High school newspaper exposes how state police quoted Adolf Hitler in training manual


like marbles on glass
A high school newspaper has exposed how state police quoted Adolf Hitler and advocated violence in a training manual

In Kentucky, a high school newspaper obtained slides exposing how the state police force used Adolf Hitler quotes in their training sessions for recruits.

Students working on the Manual RedEye, the newspaper for Louisville's duPont Manual High School, published exclusive slides a local attorney obtained through a public records request and shared with the publication on Friday.

In the slides, reported the RedEye, recruits are told to "meet violence with greater violence" and be a "ruthless killer" with "a mindset void of emotion."

One slide then goes on to quote Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic manifesto: "The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence."

The slideshow reportedly quotes Hitler twice more and concludes with the German motto "Über Alles," meaning "above all" or "above everything," associated with far-right nationalism in Germany. It was removed from the German national anthem after the defeat of the Nazis in World War II.

The Barbarian

To be fair, it's one of the reddest of the red states. Not typical of police generally.

But it is noteworthy that those who were clutching their pearls about how "violent" and "ruthless" antifa and BLM were claimed to be, were the ones actually advocating and practicing those tactics.


like marbles on glass
White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says
A former FBI agent has documented links between serving officers and racist militant activities in more than a dozen states

White supremacist groups have infiltrated US law enforcement agencies in every region of the country over the last two decades, according to a new report about the ties between police and far-right vigilante groups.

In a timely new analysis, Michael German, a former FBI special agent who has written extensively on the ways that US law enforcement have failed to respond to far-right domestic terror threats, concludes that US law enforcement officials have been tied to racist militant activities in more than a dozen states since 2000, and hundreds of police officers have been caught posting racist and bigoted social media content.

The report notes that over the years, police links to militias and white supremacist groups have been uncovered in states including Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia.

The Barbarian

A huge part of the problem is the militarization of police forces. Give them tanks, GI Joe outfits, and other equipment, and they will eventually start looking at American citizens as the population of an occupied country.


like marbles on glass
A huge part of the problem is the militarization of police forces. Give them tanks, GI Joe outfits, and other equipment, and they will eventually start looking at American citizens as the population of an occupied country.

I've been saying that for years. When they go to all the trouble of getting geared up for battle, psychologically, they're more likely to make sure they get a battle.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says
A former FBI agent has documented links between serving officers and racist militant activities in more than a dozen states

White supremacist groups have infiltrated US law enforcement agencies in every region of the country over the last two decades, according to a new report about the ties between police and far-right vigilante groups.

In a timely new analysis, Michael German, a former FBI special agent who has written extensively on the ways that US law enforcement have failed to respond to far-right domestic terror threats, concludes that US law enforcement officials have been tied to racist militant activities in more than a dozen states since 2000, and hundreds of police officers have been caught posting racist and bigoted social media content.

The report notes that over the years, police links to militias and white supremacist groups have been uncovered in states including Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia.

I asked you years and years ago anna, you and barbie - in a free society, how do you accommodate people who think like this?

You had no answer then. You have no answer now.

They are our fellow citizens. They are your neighbors. Their children play with your children. And they hold deep seated beliefs that you find abhorrant if they give them voice in your hearing.


like marbles on glass
I asked you years and years ago anna, you and barbie - in a free society, how do you accommodate people who think like this?

You had no answer then. You have no answer now.

Prove I had no answer then. I think you're making that up.

They are our fellow citizens. They are your neighbors. Their children play with your children. And they hold deep seated beliefs that you find abhorrant if they give them voice in your hearing.

Back atcha, you hypocrite.


like marbles on glass
A huge part of the problem is the militarization of police forces. Give them tanks, GI Joe outfits, and other equipment, and they will eventually start looking at American citizens as the population of an occupied country.

Look at this video, it's horrifying. A mother with her toddler in the car goes to pick up her nephew, drives down the wrong street where there are police and protesters, she tries to turn around but the police literally swarm her car like ants on an anthill. One cop breaks all the windows in the car, the swarm literally drags the mother about 15 feet, you can barely make her out, she's so swarmed. She's injured, the nephew is injured, and then the police union has the nerve to post of picture of the child and claim the child was ' lost and wandering' at the protest. They did that to that child, separated him from his mother for hours and used him as propaganda.

Moments After Video Captures a Swarm of Philadelphia Police Bash Windows, Rip Black Mother from SUV, Her Traumatized Son Is Used for Police Propaganda

It's the first video at the link.

And then:


How do you trust the police? How?

The Barbarian

Look at this video, it's horrifying. A mother with her toddler in the car goes to pick up her nephew, drives down the wrong street where there are police and protesters, she tries to turn around but the police literally swarm her car like ants on an anthill. One cop breaks all the windows in the car, the swarm literally drags the mother about 15 feet, you can barely make her out, she's so swarmed. She's injured, the nephew is injured, and then the police union has the nerve to post of picture of the child and claim the child was ' lost and wandering' at the protest. They did that to that child, separated him from his mother for hours and used him as propaganda.

The police union did take down the picture and faked story, after the truth came out. Apparently, the police haven't yet told her where her car went. I'm guessing the department doesn't want the press to get a picture of the car after the thugs were done with it.

These things usually happen with one cop losing his sense and attacking. The others get caught up in the moment, and it's a mob. This could happen to anyone unlucky enough to wander up the wrong street.

I see a multi-million dollar payout coming.


like marbles on glass
So how do we accommodate them?

In real life, today, not two hours ago, I had a young child in my extended family tell me that she'd gone to a Trump rally. I had to bite my tongue because I love her and she's too young to understand. Her father knows how I feel about Trump, but he's a Trump supporter and that breaks my heart so we don't talk politics so as to keep the peace. But it kills me inside. I know he doesn't have the time to follow politics like I do, he votes like I did at his age. Not a thing I can do about it, but I still love him.

I love my country. I hate what Trump has done to it, what the GOP has done to it, what Trump has done to exacerbate the divide between us, to make it acceptable to show hatred and bigotry and then laugh about it. Who yell at people to go back to their own country when they were born here but happen to be of Asian or Hispanic descent. Who treat Blacks as less human than them, less equal than them, Muslims as less, Gays as less. It's ugly.

You're free to be an ugly American until it crosses into a crime that can be prosecuted. You can think ugly, you can live with your ugly, revel in it, maybe never realize how ugly it actually is, but you do have the freedom to be that ugly. But it doesn't make it right or good. Or Christian. And when Christians are ugly, they have no moral ground to point fingers at unbelievers but they will anyway. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

I do remember telling someone years ago that I could never again hold their political worldview but if their house was on fire I'd try to rescue them because they were my neighbor, because it was the only and the right thing to do. I don't believe that a MAGA would necessarily do the same for me.


like marbles on glass
The police union did take down the picture and faked story, after the truth came out. Apparently, the police haven't yet told her where her car went. I'm guessing the department doesn't want the press to get a picture of the car after the thugs were done with it.

These things usually happen with one cop losing his sense and attacking. The others get caught up in the moment, and it's a mob. This could happen to anyone unlucky enough to wander up the wrong street.

I see a multi-million dollar payout coming.

One thing we've seen from the protests - the police lie, and they lie, and they lie. And then someone has cellphone video and the lie is shown for what it is.

What about all the decades and decades when there was no cellphone video? It's a terrible thing to think about.

I don't trust the police. It's a conundrum, I might need to call them some day. But I'm white. And still - I didn't trust them when my sons were teen drivers and I trust them even less now. I can't imagine what a Black mother must feel like when her sons go out at night.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're free to be an ugly American until it crosses into a crime that can be prosecuted. You can think ugly, you can live with your ugly, revel in it, maybe never realize how ugly it actually is, but you do have the freedom to be that ugly.

my take as well

My sons escaped developing racist attitudes, athough I wonder about my son who is in the military and what he's developing.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In real life, today, not two hours ago, I had a young child in my extended family tell me that she'd gone to a Trump rally. I had to bite my tongue because I love her and she's too young to understand. Her father knows how I feel about Trump, but he's a Trump supporter and that breaks my heart so we don't talk politics so as to keep the peace. But it kills me inside. I know he doesn't have the time to follow politics like I do, he votes like I did at his age. Not a thing I can do about it, but I still love him.

I love my country. I hate what Trump has done to it, what the GOP has done to it, what Trump has done to exacerbate the divide between us, to make it acceptable to show hatred and bigotry and then laugh about it. Who yell at people to go back to their own country when they were born here but happen to be of Asian or Hispanic descent. Who treat Blacks as less human than them, less equal than them, Muslims as less, Gays as less. It's ugly.

You're free to be an ugly American until it crosses into a crime that can be prosecuted. You can think ugly, you can live with your ugly, revel in it, maybe never realize how ugly it actually is, but you do have the freedom to be that ugly. But it doesn't make it right or good. Or Christian. And when Christians are ugly, they have no moral ground to point fingers at unbelievers but they will anyway. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

I do remember telling someone years ago that I could never again hold their political worldview but if their house was on fire I'd try to rescue them because they were my neighbor, because it was the only and the right thing to do. I don't believe that a MAGA would necessarily do the same for me.

Fantastic post. I hope that young child learns to think for herself and not be indoctrinated into partisan politics.

On a plus note I've just been watching "Spy" on TV and might have been a bit harsh on it in earlier exchanges. Actually pretty entertaining.



like marbles on glass
Fantastic post. I hope that young child learns to think for herself and not be indoctrinated into partisan politics.

Thanks, but it seems way inadequate to me.

On a plus note I've just been watching "Spy" on TV and might have been a bit harsh on it in earlier exchanges. Actually pretty entertaining.


OMG. Seriously? You ripped me up one side and down the other for liking it. Not sure I'm gonna be able to forgive you for that. :plain: