High IQ:


New member
WELL!!! - You Must be Smarter than I AM!!! - SOOOO Prove me Wrong. It should be VERY EASY For you then!!!!

"Jesus is Just a (( "Parable" )) of the Laws of the Universe / God. and Nothing more"!!!

Paul -- 022514

Well, - OK Genius!!! - You Can't do that; ---- (( "There's no such thing as ( "Gravity" )"!!! - Is that more along your IQ Level???

Paul -- 022514


New member
LA, you're always wrong.
And when you're not, it's because you're incomprehensible.

People with Knowledge, - Never have any trouble Proving those withour knowledge Wrong. - It's only the Foolish Phonies who will Only make exicuses for their foolishness!! - Prove that Wrong Genius!!

OK! -- Lets say "No one can Prove anything - really".
SOO, -- just give the Best dispute / argument!!! - Or is that too much for you??? -- Really, there is no known Physical Laws; -- just the best argument of the supposed law, like Gravity. -- Now your turn!!

Paul -- 022514

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
WELL!!! - You Must be Smarter than I AM!!! - SOOOO Prove me Wrong. It should be VERY EASY For you then!!!!

"Jesus is Just a (( "Parable" )) of the Laws of the Universe / God. and Nothing more"!!!

Paul -- 022514

Intelligence plays no part in this discussion! Plainly said, "You are QUITE mad!"
(In the disturbed sense of the meaning, of course!)


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Hay, - you have a High IQ!!! -- Good for You!!!!! – How “Smart” is that??? – ((( “Mensa”, OOOH – “MENSA” ))), -- is the IQ World of Smart People!!!! - Geniuses!!!!!!!!! – What is Your IQ????? – Is your IQ AS HIGH as – ((( Hitler’s )))?????? – Hitler had a Very High IQ!!!! – Einstein had a Very High IQ!!!!! – Bill Gates has a High IQ!!!! --- Most of the fools on TV have high IQs. --- Do all Geniuses have High IQs???? – ((( YES )))!!! --- SOOO, - What is that????? – Just because YOU Have a High IQ, -- You’re SMART????????? – (( OK!! )) ---- Was Hitler Smart???? – Was Einstein Smart, and didn’t ((( KNOW ))) GOD????? – Jimmy Swaggart is Smart, and has a High IQ!! – Is Jimmy’s IQ about the Same as the “Pope’s”???? – They Both must have High IQs!!!!!

All Lost People Have high and Low IQs, and All the Saved People have High and Low IQs.

Christ and Satan have the exact same IQ!!!!!! – They both are Geeeenniuuussssss!!!!

( “MENSA”!!!! ), if you’re one of them, that proves you’re a (( “GENIUS” ))!!!! -- ((( BUT )))!!!!!

Paul – 022514
I know this isn't very bright, and neither am I.

One of these post rants Letsargue (Paul) you going to go after a TOL forum member who isn't going to like your over the mean spirited diatribe(s) and you'll not hear the end of it until you are banned.

My IQ? I have no idea what it is, and shouldn't make any difference to anyone else either.

My IQ number? If you want numbers get them out of the phone book.

Now that's real genius, whoa, where'd I get that one?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is a recent photo of me, fixinta have a heapa vittles-hog jowls, and possum stew....mmmmmm....



New member
I know this isn't very bright, and neither am I.

One of these post rants Letsargue (Paul) you going to go after a TOL forum member who isn't going to like your over the mean spirited diatribe(s) and you'll not hear the end of it until you are banned.

My IQ? I have no idea what it is, and shouldn't make any difference to anyone else either.

My IQ number? If you want numbers get them out of the phone book.

Now that's real genius, whoa, where'd I get that one?


I can't tell if that is a "Threat" or not, coming from you.

I didn't Know that I was the only one who was sayings things here!!

Paul -- 022514


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
I can't tell if that is a "Threat" or not, coming from you.

I didn't Know that I was the only one who was sayings things here!!

Paul -- 022514
Letsargue (Paul) ... No that is not a threat. How could you perceive such a thing? Unless you get a lot of threats.

No it is not a threat, besides why would I do that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sounds like you are resentful that you aren't as intelligent as some others.

By the way I am in the top 99.99% of the population.

He just needs to get a haircut, and take a shave! Oh, it might help
if he'd get out of that cave he's dwelling in, and join the human
race! Isolation does strange things to the mind!