Hello Theology Online

Nathon Detroit

Either you are an award winning typist or you had this on file somewhere.

If the former very good and if the latter ...

Guys... please.... when someone makes a long post please do not quote the entire thing in your post. That unnecessarily doubles the size of the database, slows down the website, and drives up the cost of TOL. Instead, merely copy an excerpt from the post and use that in your response.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


The Gospel is simple, but I have to strip you of all the catholic crap you believe.

Read it, and believe it. Then you'll know why you are currently hell bound.

:thumb: They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders (Mt 23:4). :eek:linger: "My yoke is easy and my burden is light (Mt 11:30)." :jump:

We can rest in him (Heb 4:19). :cloud9:


New member
Welcome Joe! Have fun and learn while here - dont take what others say personally -
“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
I am a big Cohelo fan... :)

Joe Lang

New member
The Gospel is simple, but I have to strip you of all the catholic crap you believe.

Read it, and believe it. Then you'll know why you are currently hell bound.

Sounds like you have not only judged yourself but also me.

How do you do that?