Homosexuality selected because of societal function


Well-known member
Why should I? It is after all two consenting adults entering into a relationship. DO you have some logical reason to employ prejudice against incestuous couples?

You're actually defending incest, here. Just think about that. Really.

I, for one, recognize "Oedipus the King" as the tragedy that it truly is.

You think it's a romcom.


Well-known member
So the answer is no you don't have a logical reason to employ prejudice against adult incestuous couples.

I do. An incestuous sexual relationship is not ordered toward the good of the potential offspring. That good, being the ultimate purpose of the sexual relationship.

Incestuous desires are disordered for the same reason homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia, and pedophilia are. They are inherently divorced from the actual purpose of the sexual relationship.

Let me ask you this (again), what makes pica a disorder?


New member
It was an attempt, and painstaking, to explain to you the false device being used to argue the homosexual case, that it's natural, which it is, decidedly, not. But, if it were evidenced in some natural aberrations, the argument is still so bogus.
but you have not demonstrated that homosexuality is not natural. All you have done is toss out a few insults and demonstrate your personal dislike for this minority by tossing around words that you would not use in discussions about other minorities.

Beasts serial kill, also. The whole, wretched discourse is bull (but, but, but... bull is found in nature!), lame sophistry, but let's leave it there, unless you don't want to. It's a free country, but I've got no more detail than what has already failed to register, as to the false nature of the argument, and this aspect of the topic is no longer any more fun. Incidentally, as to blacks, as they have said many times, and surely Jews or the handicapped, they don't appreciate their struggles being equated to being a homo, find that very insulting, though homos and meathead liberals have done just this.

And you miss the point entirely. (perhaps purposefully). The comparison is not between the minorities but rather the methods and practices of those trying to justify prejudice and discrimination.
Just recently we say Donald Trump falsely claim that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims.
Racists have long claimed that rape is a crime committed almost exclusively by black men against white women.
and on and on and on.

Rather, to all, I'd like to share something with you that even those of you versed in scripture may not have considered. This goes to this idea that, if it's done in nature, such as in the kingdom of beasts, it's appropriate for man, how none of you, created in God's image, seem to dissent. To whit, do you know why God, in the Bible, so often refers to nations and empires as various beasts? Because He will not dignify them as having characteristics that are civilized and humane, righteous and worthy of the slighest exaltation, rather, as history proves, are simply rapacious, hungry beasts, going about devouring flesh, and, unfortunately, comprised of large groups of men. God will not afford nasty herds of rapacious sinners and Satan’s stooges the dignity of manhood.

Perhaps consider this, next time you think man being on the level of beasts is a good argument for anything under the sun.

You do realize that no one has made such an argument don't you?


New member
I do. An incestuous sexual relationship is not ordered toward the good of the potential offspring.
People with genetic disorders that may potentially affect offspring enter into relationships all the time. So what? Let's say our happy incestuous couple takes steps to prevent pregnancy or were infertile. What logical objection can you offer?

That good, being the ultimate purpose of the sexual relationship.
Still no evidence to support this claim.

Incestuous desires are disordered for the same reason homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia, and pedophilia are. They are inherently divorced from the actual purpose of the sexual relationship.

Again the lumping of a minority into this particular grouping of people is no different from David Duke's ideas about black men and rape.

Let me ask you this (again), what makes pica a disorder?
Is homophobia a disorder?


Well-known member
People with genetic disorders that may potentially affect offspring enter into relationships all the time. So what? Let's say our happy incestuous couple takes steps to prevent pregnancy or were infertile. What logical objection can you offer?

My stance is consistent with what you've written. Contraception is immoral for the same reason homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, and incest are immoral.

Is homophobia a disorder?

Believing something is morally wrong is a phobia? Come on.

So you're pro-homosexuality.
You're pro-incest.

Let's keep going.

Are you pro-necrophilia?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since you [Sela] have no knowledge of what causes homosexual desires, you are correct: you are "guessing". I covered the topic extensively in Part 2 of my WHMBR! threads, showing that the LGBTQ movement after spending millions upon millions of dollars couldn't come up with any valid evidence showing that they were "born that way".

Yet a great deal of such evidence exists. So what should we make of your claim otherwise?

I've looked thoroughly over your post and (here is my claim) I can't find that supposed "evidence" presented anywhere. Desires and behaviors are changeable, homosexuality is no different.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
More importantly I showed testimony from hundreds and hundreds of people showing that environmental factors (molestation during childhood, growing up in a dysfunctional family: a distant or abusive father, a overbearing mother, etc.) created those same sex desires.

They say their orientation was caused by such things? Or did you just collect stories about people who had rather terrible experiences who also just happen to be gay?

I'd ask you to read the links found in the index on page 1 of WHMBR! Part 4, but trolls really aren't interested in the truth.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
EX-'gays' are the LGBTQ movement's worst enemy, as they've shown that change is possible and that no one is born with perverted desires, meaning that hate crime laws are not needed to protect people whose behavior is changeable.

Religion is [supposedly] protected by hate crime legislation yet religion is very changeable.

Fixed that for ya.

Hate crime legislation was designed for the LGBTQueer movement, hence their hatred of people who show that they were not "born homosexual" and that change is possible.

Regarding "changeable religions": God's universal moral code doesn't change, hence the LGBTQueer movements HATRED of God. They HATE Him so much that they change His Word to meet their selfish and perverted desires.


No one's ever met a gay baby!

Messing up the mind of an innocent child could take months or even years.



No ... only some of them. I am a moderate and would never support abortion regardless of the circumstances.

There is nothing "moderate" about people who support the LGBTQ agenda. Besides, your new political party is hardly pro life:

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.


New member
Hall of Fame
My understanding of the research on the topic says that homosexuality is the result of genetics, epigenetics and their interaction with the pre-natal environment.

I doubt there is simple gene for homosexuality. My guess is that there are epigenetic factors in interaction with the pre-natal environment like MrDante already said. There is research that suggests that it is more common in men with older brothers. I have no idea if this is true in other animals as well. If it is, it might be a mechanism (not in the sense of all youngest males are homosexuals, but statistically) that has been preserved due to an evolutionary advantage. But that is fairly speculative. The fact that it is so prevalent in the animal kingdom suggests that populations that have a certain % of homosexual individuals are selected for.

Pre-natal development is what I mostly had in mind, I think. Something tied to hormones. Perhaps epigenetics is tied in as well, though I'm by no means very familiar with any of this. I do see that some epigentic changes are heritable so there could be some selection based on that as well. I've also heard that males with older brothers are more likely to be gay.

My obvious thought or point is that prevalence is only evidence of selection if the cause can be passed on and I'm not sure how strongly the evidence points in that direction yet. Perhaps it is simply caused by something else that is relatively common in various species.