ECT Heretical Teaching of the Word-Faith Movement


Well-known member
Salvation and healing has always been as a result of God's mercy, whether or not people claim it.
Don't worry, it''ll never happen to you, because you reject it.

Both have happened to me so I absolutely do not reject God's ability to miraculously heal, when and if He chooses to do so. What I reject is the belief He is still using miraculous healers, as He did during the Acts era. You refuse to see the distinction but that's not my problem.


Well-known member
Both have happened to me so I absolutely do not reject God's ability to miraculously heal, when and if He chooses to do so. What I reject is the belief He is still using miraculous healers, as He did during the Acts era. You refuse to see the distinction but that's not my problem.

Exactly. :thumb:


Well-known member
Once people have rejected Paul's Gospel, they will turn to "anything!"
The people who follow these, so called "preachers" are looking for "signs and

John 20:29 "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou
hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

Mathew 16:4 "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and
there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he
left them, and departed."

That is very true, and all those other things involve man doing something by which he can claim some glory. Boasting. But, boasting is excluded by the Law of Faith. They hate that....


New member
Both have happened to me so I absolutely do not reject God's ability to miraculously heal, when and if He chooses to do so. What I reject is the belief He is still using miraculous healers, as He did during the Acts era. You refuse to see the distinction but that's not my problem.

So you're a Calvinist when it comes to healing?

How convenient.


New member
Anyone care to have a go at trying to understand what word faith actually is?
Or do you simply want to talk about media ministers?


New member
The biggest blunder that people make in trying to understand word faith, is that they assume the teaching suggests that Christians have the authority to make God do something, simply by using the power of spoken words. Just read a couple of the links that our new friend posted further up. Hanegraaf makes this mistake quite glaringly.

It's a subtle error, but it's quite a significant one. If the teaching of word faith suggested that people can make things happen by the power of their own words, this would be a claim to deity (gods / little god etc). Or at the very least it would disregard God's sovereignty, as nothing can happen except by God's will.
People cannot do anything at all based on their own power or authority, and no one can cause anything to happen other than God.

So what is word faith?

It's simply the understanding that we should speak to situations using authority that is already ours inherited in Christ. If we know that the things we require are according to the will of God, we know we have them when we ask for them.
And so it is not a matter of forcing God to move, but accepting what God has already done, and acting on it in faith.
It's similar to when a person is saved. Paul said, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved". The person isn't saved when he says it, but because he says it in faith, it becomes so.

Are we forcing God to save us when we confess salvation? No
We're claiming for ourselves what God has already done.

Again it's similar to switching on a light. Are you forcing the energy provider to produce light? No

You're putting a demand on the energy that has already been provided.

Mark 11:23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.

Does Jesus say that we can make God move mountains? No
Jesus said that the mountains will obey us, not God.
If we know that what we ask is in accordance with God's will (his word), we know we can have what we say (1John 5:15) once we learn to deal with doubt and unbelief.


Well-known member
The biggest blunder that people make in trying to understand word faith, is that they assume the teaching suggests that Christians have the authority to make God do something, simply by using the power of spoken words.

You're half-lying here. Word-Faith teaches the confessing believer can BYPASS God and essentially act as God acts by the power of his/her own words, by faith speaking into existence what they desire, amounting to being "little Gods." And you know it.

Charles Capps - who before he died Kenneth Copeland called the greatest living theologian - wrote the following:

"God's Word is spiritual law. It functions just as sure as any natural law. Words governed by spiritual law become spiritual forces working FOR YOU. Idle words work against you."

"The natural world is to be controlled
by man speaking God's words."

"You have to believe that those things that you say -
everything that you say - will come to pass."

"Man was created in God's class. ... a spirit being, very capable of operating on the same level of faith as God."

"This is not theory. It is fact. It is spiritual
law. It works every time it is applied correctly. To imitate God, you must talk like Him and act like Him."

"The Word of God conceived in the heart, formed by the tongue, and spoken out of the mouth
is creative power."

"The spoken Word will work for you
as you continually confess it."

"God's Word conceived in the heart, then formed with the tongue and spoken out of the mouth BECOMES a spiritual force releasing the ability of God."
This is what Andrew Wommack teaches:

WE have a responsibility to bring about God's will. Some people believe that God's will comes to pass no matter what we do, but that's not true. God is bound by His own laws....If you pray and don't see manifestation immediately, God is waiting on YOU to stand against the devil AND BRING IT INTO BEING.
All this is nothing short of blasphemy, pagan magic and witchcraft. And here you are defending it. I'd like to see you permanently banned for it.


New member
You're half-lying here. Word-Faith teaches the confessing believer can BYPASS God and essentially act as God acts by the power of his/her own words, by faith speaking into existence what they desire, amounting to being "little Gods." And you know it.

You cannot bypass God's will. God's word is his will. Those who ask anything contrary to God's word, will not get it.

Charles Capps - who before he died Kenneth Copeland called the greatest living theologian - wrote the following:

Nothing wrong with what Capps said there. Don't just disagree, show where you disagree.

This is what Andrew Wommack teaches:

Amen to what Wommack said.

All this is nothing short of blasphemy, pagan magic and witchcraft. And here you are defending it. I'd like to see you permanently banned for it.

Like satan, you hate the power of God. You just like to talk about trashy useless dispensationalism that does nobody any good at all.


New member
They're the same thing...witchcraft driven be greed, which is idolatry.

You are obviously clueless.

I've seen non pentecostals talking about giving in order to receive, and receiving returns on tithing etc.
It's not related to word faith at all. Prosperity is about giving in order to receive, and seed faith kind of giving. You reap what you sew.

You obviously watch too much TBN, and visit anti charismatic websites.
You might just as well get your information from the tabloids.


Well-known member
You are obviously clueless.

I've seen non pentecostals talking about giving in order to receive, and receiving returns on tithing etc.


It's not related to word faith at all. Prosperity is about giving in order to receive, and seed faith kind of giving. You reap what you sew.

Same thing: God must do whatever you claim in faith.

You obviously watch too much TBN

Who are you to judge them? Their tongues are identical to yours. They claim every kind of miracle and sign. They attribute all they have to God via word faith.


New member

Same thing: God must do whatever you claim in faith.

Who are you to judge them? Their tongues are identical to yours. They claim every kind of miracle and sign. They attribute all they have to God via word faith.

Word faith is about speaking to situations in faith, because Jesu told us to do it.

Speak to the mountain. The motive is pure. You want to make the motive impure because you reject the power of God. Yon don't mind being religious, but you don't want anything to do with any power.

That reeks of satan.


New member
Hall of Fame
Show me your power, raise my son from the grave. Tell us how many people you have raised, healed (limbs coming back to life, that kind) or how many you have personally seen have this done.

If you only have testimonies of it, have never witnessed it, ask yourself where the 'power' in your church is. Either they and you have no faith, or its a false teaching.

Matthew 10:8 "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

waiting for andy to respond to this still....