Hollywood pedophiles


New member
I think it's exceedingly rare, given the typical cost to the accusers, who stand to lose friends, colleagues, opportunities, etc. Especially when they aren't suing. What do they stand to gain?....Rex

Somebody is pushing these women to come forward. There is much to gain politically. Those who have much to gain politically have very deep pockets and they have the ability to make things happen for good or for worse.

Either way, the consequences for squealing on such bribery is severe for those who are subjected to such bribery from such people with immense power.


New member
I don't think it is an everyday occurrence either.
But it does happen.
We shouldn't act like it doesn't happen.... Tambora

I believe it's not rare at all when there is a political motivation behind it. The women are always silent for decades and then suddenly appear out of thin air when a high stakes election is at hand or the opportunity to remove a hated political enemy from office.


New member
30 sources, on the record (meaning asserting the allegations publicly using their names). They include victims, and friends of victims, their stories show a consistent pattern, and they don't know each other.....


They didnt know each other until the opposition research company that was paid big bucks to make this hit piece put the story together and contacted each of these women in order to get their story straight.

One of these women is a very big Democrat political operative. She alone could have been instrumental in finding women who had some kind of relationship with Moore in the past and getting them all to make a consistent story. If all accusers come out and give a consistent story, that's a good reason to believe there was collusion among the accusers that was guided by a opposition research company that was paid handsomely to bring down a hated political opponent.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I don't think it is an everyday occurrence either.
But it does happen.
We shouldn't act like it doesn't happen.

I believe it's not rare at all when there is a political motivation behind it. The women are always silent for decades and then suddenly appear out of thin air when a high stakes election is at hand or the opportunity to remove a hated political enemy from office.
We can see it.
The left is silent when it is one of their own they want in office.
They think we have forgotten all the sleezes they have supported and put in office.
They always flip from morality to politics, and vise versa when it can benefit them.


Well-known member
I guess I should look up what molestation is myself, I thought it meant naked touching. I saw the Hannity interview and Moore sounds guilty. In this day and age you're guilty if accused anymore.

The truth will out. I just heard everyone in town has known he likes young girls for years. That's the kind of proof that will stand.

It's actually disgusting that people don't speak up when they know this crap is going on.

patrick jane

Chelsea Handler

Imagine being molested by an older man. Then that man denies ever doing it and then goes on and gets elected to United States senate. What kind of message does that send to young girls everywhere? And men to all the men who abuse women?
5:03 PM - Nov 12, 2017

Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut

Yeah, @chelseahandler I can imagine. I was raped by the Arkansas AG who then becomes Governor & President and NBC held my interview explaining the rape until after his impeachment hearing. But I'm sure you don't want to go there. https://twitter.com/chelseahandler/status/929847041664024576 …
8:32 PM - Nov 12, 2017 · Arkansas, USA



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I think it's exceedingly rare, given the typical cost to the accusers, who stand to lose friends, colleagues, opportunities, etc. Especially when they aren't suing. What do they stand to gain?....Rex

Somebody is pushing these women to come forward. There is much to gain politically. Those who have much to gain politically have very deep pockets and they have the ability to make things happen for good or for worse.

Either way, the consequences for squealing on such bribery is severe for those who are subjected to such bribery from such people with immense power.
Getting paid to tell their story doesn't necessarily mean their story is not true.

But yeah, it is suspicious that Roy Moore has been on the Alabama Supreme Court for years and no one thought to bring him down with these accusations until ........................ why now?

And while "why now" doesn't take away from him being guilty if those stories are true, the TIMING is very convenient for ....... guess who..


like marbles on glass
Why now?

Because post-Weinstein, the floodgates opened and women who'd kept secrets for years and years found the courage to share the stories of what was done to them.

This isn't a political story, this is a human tragedy of girls and boys both who were molested by people in authority over them or who held power in their circle, whatever it was. Professional. Community. Church. Family.

Had the Weinstein story broken after Moore's political race, he likely would have won with not a voice raised against him. Because... who would believe them? Right?

But then all the stories came tumbling out.

These particular women are being torn apart on Breitbart. The comments there are disgusting. It just goes to show how it's always been - in a patriarchal society, women and girls (and boys) are supposed to keep their heads down, "sit back and shut up."


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Chelsea Handler

Imagine being molested by an older man. Then that man denies ever doing it and then goes on and gets elected to United States senate. What kind of message does that send to young girls everywhere? And men to all the men who abuse women?
5:03 PM - Nov 12, 2017

Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut

Yeah, @chelseahandler I can imagine. I was raped by the Arkansas AG who then becomes Governor & President and NBC held my interview explaining the rape until after his impeachment hearing. But I'm sure you don't want to go there. https://twitter.com/chelseahandler/status/929847041664024576 …
8:32 PM - Nov 12, 2017 · Arkansas, USA

See, that's just the thing ......... the left accuses the right of the very thing they do themselves.

Good Lord, just think of all the perverts they praise in both politics and Hollywood.
Remember Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected in California?
They set him on a pedestal and he played house with a 16 year old boy.
Nothing has changed since then on the left.
They have a history of electing and praising perverts.


like marbles on glass
I believe these women. I believe the people who say they've known of their stories for many years. And I understand why they didn't come forward.

I know WaPo reached them out and asked them to share their stories. And I'd ask: Why is it okay for the media to search out the stories on the celebrities, and suddenly it's not okay for them to search them out on political figures?

Or is this where you pull out the Clinton whataboutism? Which doesn't play, because we all heard just as much from the media on those stories.



like marbles on glass
Post some of them.

Sure. Post them. Are they any more important than the ones about men who aren't from Hollywood? Or from "the left?"

Perpetrated by fathers, uncles, brothers, family friends? Because that's where most sexual abuse of children happens, you know.

Sexual abuse in the workplace isn't limited to Hollywood. It's in corporate offices and small businesses. On both sides of the political aisle. And in churches. In liberal communities and in strict religious communities.

So yeah. You can go on about "the left," but sexual abuse is everywhere.


like marbles on glass
I was groped under my clothing and subjected to sexualized comments about my breasts when I was 15 years old by an authority figure who was highly regarded in the community. He was as far from "the left" as you can be.

I didn't tell a single soul until four years ago, when I was in my early 50s.

That was the first incident in my life but it wasn't the only incident. The most recent happened in my early 50s as well, and it has had an effect on me in ways I don't care to get into.

Related to all this, I remember once doubting the story of someone who said she'd been raped. I didn't know her personally, and I never said anything to her directly. But I confided my doubt to someone else at the time, and that person, who had a deeper understanding than me, told me that it was better to believe the victim and find out later that belief was misplaced than to not believe them.

I was ashamed to have doubted her, and to this day I still feel shame when I think about it. I came from a judgmental upbringing which I'm still trying to detach myself from, but it was no excuse, my judgmentalism was on me. Ironically, when I had my own different life stories to tell, that same person doubted me. So now... I understand what it feels like to not be believed. What a life lesson. It's a terrible feeling, and I'm an adult. I can't imagine having that feeling as a child about something so traumatic and having to carry that with you the rest of your life.

Yes, I know there are times that women have fabricated allegations, and ruined lives because of it. I have sons. I wouldn't want that to happen to them, or any innocent man.

But there's no denying that the vast weight of factual history is on the side of the victims.