Hilary's Communist grammar


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Care to back up those allegations with facts?

i.e. perhaps you could show us Senator Clinton's voting record to confirm such allegations and provide information showing that her votes do indeed promote a Marxist agenda.

Remember the flop called Hillarycare she wanted to push as FLOTUS?

I don't trust Trump any more than you do but you sure sound more and more like a not-so-closeted Clinton supporter.


ACW is equivalent to the poster: Letsargue, without all the odd repetitive punctuation, of course. ACW is plagued with severe anger issues.

Uh huh:

You didn't answer my questions properly. In fact, you didn't answer them at all. You don't make the rules around here. Let me be honest with you, "I think you're the "Scum" of TOL. You're obviously not a Christian believer and I have no respect for you as a human being. I love telling you these truths. It gives me, one fine feeling. Personally, I believe you do more harm in this world than ALL of the homosexuals combined. I think you're morally debased and an enemy of Christianity. Your filth is permitted here, however, everybody doesn't have to accept your obscene rantings. I enjoy being able to tell you who and what you are. You're a "Moral Maggot" and a sewer rat. If I had my way, I'd have you banned for life. You serve no worthy purpose on this forum. Hopefully. some day you'll hear the Gospel and place your faith in Christ. Otherwise, your eternal existence doesn't look too promising.

That felt wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity to tell a depraved person such as yourself, what a wonderful guy you are.

Now that we've addressed my anger issues, can we return to the topic of the thread?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I really think you're some kind of a "Nutcase." No offense intended, however, you should consider seeking psychiatric intervention?
ACW is a psychopath with obsessive issues. He obsesses over homosexuality to such a degree that one is led to believe he is a homosexual himself. He now obsesses over Trump, God only knows why.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Care to back up those allegations with facts?

i.e. perhaps you could show us Senator Clinton's voting record to confirm such allegations and provide information showing that her votes do indeed promote a Marxist agenda.

Remember the flop called Hillarycare she wanted to push as FLOTUS?

How about we talk about Donald Trump's plan for universal healthcare?

I don't trust Trump any more than you do but you sure sound more and more like a not-so-closeted Clinton supporter.

I was reading a post of yours from early in the primaries where you warmed me about Donald Trump (I was somewhat impressed with his stance on certain issues at the time, but then I wised up).

What has changed?


Well-known member


Gun control is one of the few issues on which Clinton has a more left-leaning record than Sanders, who represents a rural, pro-gun-rights state and has voted in the past for legislation to protect the firearms industry. Although Clinton has not attacked Sanders by name, by invoking guns she makes an unspoken contrast.

The issue also fits neatly into the overall narrative Clinton is trying to present. She can stake out a bold stance on an issue that plays well with the liberal base while arguing that she would break through the partisan stalemate in Washington . . .

Howard Wolfson, for many years a top Clinton aide before going to work for Bloomberg, said Clinton’s avoidance of guns in 2008 should not be mistaken for a lack of interest in gun control.

“I started working for her back in 1999 and she talked about it back then,” Wolfson said. “As a senator from New York, it was something that was important to her. I think in the wake of Newtown and Charleston, it’s more resonant in our political culture.”


ACW is a psychopath with obsessive issues. He obsesses over homosexuality to such a degree that one is led to believe he is a homosexual himself. He now obsesses over Trump, God only knows why.

While Donald Trump is a good friend to the LGBTQ movement, how about we talk about homosexuality in a thread dedicated to homosexuality CC?


Well-known member
How about we talk about Donald Trump's plan for universal healthcare?

You asked me about Clinton, moron.

I was reading a post of yours from early in the primaries where you warmed me about Donald Trump (I was somewhat impressed with his stance on certain issues at the time, but then I wised up).

What has changed?

Nothing on my end. You've come out more for Clinton is the only change I can see.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we talk about Donald Trump's plan for universal healthcare?

You asked me about Clinton, moron.

The "moron" politely asks: "What makes Donald Trump's socialist agenda better than Hillary Clintons?"

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I was reading a post of yours from early in the primaries where you warmed me about Donald Trump (I was somewhat impressed with his stance on certain issues at the time, but then I wised up).

What has changed?

Nothing on my end. You've come out more for Clinton is the only change I can see

The "moron" politely asks to show proof where I've ever said kind things about Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party. Since you can't do that, perhaps it's time again to...

put me back on ignore? (do it for your blood pressure musterion, I hate to think that all of this grief that I'm giving you by telling the truth about Donald Trump would cause your BP to spike).


Well-known member
I know nothing about Trump's positions. Clinton's I know only from prior memory of days when I seriously followed this stuff.

You're the one posting non-stop on this topic so don't talk to me about BP. I always run low anyway.

Quote function. Learn it.


New member
In "As I Please: The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell," he wrote about the denial of of objective reality in totalitarian regimes. He saw the denial of objective reality by the Marxists in the Soviet Union, and that in Nazi Germany lying was so common that the Germans would not believe that anyone was telling the truth.

In the Soviet Union the Marxist version of the Hegelian Dialectic was made into a propaganda weapon. Marx said "In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." The Marxist dialectic has become a procedure for bringing about Orwell's denial of objective reality; it is used now almost everywhere.

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change

"And on the basis of this individual growth of each in our conditions a new
type of mighty socialist collective will in the long run be formed, where
“I” and “we” will merge into one inseparable whole. Such a collective can
only develop on the basis of profound ideological solidarity and an equally
profound emotional rapprochement, mutual understanding."
Nadezhda K. Krupskaya a, Letter to A. M. Gorky.


Let's say you're right on all points.

How would that mitigate in Clinton's favor?

You clearly believe it would. Explain why.

First of all:

The Quote function: learn it.

If I'm reading your question correctly, my answer is this:

In war, it's so very important to know your enemy. With a President Hillary Clinton, conservatives will know what they're up against, and hence prepare to override legislation that will be harmful to the conservative cause.

With the sociopath Donald Trump, conservatives won't know what he's going to do until it's possibly too late, or worse, they'll side with his socialist agenda solely because he's a Republican President (as has been the case with previous Republican Presidents).

The next 4 years will be lose-lose for America, no matter who is voted in as President. Hopefully Congress will remain somewhat conservative (although that's not likely with Trump doing the damage he's done to the Republican Party image) and keep us afloat until the next Presidential election where true conservatives will be much more organized and not allow a wolf in sheep's clothing to get the Republican nomination.


Well-known member
First of all:

The Quote function: learn it.

If I'm reading your question correctly, my answer is this:

In war, it's so very important to know your enemy. With a President Hillary Clinton, conservatives will know what they're up against, and hence prepare to override legislation that will be harmful to the conservative cause.

Then you've already lost.


But now I see why you're pulling for Clinton.