 1) I am Reformed 2) I am set free in Christ Galatians 5:1
They were 'supposed' to be two separate ideas.

So..... you are against any actions which aline with Social or Physical harm?
Well, I can't blame the laptop for this. Rather I was thinking that I vote according to concerns. I vote against things that harm people.
According to scripture, I don't need to be judging the world. The Bible-world didn't know of a system of government that was 'we the people.'

Evangelical........ OK, so you spread the word, you are not free to do what you want because you are required by God to spread the word. , so you have discarded freedom for God's work.
The paradigm of Christianity considers that we are always motivated by something: either good and godly things in which we were created, or things against that nature. Going with our intended nature is an actual freedom. To me? The rest mean 'whim' which is more about impulse than purpose or meaning.
Vanilla ice cream is nice, but my 'free' choice of it isn't earth shattering toward purpose or meaning. Sacrificing for my children? It has meaning. Others would think I'm 'bound.' :nono: It is following my nature and the value of it is my freedom and joy and it also brings joy to them and others.

Fundamental..........OK, so you will keep every single guide rule and laws passed down by the Divine Words of God to His Ordained Prophets and Apostles. The way is fived for you by the writings of the NT, I'm guessing.
Conservative...... I just don't know how a person who has found the way would bother with Earthly concepts like Conservative, Liberal, etc...... you just do exactly what you're told..... by the bible.... yes?
Self-Legalistic...... I can't see that. Your Legislation is there, written large in the Divine Words of the Prophets and Apostles of the New Covenant, surely? You cannot legislate for yourself, surely?
I apologize for speaking shop-talk. Such needs to be explained:
Conservative in the biblical sense is about embracing tradition and community. Fundamental is also a theological concept that takes what the Bible says as true. Conversely, Biblical criticism looks at the Bible academically and questioning its veracity instead of believing it. It is more of a head-exercise than an exercise of the soul.

The way is only easy for those who discard the Mammon of this World. I always stiop and give to, speak to.... tramps, because they might have found the way, but I never listen to rich, well cladd, folks, full of fatness and money. :)
Some of them I do. J.C. Penny, gave more than 90% of his entire income away. He was like Dicken's version of a reformed Scrooge.
Mark {10:23} And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! {10:24} And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust
in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! {10:25} It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for
a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Keep reading Matthew 19:25,26

So you are not free after all?
Free is in the eye of the beholder. This is what I was made for, so I believe it the best definitions of 'free.'
And just who is free? Is Salvation a free-gift given to the selrected ones? If so, we none of us need worry but just live our lives, content in the Will of God, judging nobody else...........?
All men were created. As such, when we are following 'what we were created for,' we are free. Using a wrench as a hammer might 'seem' free, but it will break it (I broke my dad's). Seems counter-intuitive 'freedom' to me.

You cannot say who else would be interested in the Words of God.
Rather, I'm trying to say there is a trend to reject those things.

Sex is not a concern........ it is a privilege, a joy between two people. And Jesus noted that some rules were layed down only for hard hearts ion hard times. Couples attract to each other naturally. It is a natural predestination, really.
Mark {10:4} And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put [her] away. {10:5} And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. {10:6}
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. {10:7} For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; {10:8} And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. {10:9} What therefore God hath joined together,
let not man put asunder.
More specifically, it is a picture of Christ and the Church. Ephesians 5:32

If you would approach a gay couple and tell them that in your heart and soul you forgive them, you might be surprised at the responses! :)
:idunno: :think:

Richard Dawkins has about as much idea about stamping out fundamental Islam as he does about the life and mission of Yeshua BarYosef. :D
My point was that even those against Christians, see value in us.

Fair enough. Bahais are too tied up with their own prejudices for me. Women cannot sit upon the World Bahai Council (UIHJ), Gays cannot vote at any level. blah blah blah....... and far too much emphasis is placed upon the writings of a few relatives and the UHJ, not enough upon the Bahai Prophet.
Yes..... I really like your definition of Bahai, that it is an introduction to the religions of the World. :)


[:yawn: Mal 3:6, image of
Jesus Ex 20:4] Ah ha! So you contaminated my post with your writing,[Sodom, Gomorrah 1 Co 6:9-10]and passed it as my own for a deception??? !!!!

:yawn: I'm not here to teach you English 101 (Eph 4:14).


Well-known member
My laptop doesn't have a lot of RAM, and it messes things up for me :( 1) I am Reformed 2) I am set free in Christ Galatians 5:1
They were 'supposed' to be two separate ideas.
Cool.... no probs.
I'm using a Windows7Starter notebook...... some sites don't even acknowledge my system any more.
I'm not sure what I am at this time, but I can say that I am content with God's will.
I am reformed, in as much as I was a total idiot for so many years, slowly developing thru experience. Some say I still have a long way to go! :D

Well, I can't blame the laptop for this. Rather I was thinking that I vote according to concerns. I vote against things that harm people.
According to scripture, I don't need to be judging the world. The Bible-world didn't know of a system of government that was 'we the people.'
I think that the Israelites supported a Theocracy..... definitely supported a Theocracy, thru God's Laws and Commands. There's no point in me judging the World, but 'yes' I do vote for what I think can produce the greatest benefit for folks, especially working-class folks.

The paradigm of Christianity considers that we are always motivated by something: either good and godly things in which we were created, or things against that nature. Going with our intended nature is an actual freedom.
OK, I like that concept. Doing what feels right to us must be a freedom fior us. Yes.

To me? The rest mean 'whim' which is more about impulse than purpose or meaning.
Vanilla ice cream is nice, but my 'free' choice of it isn't earth shattering toward purpose or meaning. Sacrificing for my children? It has meaning. Others would think I'm 'bound.' :nono: It is following my nature and the value of it is my freedom and joy and it also brings joy to them and others.
OK again...... Doing what we feel that we need to do is 'Doing what we want to do'.
And yes again, my little pleasures and hobbies are simply....... whims, an 'icing' .......
My fundamental drive is the study of Jesus, his life and mission..... has been for many years. Can't put it down.

I apologize for speaking shop-talk. Such needs to be explained:
Conservative in the biblical sense is about embracing tradition and community. Fundamental is also a theological concept that takes what the Bible says as true. Conversely, Biblical criticism looks at the Bible academically and questioning its veracity instead of believing it. It is more of a head-exercise than an exercise of the soul.
That's me....... that last part, which obviously separates us fundamentally. And yet we can still talk and even be friends, imo. A JW has been visiting my home for twenty five years; must surely believe that I'm a waste of time in his search for converts, and yet by bouncing debate off each other we have both advanced within our own causes. And he likes my wife's cappucino coffee on cold mornings! :D

Some of them I do. J.C. Penny, gave more than 90% of his entire income away. He was like Dicken's version of a reformed Scrooge.
I'll look up his name.

Keep reading Matthew 19:25,26
Cool.... :)

Free is in the eye of the beholder. This is what I was made for, so I believe it the best definitions of 'free.'
Even our Earth, Solar System, Sun, Galaxy are not free....... their paths are their paths.
And then I think of John The Baptist, surviving out in the wastelands as close to self subsistence as any human can, living upon the surges of the seasons and the sends of the migrations, and yet he was not alone.... and entirely free, with no constraints at all...... and together, and at one with God. Now that really does excite my attention and admiration.

All men were created. As such, when we are following 'what we were created for,' we are free. Using a wrench as a hammer might 'seem' free, but it will break it (I broke my dad's). Seems counter-intuitive 'freedom' to me.
Now that's like first 'love'. The crazy, illogical, dry-in-the-sea chill-in-hellfire kind of love that just burns madly, consuming all ........ until all is ashes. And then new life can rise from that in the form of true knowledge....true love.... hmmmm. I'm not very good, spiritually, which is why I sometimes lose track of what some of the faithful say.

Anyway, where did this get me to?
Ah, yes...... Gays.
Now I do believe that some men and women can be totally attracted to their own sex in every way. I don't think that women are mentioned in connection with homosexuality, but obviously men are. I've known gay couples who did not couple like most people imagine........ Heh.... I'm waffling, and it's my bed-time!

Rather, I'm trying to say there is a trend to reject those things.

More specifically, it is a picture of Christ and the Church. Ephesians 5:32

:idunno: :think:

My point was that even those against Christians, see value in us.[/QUOTE]


Well-known member
Gosh, what a big mouth.......
Do you yawn because you're tired, or in fear?

I'm not here to teach you English 101 (Eph 4:14).
Well you're certainly not here to teach about the New Covenant with any integrity.
You run off into the Old just whenever it suits you, to make some agenda-filled one-liner.

1Cor 4:6
Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.

1 Corinthians 14:1
1 Timothy 6:11
2 Timothy 2:2
John 15:9


Well-known member
:yawn: Eph 4:14

Ahh..... yawning serpentdove, but you quoted Leviticus for your judgemental, self-righteous agenda.

Could it be that the Christian who grasps into the Old Covenant....... does not really trust the New Covenant of Jesus?
Could that be a sign?
Romans {1:31} Without understanding, covenantbreakers......?

2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves...........


Ahh..... yawning serpentdove...

A few housekeeping items:

Abbreviation for:

ad hominem :)yawn:)
payday someday (
Trump train (
Swamp creature (
Antichrist (

Green pass holder (
End of the world as we know it (
foul spirits (
Greasy gracers (
Shape shifters (
Ears to hear (
Becoming a beast (
), etc.

patrick jane

A few housekeeping items:

Abbreviation for:

ad hominem :)yawn:)
payday someday (
Trump train (
Swamp creature (
Antichrist (

Green pass holder (
End of the world as we know it (
foul spirits (
Greasy gracers (
Shape shifters (
Ears to hear (
Becoming a beast (
), etc.
Excellent work !!!


[The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).] ...[Y]ou're here to spam up the forum with links and general fruitcakery.

"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." Jn 14:6 ~ Bob Enyart