homosexual thread


New member
Without wishing to intrude in any feud here but how exactly am I caring about other people's sex lives? This is about having equal rights for all not in what anyone specifically actually does.

Hi Al,
There is no feud that I know of but perhaps a problem of sorts at times.

You say this is about equal rights for all - meaning only those who cannot get intimate with the opposite sex want the security and protections offered by the legal institution of marriage.

And you think this is not about you caring about other people's sex lives?

They have parades, they do everything they can to get homosexuality in the movies, on tv shows, and legislated as equal to the actual relationships that make the world turn.

If you do not think you are being played into caring - ask yourself would they care about you and your relationships with a woman?

I'll stop here regarding this post. :)
But think about it Al please


New member
Hi Al,
There is no feud that I know of but perhaps a problem of sorts at times.
If you say so. ;)

You say this is about equal rights for all - meaning only those who cannot get intimate with the opposite sex want the security and protections offered by the legal institution of marriage.
Should this always have to involve actual intimacy? If say there were only a platonic relationships between a man and women would you insist it was a sham and wrong if they chose to be married or indeed remain so? Why must the freedom to choose a partner in life always depend on an actual presumably sexual intimacy?
I think that people should be free to choose their own partners and their own levels of intimacy as a basic human right.

And you think this is not about you caring about other people's sex lives?
I really don't want to know nor care what others actually do together in private, gay or straight. It is about individuals having the right to choose for themselves.

They have parades, they do everything they can to get homosexuality in the movies, on tv shows, and legislated as equal to the actual relationships that make the world turn.
What do you mean by "they"? Are all gay people somehow compelled to overtly display their sexuality in parades, movies and TV? Or perhaps it's only the more extrovert and/or politically motivated people, gay or straight, that tend to do that sort of thing, had you considered that?

If you do not think you are being played into caring - ask yourself would they care about you and your relationships with a woman?
The whole point about any activist group is to sway the general consensus. We who may be less involved should know this and be able to make rational conclusions anyway from a broader overview than those in the middle of it.
The state simply banning people it selects, from their freedom to choose how to live or what to campaign for is surely not the answer afaic.

I'll stop here regarding this post. :)
But think about it Al please
I may not be as easily persuaded by activist groups as you seem to think. :nono:
I just may have actually reached my own rational and reasonable conclusion in spite of any activist organisations best efforts?
TBH I'm usually rather put off by slick partisan activist agendas and try to ignore them. :plain:


New member
What makes you think that your view reflects the 'majority opinion'?
Social institutions become established by majority opinion over the course of history as a society finds what works to create stability and what does not work.

They are not created by fiat.

Because of this, using legislation (fiat) to alter a preexisting social institution is an act of overturning the majority opinion on what is needed for a stable society.

I suppose you can take the position that it is the current majority opinion that the society should be destabilized by the altering of established social institutions in order to cater to the peversions of a minority.


New member
I suppose you can take the position that it is the current majority opinion that the society should be destabilized by the altering of established social institutions in order to cater to the peversions of a minority.
Should no minorities be catered for or just not those that you deem to be perverted? :think:


New member
Society is made up of minorities but apparently you want to decide when their lifestyles are deemed not worthy enough?

That is an extremely hateful and bigoted thing for you to say.

You are completely ignoring that the institutions of society evolve over time based on what the majority has learned to be appropriate behavior for a stable society based on countless examples of what works and what doesn't work.
So, in your ignorance, you lambast the wisdom of the majority when it interferes with fulfilling the lusts of the minority, claiming that the modern society must foolishly overturn the wisdom of thousands of years of experience in a multitude of societies.


New member
That is an extremely hateful and bigoted thing for you to say.
Nonsense, it was a reasonable question about who decides when some people are unworthy of society.

You are completely ignoring that the institutions of society evolve over time based on what the majority has learned to be appropriate behavior for a stable society based on countless examples of what works and what doesn't work.
I'm not sure that you know what I may be ignoring btw, but this may well suit the majority of course but I don't think that you have the right to deem a subgroup of being unworthy of that society because you personally, for your own perhaps bigoted reasons, seem to find them perverted. And you call me "hateful" ...sheesh.

So, in your ignorance, you lambast the wisdom of the majority when it interferes with fulfilling the lusts of the minority, claiming that the modern society must foolishly overturn the wisdom of thousands of years of experience in a multitude of societies.
"lusts"? :chuckle:
With that attitude slavery would never have been abolished, never mind giving homosexuals any rights at all.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
oh no, not another homosexual thread

there never seems to be enough of them
let's see who is keeping the latest one going

annabenedetti 4
Lighthouse 2
Brother Vinny 2
tetelestai 2


Hall of Fame

You fixed nothing ... outside of showing that you prefer to change the words I post rather than defend your obsession with things that have nothing whatsoever to do with you.

THIS is what I said ...

This is EXACTLY why alcohol should be illegal. Drinking is self-destructive and kills others.

Then again, we both know that claiming homosexuality should be illegal because it is self-destruction is an argument without merit.


New member
You fixed nothing ... outside of showing that you prefer to change the words I post rather than defend your obsession with things that have nothing whatsoever to do with you.

THIS is what I said ...

This is EXACTLY why alcohol should be illegal. Drinking is self-destructive and kills others.
So, you are trying to defend your obsession with things that have nothing whatsoever to do with you.

Why are you trying to impose your morality on others to outlaw alcohol?
When we outlawed alcohol, it created gangsters, who killed many more people than the alcohol killed.