Having received salvation, what is next?


New member
The word of God in Ephesians 4 teaches or rather commands that we

25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

Instead of lying about what I say, why not renew your mind to the scripture I teach?

That would be far more profitable, spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically for your than lying about me and all the other people you lie about

Profitability is better measured when Messiah is honoured and not mankind.


New member
Study "stranger"

It is a blessing to not be under the delusion of the harlet.

How have you been sir?

I have no need to study "stranger", because I recognise them by their lack of spiritual comprehension. I also know the difference between a stranger and a babe.


Well-known member
Have you not read II Timothy 3:16?

The point of scripture is that it is profitable to us

Until we do the works that God foreordained us to do because we receieved the gift of salvation, our salvation lies dormant. We have gift of salvation/eternal life/holy spirit whether we do what scripture says we should do with it or not.

That gift remains unprofitable to us (except that it is eternal life), until we read the instructions and live our lives according to those instructions. God wants us to be blessed far beyong simply having received the gift of salvation/eternal life/holy spirit.

Believing God takes work. If you do not think so, you might want to check if you have ever really believed God.

How much work did it take for Noah to believe God?

How work did it take for the apostles including Paul and the other apostles since then to believe God?

How much work did it take for Jesus Christ to believe God?

Why the exhortation "be not weary in well doing" if believing is without effort?

Why is the job of rightly dividing the word of truth in the realm of a workman if believing is not work?

It took work for the man with the withered hand to receive healing, Mark 3:1-5, he had to do the impossible, he had to stretch forth his hand. He did the works required to receive his healing.


New member
Until we do the works that God foreordained us to do because we receieved the gift of salvation, our salvation lies dormant. We have gift of salvation/eternal life/holy spirit whether we do what scripture says we should do with it or not.

That gift remains unprofitable to us (except that it is eternal life), until we read the instructions and live our lives according to those instructions. God wants us to be blessed far beyong simply having received the gift of salvation/eternal life/holy spirit.

Believing God takes work. If you do not think so, you might want to check if you have ever really believed God.

How much work did it take for Noah to believe God?

How work did it take for the apostles including Paul and the other apostles since then to believe God?

How much work did it take for Jesus Christ to believe God?

Why the exhortation "be not weary in well doing" if believing is without effort?

Why is the job of rightly dividing the word of truth in the realm of a workman if believing is not work?

It took work for the man with the withered hand to receive healing, Mark 3:1-5, he had to do the impossible, he had to stretch forth his hand. He did the works required to receive his healing.
Through faith did they their works, for faith is the effectual sort; effecting change unto good works to the glorying of GOD alone.

peace friend


New member
oatmeal, regarding your OP, in the Spoiler below...


In reply to a post on another thread, it became evident that it was high time that the difference between receiving the gift of salvation and doing something with it so as to actually see the immediate benefits of using that gift. The difference needs to be expounded. This post is a primer to a lifetime of learning.

Most certainly, receiving salvation is the first step in living a godly life well pleasing and worthy of God.

I Timothy 2:4 makes that clear as can be.

God's will is

1. that all men be saved.

2. that they come to the knowledge of the truth.

The word for knowledge in I Timothy 2:4 is not referring to simply being mentally aware of something but knowledge gained by experiencing something, in this case, the truth. (See John 8:32 for another similar use, it is not simply being aware of truth that sets men free, it is experiencing truth by living it, that sets men free.)

Coming to the knowledge of truth by experiencing it takes work.

It may take hard work to enjoy the immediate and presently available benefits our salvation.

Owning a bicycle and learning to ride it to receive the benefits of ownership are two vastly different activities. Our minds and bodies must be trained to learn the skills that it takes to ride a bicycle safely and efficaciously.

Having received the gift of salvation we must experience what salvation is to really know what it is. That takes work and action on our part and the learning of new skills. Like for instance, becoming spiritually minded instead of remaining carnally minded. see Romans 8

Receiving salvation is simply the first step in living the gift of eternal life/salvation/holy spirit. Romans 6:23

We must also know what this gift contains and what we are to do with it as God would have us use it.

As a bonus, we should consider that having a gift and using it are both involved in salvation, or wholeness.

To be saved means to be made whole.

We have all received gifts in our lifetime, it is only when we use those gifts that we truly benefit in the present in having those gifts.

Let me illustrate, just because we have a God given brain, does not mean we will wisely fill it and use it. Part of benefiting from having a brain is in its active use. Our brains actually develop as we fill it with knowledge and use it. It can physically and mentally develop towards evil or toward good depending how we choose to use it.

Likewise our bodies, we can abuse our bodies for evil or use our bodies for good. Romans 12:1

Salvation is received but it is also developed and strengthened if we use it according to God's word.

As we renew our minds to God's word, that is when we choose to think what God wants us to think, see Philippians 4:8;2:5, Romans 12:2..., our salvation becomes stronger in us in that it permeates our walk with God, ie, our lifestyle to live God's way, not the way of the world.

Once having received salvation, we can stay inert and stagnate or choose to dynamically involve ourselves in using God's gift of salvation/eternal life/holy spirit.

By choosing to live our salvation by renewing our minds, we receive more benefits of that salvation. We have the basic package but how we use it determines how much salvation is evidenced in our lives. In sense, we actually grow in salvation as we use it. Thus until Jesus Christ returns, I John 3:1-3, we can continue to appropriate more and more of the benefits of that salvation, a process that is unlimited for we will always have ways to improve.

This is where verses like Philippians 2:12 come in. We are to "work out" our salvation. We have it, but it lies dormant until we renew our minds and start working it, much like going to the gym to "work out" we become more healthy and whole as we "work out" our salvation just like working out doing physical exercise increases our health and vitality

...not a bad post on your part there, more or less - you brought out the Basic Principle.

Goethe noted something similar by his "to know, yet not to do; is not yet to know."

Still, it's Application will differ not only before; during; and after the Law, but also: under Grace.

Not a bad post.

Rom. 5:8
Acts 17:11,12


Well-known member
Through faith did they their works, for faith is the effectual sort; effecting change unto good works to the glorying of GOD alone.

peace friend

Faith and believing are translated from the same Greek word essentially.

Tell me what the difference is between faith and believing.

I was taught that over 40 years ago and I have seen no reason to change my mind about that.

Briefly, we were given the measure of faith which is the faith of Jesus Christ, ie, his ability to get things done, thus we have been given what it takes to do the works of Jesus Christ.

How do we use that God given faith? By believing what scripture teaches us.

We believe the logos of God, we hold it in mind and act accordingly.

Faith is what God did for us.

Believing God is our responsible response to God's grace and mercy and love and light and the truth

We received that measure of faith when we met the requirements to receive salvation as stated in Romans 10:9-10


New member
Faith and believing are translated from the same Greek word essentially.

Tell me what the difference is between faith and believing.

I was taught that over 40 years ago and I have seen no reason to change my mind about that.

Briefly, we were given the measure of faith which is the faith of Jesus Christ, ie, his ability to get things done, thus we have been given what it takes to do the works of Jesus Christ.

How do we use that God given faith? By believing what scripture teaches us.

We believe the logos of God, we hold it in mind and act accordingly.

Faith is what God did for us.

Believing God is our responsible response to God's grace and mercy and love and light and the truth

We received that measure of faith when we met the requirements to receive salvation as stated in Romans 10:9-10
Belief and faith are somewhat interchangeable.

Believing is living as if one believes.

Faith or belief is effectual and brings about further belief and faithfulness.

I think we are in agreement.

Were you trying to differentiate the two?

Excuse my missing your point please.

No offence intended.



Well-known member
Belief and faith are somewhat interchangeable.

Believing is living as if one believes.

Faith or belief is effectual and brings about further belief and faithfulness.

I think we are in agreement.

Were you trying to differentiate the two?

Excuse my missing your point please.

No offence intended.


No offense taken, how do we learn anything?

Part of the process is to ask questions.

This brief list of scripture should help distinguish between the two.

Abraham believed God. Romans 4

We are justified by faith. Romans 5:1 How were we justified? by what we believed or by what Jesus Christ did for us? Romans 5:9 We were justified by his blood. A figure of speech, by his shed blood, his sufferings and death and eventual resurrection.

Our believing did not initiate our justification. Faith here is referring to what God did for us in Christ. Romans 5:8

When did faith come? Why did it have to come if it was always available?

Galatians 3:22-25

Faith is another name for the salvation that God in Christ made available to us to receive.

How do we receive it? By our believing, specifically, Romans 10:9-10

We have that measure of faith (what measure? it is the faith of Jesus Christ, what he did for us) we can believe to do the works of Jesus the anointed and greater.

Romans 12:3

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

John 14:12

If we believe, than all things are possible. Mark 9:23

Christians are never told to have more faith, but to believe (what is written.)

Like many English words, the Greek word has basically two meanings

Faith, which is what God gives to us.

And believing which is how we appropriate anything from God.

Of course, that does not mean that the translators translated consistently or accurately all the time.


Well-known member
Not of the will of man.

Receiving anything from God is dependent on the will of man.

God is always willing and able to keep his promises.

Question is, is man willing to believe God's promises?

To receive, we must choose to believe


Well-known member
An absolute lie.

Have you told Jesus Christ that yet?

When are you going to correct him?

If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe. Mark 9:23

When are you going to choose to believe?

or do you believe that Jesus Christ lied?

What was the response of the father in need?

"Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief"

I believe because I choose to do so.

After all, did Jesus correct the man and say, "you have no choice or free will in this matter, so stay out this"

Or did he instruct him that if you believe all things are possible to them that believe.

The father choose to believe what Jesus said and the father received of God by the ministry of Jesus Christ his son's deliverance.

When did you first believe on the lord Jesus Christ?

For that matter what does Philippians 4:13 say?

"I can do" Not God forces me to do against my will. Oh, look, you still cannot escape your will.


New member
Have you told Jesus Christ that yet?

When are you going to correct him?

If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe. Mark 9:23

When are you going to choose to believe?

or do you believe that Jesus Christ lied?

What was the response of the father in need?

"Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief"

I believe because I choose to do so.

After all, did Jesus correct the man and say, "you have no choice or free will in this matter, so stay out this"

Or did he instruct him that if you believe all things are possible to them that believe.

The father choose to believe what Jesus said and the father received of God by the ministry of Jesus Christ his son's deliverance.

When did you first believe on the lord Jesus Christ?

For that matter what does Philippians 4:13 say?

"I can do" Not God forces me to do against my will. Oh, look, you still cannot escape your will.

You have scriptures but no understanding.