Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Thanks, but it seems way inadequate to me.
It wasn't.
OMG. Seriously? You ripped me up one side and down the other for liking it. Not sure I'm gonna be able to forgive you for that.lain:
Thanks, but it seems way inadequate to me.
OMG. Seriously? You ripped me up one side and down the other for liking it. Not sure I'm gonna be able to forgive you for that.lain:
Well, I'll take it under consideration....
I'll let you know when I'm finished considering.lain:
...How do you trust the police? How?
I don't understand how you feeling this way, can be anything but very strongly Pro-Second Amendment then. It's literally irrational. Because you're right to perceive the slightest movement in police activity toward oppression, toward brutality, as extremely serious, in a nation like ours, where our rule of law is first of all defended by the police, and there's very little to nothing behind that. There's just, armed, and the better armed, the better, civilians. We are the last line of defense of the rule of law, if the worst case scenario ever occurs, even if only in dribs and drabs, here and there. Police swear allegiance to the Constitution. So do all our elected officials. If they then forget it or are tricked into breaking their oath, that can't just be the end of the world, or the end of this nation, or the end of the American story. We can stand up. Our founders put the means to do it right in the Constitution, and the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights even alludes to this ultimate form of redress. All we have to do is treat that sacred right to keep and bear arms like the rights to free speech, religion, conscience, thought and homosexual marriage and indiscriminate abortions. We know how to do it, we just have to apply what we know to the basic human right to own and carry arms....
I don't trust the police....
One thing we've seen from the protests - the police lie, and they lie, and they lie. And then someone has cellphone video and the lie is shown for what it is.
What about all the decades and decades when there was no cellphone video? It's a terrible thing to think about.
I don't trust the police. It's a conundrum, I might need to call them some day. But I'm white. And still - I didn't trust them when my sons were teen drivers and I trust them even less now. I can't imagine what a Black mother must feel like when her sons go out at night.
... a policewoman ... If I made her feel a little foolish, then I did my duty as a citizen
And this is why the left must be destroyed
They are our fellow citizens. They are your neighbors. Their children play with your children. And they hold deep seated beliefs that you find abhorrant if they give them voice in your hearing.
Without cell phones, there would have been no BLM, no arrest for the killers. Police unions are lobbying for laws preventing citizens from photographing police, for just that reason.
Good post - and good photo, Barbarian.
Can't help but wonder if you'd have been able to diffuse the situation as easily if you'd been 'foreign-looking.'
I don't know if the woman driving the car was white. I couldn't see her in the mob of cops attacking her, I only saw the cop propaganda photo of her son.
What an irrational response. Do you realize you sound unhinged?
Not only for your bizarre non-sequitur but also because you know he's not "the left." You know it.
Follow your own diktat.
What an irrational response. Do you realize you sound unhinged?
I don't understand how you feeling this way, can be anything but very strongly Pro-Second Amendment then. It's literally irrational.
...I don't understand what you're trying to say.
...How do you trust the police? How?
I don't understand how you, feeling this way, can be anything but very strongly Pro-Second Amendment then. It's literally irrational....
I don't trust the police....
I don't understand how you, feeling this way, can be anything but very strongly Pro-Second Amendment then. It's literally irrational.
Great.I am pro-second amendment. I own guns. I don't know why you're tying that to my posts about not trusting the police and then making a rationality judgment on it.
with the president-elect's
One should be a firm supporter of the 2nd Amendment for the same reason that one should support all of the Bill of Rights. You can't take away anyone's rights without endangering your own. Guns have been in the past, a plague on America, but that has been declining for some time. Regardless, the laws protecting our rights should be jealously guarded, and any attempt to encroach on them should be opposed.
Doesn't mean you get to scream "fire" in a crowded theater, or have unlimited access to heavy weapons; it's always a balance. But we should err on the side of freedom.