Hagee claims Sep. 28 marks 'Hugely Significant Event'

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This is John Hagee's thread.

He has been revealing his disgraceful witnessing to the world.

It is not godly thing to do when you enable wicked deeds of false Christian leader.

Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

Hagee's greedy faith is showing in his wealthy life style.


Are you reading this whole thread, StP?

You don't see what your friends did to me?

You don't see how they hijacked the thread and switched it focusing on me?

How come you don't say anything about it?

and chide in to nitpicking LA?


LA rebuked hijackers to defend me.

I get infractions when I hijack.

But I should not complain about it when your friends do it.

After all, they are the boss.



You don't have to answer my questions.

I have many more questions that you will not take seriously but you should.

I am only showing how ungodly many of co called "true and saved" Christians in this site.

LA is tongue speaker and I am not. He does not approve of my faith much because I don't speak in tongues.

But he is a man of integrity. I can trust him as true Christian with his godly behavior.


Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

If our behavior is ungodly, we are only mocking God and Jesus.

patrick jane

(Ezk 37:21-22) and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. 22 I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.

Apparently A4T thinks that Ezk 37:21 and 22a were fulfilled in 1948, but then she claims Ezk 37:22b was fulfilled long before 1948

This is just another example of Dispensationalists (Darby followers) taking verses from the OT that have been fulfilled and applying them to today.

This is the same thing John Hagee does.

i've noticed your style. you take a statement from somebody and jump to a false conclusion. you often start by saying - so and so believes this - when they NEVER said what you assert - here's a similar example:

i say - "the moon looks like cheese"

you say - "PJ thinks the moon is cheese " or PJ believes in a cheese moon" -

a total lie and fabrication - even bad lawyers sound better

patrick jane

LA rebuked hijackers to defend me.

I get infractions when I hijack.

But I should not complain about it when your friends do it.

After all, they are the boss.

people like you when you are not attacking or defending - oh wait, that never happens


Should he threaten other posters, and predict their beheading?

The bible mentions similar thing when our deeds are wicked.

Nothing is wrong what he said if he is convicted to rebuke people.

He will be judged if he is making false accusation.

You are not the Judge, STP.

We will all be judged according what we have done.

If LA does not speak what he is convicted to tell, he will be in trouble with His Lord, Jesus.

LA is carrying a heavy responsibility. We all should, like Jesus commands.

Jesus says carry a cross daily. It is a heavy responsibility.
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