Hilary's Communist grammar


Actually you haven't. You're pro-Clinton.

Pro-Trump? Me? I'm not. Never have been. Try further down the creek, nothing biting here.

How about we both agree on one thing musterion? That you and your fellow Libertarian Trump buddies ok doser, WizardofOz/Patrick jane, Grosnick Marowbe and Catholic Crusader are as much my enemy as I am yours.

On that note: It's time for this moron to get ready for church*

*A church that musterion obviously wouldn't approve of because it isn't his.

The Horn

Hillary is no more a "communist " than Pope Francis is a Buddhist . The problem with right-wingers is that they foolishly equate liberalism in politicians with being communist, even though liberalism is the exact opposite of communism .
Liberals are not communists and communists are not liberals . Communism is a totalitarian form of government and economy where there is no private enterprise , no stock market, and the government controls the entire economy rigidly . There is not a single liberal Democrat in congress who advocates this, even senator Bernie Sanders, who is a SOCIAL DEMOCRAT , not a Marxist or communist .
President Obama is no communist either. Under him, the stock market on Wall Street is coming as never before . There is nothing even remotely communist about his regimes social or economic policies .
But many right-wingers in America advocate a kind of right-wing extremist totalitarian fascist government which is no better than communism, just tyrannical in different ways . And a form of government who is essentially theocratic .
This features a pure laissez-faire economy where there is no social safety net for people who are either born poor or who have fallen on hard times , and where if you lose your job, you can starve on the street for all the government cares . But if you are rich, you can get the best medical care in the world because you can easily afford it, where you can send your kids to get a college education or beyond because you can afford it , etc .
Separation of church and state is lacking , and politicians who are Christian can easily pass laws interfering with the private lives of others and violate their rights , abortion is illegal yet rampant, and poor women die every day from botched illegal abortions , or bring more and more poor , malnourished, poorly housed children into the world who lack decent medical care and education .
Gay people are not only not allowed to marry , but can lose their jobs if found out and can go to prison for long sentences even if they have never harmed anyone.
Kids are forced to participate in Christian prayer and sit through Bible readings even if they are not Christian and can be punished severely if they refuse to do these things .
The government can censor and ban any movie, TV show , book, magazine or whatever if those in charge find it sexually offensive or disrespectful to Christianity or "anti-christian ."
If the Republican party got its way, this is basically what America would become . No better than communism, just tyrannical in different ways .
Hillary Clinton does not advocate either of these two kinds of government , and neither do the other liberal Democrats .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hillary is no more a "communist " than Pope Francis is a Buddhist . The problem with right-wingers is that they foolishly equate liberalism in politicians with being communist, even though liberalism is the exact opposite of communism .

You are about 80 years behind the times. :dizzy:

The Horn

No, KTYOU, YOU are 80 years behind the times . Communism is as dead as a fish on the beach . The real threat to America is right-wing fascist theocracy .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, KTYOU, YOU are 80 years behind the times . Communism is as dead as a fish on the beach . The real threat to America is right-wing fascist theocracy .

You do not know how to follow your own post. You dumbbell, it is Ktoyou! The rise of the religious right occurred in the 1980s, so you are still in the dark.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
No, KTYOU, YOU are 80 years behind the times . Communism is as dead as a fish on the beach.........

I guess you've never heard of North Korea

North Korea





........The real threat to America is right-wing fascist theocracy .

Now, that may well the the most STUPID IGNORANT thing you've posted here, and that's saying quite a lot considering the slough of dumb things you've posted.

The Horn

Yes, I know al about North Korea and Cuba. But these are just two small, insignificant countries ruled by totalitarian dictators . There is absolutely zero risk of America becoming anything like this , because these are isolated small countries.
There are no communists in the Democratic party - the problem is that too many right-wing ignoramuses still think there are communists in it. There are a tiny handful of people in America who call themselves communists and a Communist party of the United States exists. But these people have zero power and influence in America, nor are they going to in the future.
The Soviet Union is gone for ever and can never return to what it was . China no longer has a communist economy. It now has a capitalist economy but is still run by totalitarian dictators .
The religious right has too much power and influence in America, and has a great deal of support in the GOP in Washington and around America. IT is the real threat to freedom and progress in America.
I'm not talking about the mainstream Protestants in America, who are reasonable and tolerant people . They are not the problem. Yes, communism is dead . But unfortunately, right-wing fascist theocrats are very much alive and dangerous .


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we both agree on one thing musterion? That you and your fellow Libertarian Trump buddies ok doser, WizardofOz/Patrick jane, Grosnick Marowbe and Catholic Crusader are as much my enemy as I am yours.

Not a libertarian.

I like to capitalize the L in Libertarian because it's not only an ideology, but a fairly well organized political movement.

That being said: Just because you're not for the legalization of heroin (I assume that you're not) doesn't mean that you don't have strong Libertarian leanings both ideologically and politically speaking.

Do you need proof?


No, KTYOU, YOU are 80 years behind the times . Communism is as dead as a fish on the beach . The real threat to America is right-wing fascist theocracy .

Liberal fascism is ruining society one stupid thing at a time, and even your presence on here is proof of that. You've all wiggled your way into almost every facet of society blowing that horn, and crying 'fascism' or 'theocracy' when you don't get your way.

Give me a break, you retard :chuckle: