"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well that's what he and the Kamala are planning to do, so . . . ....Responsible gun control isn't taking away your guns or my guns....
Well that's what he and the Kamala are planning to do, so . . . ....Responsible gun control isn't taking away your guns or my guns....
Well that's what he and the Kamala are planning to do, so . . . .
No Democrat or Republican in their right mind would ever say that. And nobody said he did either. All I did was provide the link to what he actually plans to do. Which you apparently didn't bother to peruse.Well, let's take a look...
Does Biden Want To Abolish the Second Amendment?
Biden has never called for abolishing the Second Amendment.
No Democrat or Republican in their right mind would ever say that. And nobody said he did either. All I did was provide the link to what he actually plans to do. Which you apparently didn't bother to peruse.
No Democrat or Republican in their right mind would ever say that.
And nobody said he did either. All I did was provide the link to what he actually plans to do.
Well that's what he and the Kamala are planning to do, so . . . .
Right. No one in their right mind. But Trump said it.
What neither of these people are seeing, because they're willfully blind about it for some reason, is that the president-elect plans to enact law to render every semiautomatic long gun and every magazine capable of receiving more than 10 rounds, equivalent to a machine gun, which means that tens of millions of Americans are, if he gets his way, going to be backed into a corner, given the choice between either getting rid of their guns and magazines, or paying a steep fee, plus, partially forfeiting their right to privacy and registering with the ATF. As far as I can tell that's just the beginning of what he and the Kamala want to do.I did
It was very clear and easy to read. I can't imagine why burby would struggle with it.
The president is bombastic and says so many things off the cuff. I have no doubt that after he uttered this, that if legislation came to his desk to enact it, that he would veto it. Meanwhile Biden's polished website sets out exactly what he want to do, and I don't have any reason to not believe him that he would if given the chance, by a Democrat House and Senate.Right. No one in their right mind. But Trump said it.
:AMR: That "someone", is Biden himself.The link doesn't show that, either. It's just someone telling a story about what they want you to believe Biden is going to do.
Maybe you don't understand the language in there. The NFA is the weapons grade gun control law that regulates machine guns and destructive devices. Their plan is to force average Americans into disarming by giving them two awful choices, both of which flagrantly ignore the Second Amendment.No they're not.
Not explicitly, and I never said that he did explicitly say that, and I did not "just learn" anything about Biden or the Kamala.As you just learned, Biden never said he wanted to violate the 2nd Amendment
Again not explicitly. Bombast., but Trump has.
If I thought the president would actually bring about his "take the guns first" off the cuff remark, you'd have a point. The reality is that "red flag" laws, which are the realization of a "take the guns first" policy, are supported by Democrats and not Republicans. Because they short-circuit due process, another right, a positive one, that's enumerated in the Constitution.Yet you support Trump and oppose Biden.
That seems rather self-defeating to me.
Ah, no. They treat them more equally than prior courts.The key here is you have the most right-wing Supreme Court in American history, who ideologically favor the 2nd Amendment over the 1st Amendment.
Not how it works. First come the laws, then come the appeals trying to overturn, nullify, or vacate them, up to the Supreme Court if necessary. The lag between the former and the latter is many months to over a year.Even if Biden wanted to abridge the 2nd Amendment, they wouldn't let him.
Well obviously there's a reason many voters prefer one party over the other. This is one of them.What has some people agitated is that Constitutional rights are never absolute; they can't be used to impose on the rights of others. And that's where the friction lies.
On top of everything I've addressed about this already, it wasn't "simple" but "simplistic". Bombast.Trump's solution was simple. Grab the guns from people and worry about due process later.
He prefers to restrict the Second Amendment even more than it is already restricted.Biden leans toward the rule of law and the Constitution.
All's to say is that you don't believe in the Second Amendment like how you claim to believe anyway, in our other enumerated negative rights, otherwise you would prefer to treat that right just like all the other negative rights enumerated in the Constitution.I like Biden's way better.
I addressed it numerous times.I don't think any of your excuses are going to matter. You don't want to acknowledge that Trump has advocated abridging the 2nd Amendment
Ditto., while Biden has not.
Cloudy thinking comes from believing in ghosts, and in denying self-evident facts, f y i.And that's what matters.
I addressed it numerous times.
Cloudy thinking comes from believing in ghosts, and in denying self-evident facts, f y i.
You seem to now be arguing against yourself.
The problem here is that you think that I think that one of these parties has a legitimate policy position on arms control. I do not think that, I think that they are both illegitimate. But, the Democrats including president-elect Joe Biden himself gave us the AWB of 1994, that the Republican government of 2004 allowed its 10-year sunset clause to occur, and for the AWB of 1994-2004 to expire, and even in the midst of a mountain of infringements against our right to keep and bear arms, this is salient, this stung, and still stings, for those of us unfortunate enough to live in states where they basically just ignored the federal expiration, and continue to enforce it in their state, enacting "new" laws for their state that mirrored the federal AWB of 1994-2004.I don't think any of your excuses are going to matter. You don't want to acknowledge that Trump has advocated abridging the 2nd Amendment, while Biden has not.
And that's what matters.