Hagee claims Sep. 28 marks 'Hugely Significant Event'

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I'd like to read this topic when I have time. This morning I was concerned about the popes popularity and googled hagee and Pope and the search results returned that hagee made a apologetic letter to the Pope for saying things about him. What's up with that? Is this topic from old news and hagee made new news that the Pope isn't anything like the revelation tells? I don't take hagee seriously in the first place but I'll listen every now and then to see how many suckers he sucked into false theologies.

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Greatest poster ever


Being a fraud can be a heavy burden.

You cannot prove he is a fraud.

I am sure LA showed you the verses to support his claim.

LA has been showing godly trait in his conduct and that is his fruit.

TL has been showing bitter behavior or conduct, and that is her fruit.

It is obvious who is in the right.

Jesus says we know them by their fruit, brother.


Okay. I do not see Jesus instructing us to predict the beheading of others.

Good day.

Jesus commands many things. There are many things in between His word.

I can trust LA's judgment what he has to do for His Lord.

I can trust Him because of his godly conduct.

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New member
That's my point

I believe Christ Jesus was made King of kings in the first century. I believe Ezekiel 37:22 was fulfilled in the first century.

You believe He became king of Israel in 1948. You stated that Ezekiel 37:22 was fulfilled in 1948

Yep, just like the Russellites aka Jehovah's Witnesses; whose same kool aide laced "doctrine" has them asserting Jesus Christ already returned in 1914 - invisibly, of course.

Yours just has Him having returned in 70AD in the person of Rome's Military Might against Jerusalem (thus, invisibly also).


i've noticed your style. you take a statement from somebody and jump to a false conclusion.

No, I showed how ridiculous her assertion that Ezk 37:21-22 was fulfilled in 1948 is.

She said what happened to Israel in 1948 was prophesied in Ezk 37:21-22.

For her claim to be true it would mean that Ezk 37:22b was fulfilled almost 2,000 years before Ezk 37:22a was fulfilled.

You're "style" is defending all your fellow Darby followers no matter what they say.


Yep, just like the Russellites aka Jehovah's Witnesses; whose same kool aide laced "doctrine" has them asserting Jesus Christ already returned in 1914 - invisibly, of course.

Yours just has Him having returned in 70AD in the person of Rome's Military Might against Jerusalem (thus, invisibly also).

Was Ezk 37:21-22 fulfilled in 1948?

Yes or No?


New member
Was Ezk 37:21-22 fulfilled in 1948?

Yes or No?

Too many make these issues with you both too easy for you, as well as too easy for you to distort.

The latter, the result of the former having resulted in your consistently proven inability to think outside of your "one size fits all box."

Its what an overreliance on books over Scripture, has resulted in your kind - you have to ask what someone else believes about a thing.

One, because you "one size fits all" just as your endless books do.

Two, because you have every intention of distorting whatever their answer to the service of your slandering agenda.

No. Your issue is not some righteous stand for what you believe true. Your issue is some self-serving agenda.

But I'll answer your fool question as one more evidence against your ineptitude.

I hold to an Acts 9 Dispensationalism that is 100% Cessationism as having been the case prior to 70AD.

With that, God would now be working only by His Spirit through His Word in the inner man of those that believe His Word in light of the Mystery that Paul alone had been given to fill full the Word of truth with - the full revelation of the Mystery in written form, 1 Cor. 2: 7; 1 Cor. 3:1; 1 Cor. 13: 10; 1 Thess. 2:13; Eph. 3:16; Col. 1:25, 26; 2 Tim. 3:16-17, etc.

Others on here may or may not hold to a similar view.

But based on that, you tell me if I believe any prophecy was/is being fulfilled both before as well as after 70AD.

Let alone, in lost people...

Sure, when you go outside the above because it does not fit "what this" or that outside of the above "means to" you...


Your issue is some self-serving agenda.

No, pointing out that Dispensationalism is a false doctrine just like Mormonism, JW's, SDA, ect. is not self serving.

As I said earlier, you don't like it when your Dispensationalism is shown for what it is (a false doctrine), and you especially don't like it when it is pointed out to you by me and others that John Nelson Darby invented it.

At least Jerry Shugart is honest enough to say that no one taught MAD before John Nelson Darby.

I hold to an Acts 9 Dispensationalism that is 100% Cessationism as having been the case prior to 70AD.

Why prior to?

What about the events that occurred in 70AD?

Or do you mean up to, and including 70AD?

And, Acts 9 has nothing to do with it. I'm a Cessationalist who believes that all OT prophecy was fulfilled by 70AD, and that all signs and miracles ceased by 70AD


New member
No, pointing out that Dispensationalism is a false doctrine just like Mormonism, JW's, SDA, ect. is not self serving.

As I said earlier, you don't like it when your Dispensationalism is shown for what it is (a false doctrine), and you especially don't like it when it is pointed out to you by me and others that John Nelson Darby invented it.

At least Jerry Shugart is honest enough to say that no one taught MAD before John Nelson Darby.

Why prior to?

What about the events that occurred in 70AD?

Or do you mean up to, and including 70AD?

And, Acts 9 has nothing to do with it. I'm a Cessationalist who believes that all OT prophecy was fulfilled by 70AD, and that all signs and miracles ceased by 70AD

The supposed expert on "Dispensationalism" remains clueless as to what "a Dispensationalist" may have meant.

You incompetent - you don't even know the subject you assert you studied 25 years.

And leave it to you to use the words of others on others. And what's his name at that; one of the most set in his ways, fallen way behind, misinformed persons I have ever encountered within "Mid-Acts." He is not even Mid-Acts; rather some just past Pentecost something or other that he deludes himself into believing is Mid.

And there have been others who taught what you slander Darby as having invented. One of them wrote a huge book on many of the same issues.

But who cares? That is as dumb a place too look to for one's answers, as the endless "history" based books you and yours parrot your 70AD dribble into.

Yours is the question of an incompetent. A novice asks that, puts it aside and then gets in The Book, and stays in The Book, for his answers.

Not in Dispensational books, nor in the countless ones you and yours read into the Scripture.

I am impressed, however, with how deluded you are about what you think you know.

Even more impressed by what is obviously some neurosis or other on your part.

Anybody: Hi, Tel...

Tel: You got that from Darby!

What a fool you are.

Lazy afternoon

It is not his place to predict the beheading of others.

The Bible has already predicted it, and some here are deserving of it.

You back up the condemning words of John W who calls the believers such things as Christ haters and the like, yet you condemn the speaking of corrective words from Christ.

Every believer will have their head cut off one way or another.

The choice is yours of which you will end up with.

It is impossible to impart understanding to such as yourself.



New member
"I believe that every Jewish person who lives in the light of the Torah, which is the word of God, has a relationship with God and will come to redemption" - (John Hagee, Houston Chronicle, April 30, 1988)

"I'm not trying to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith... In fact, trying to convert Jews is a waste of time. Jews already have a covenant with God and that has never been replaced by Christianity." (John Hagee, Houston Chronicle, April 30, 1988, sec, 6, pg. 1).

As we see above, John Hagee has been so brainwashed by Dispensationalism that he says it's a waste of time to teach Jews about Christ Jesus.

John Hagee is so obsessed with Dispensational eschatology that he all but worships Jews and Israel.

You wouldn't believe how many people around me love the guy.
My mum watches him every week, my ex pastor loves him, my aunts and uncles watch him.
His warped unscriptural views about Israel, and his ridiculous eschatology theories make me cringe. Then there's his stupid rants from his notes word for word, and the timed pause so that his congregation can clap him LOL. He's also another one of these lunies that thinks America has made some kind of covenant with God where he thinks the nation is blessed because of the constitution.


New member

Regarding Beheading:

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Well, its Sept 25 , 2015 today.

So far, nothing is happening.

But the month is not over yet.
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