That you consider the soap-box ravings of tax-funded statist propagandists of irrationality and cultural perversion, whose charge is to groom and churn out--against Western civilization--hoards of anti-intellectuals at least as vicious as themselves--that you consider such miscreants, "professors of philosophy", is only because you despise truth, logic, and philosophy, and are of a mind with the same.
Why do you call falsehood, nonsense, moral perversion and irrationality, "serious philosophical studies"? As you, yourself, demonstrate by your own ravings on TOL--falsehood, nonsense, moral perversion and irrationality do not need to be made any more trendy than they already are to be interesting to banal minds.
"what many current young students would consider otherwise dry, ancient and boring"
And why is it that many current young "students" are vain, restless, raucous, malcontent anti-intellectuals (just as you are)? Oh, that's right: because those of your ilk--those statist despisers of Christianity and Western civilization--systematically victimize the young, and destroy their minds, by means of your tax-funded, statist compulsory "education" establishment.
Learn your facts before posting, look like a cranky, juvenile delinquent crackhead-pothead (although, I'd not be surprised to hear you express great pride at that last bit).