Hagee claims Sep. 28 marks 'Hugely Significant Event'

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Well-known member
It was just so insignificant I could hardly stand and watch. Also: it was mostly obscured by clouds.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I was just curious.

there are so many man-made doctrines.

I call them gimmicky doctrines.

Why do you think people invent new doctrines?

have you ever thought about it?

Your "belief system" is gimmicky. It consists of
trusting ONLY in the books of Matthew, Mark, and
Luke. It also hates Trinatarians. And, last but not
least despises the Apostle Paul and considers him
an anti-Christ. That's your "Religion" Meshak.


New member
I guess the world did not come to an end. :chuckle:

Galatians 3:1 --- O foolish [ones, followers of those who set dates and times]....
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