Habits are demonic

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God's Truth

New member
Do you know what Jesus said about folks who ascribe the work of the saints to satan?

Truster has declared himself not saved when he falsely said that about me.

He is guilty and so are you.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

He should have been more careful, and you likewise.

God's Truth

New member
Truster is a fellow saint who has proven to be wise in the Lord. God brought him into my life. Quit judging me like Meshak. You assume I don't look to Jesus Christ and his word. Thats judging the heart without evidence and is wicked.

You are the one who has judged yourself when you falsely judged me.


New member
You have the sorrow of the world that worketh death.

2 Cor 7:10 KJV
Stop attempting to redirect. I have no sorrow at this time, thanks to GOD and the Way.

You said sorrow is not repentance.

I said sorrow/ shame through the selfless conscience is the working of the Holy Spirit that brings about repentance.

I also said to show scripture to refute this, which you did not do.

Waste of time.

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God's Truth

New member
A testimony wouldn't go amiss.

Are you a sinner?

Jesus saves repentant sinners. If a person repents of sins, then he can be saved. If a saved person sins, they can repent of that sin and find mercy and forgiveness.

You say you were saved by not believing and not repenting. I have asked you repeatedly to show the scriptures in which you claim you speak.

You cannot show any scripture that says what you say. You say God saves unbelievers and those who hate Him.


New member
No matter how much your faith grows, your proximity to God is no closer.
That could be seen as a true statement, but in reality we can turn from GOD and move away from GOD, so too, we can get closer by actually following the teachings example and self sacrifice of the Christ with sincerity and zeal.

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God's Truth

New member
Proverbs 14:12 KJV

Proverbs 16:25 KJV

A testimony wouldn't go amiss.

Are you a sinner?

Those scriptures about about people who would NOT obey.

You need to give the scriptures that say what you preach, and those scriptures you give, they must explain to us that there is a wrong time to obey.

Give those scriptures now or repent for preaching things not from God.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't say a wrong time to obey. I said there is a wrong motivation to obey. If you obey with the intent of staying out of hell, it will do you no good.

We are told to snatch people up to keep them from hell.

Jude 1:23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

I want you to read this scripture, it is about God punishing people and how they still did not repent:

Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

Now I want you to address what you said to me about their being a wrong time/motivation to obey and repent.

Tell me, would not God have accepted their repentance after they saw what pain they could go through?

Tell me why Jude explains to us to snatch others FROM THE FIRE if it was a wrong teaching premise.

You need to prove with scripture that there is a wrong time/way/motivation to obey and repent.


New member
If you have to judge yourself, it means you do not know how you have been living. If you are living through the Spirit of God, how is it you do not know and have to judge yourself?

You have no comprehension of what it entails to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Elohim. There is a process and that process involves deep searching beyond the capacity to think and into the depths of intentions. I have spent time judging my intentions, my thoughts, words and deeds. Having failed in all cases my eyes are turned unto Him who searches the depths of my being and has made sufficient provision for my well being.

You can now apply your ignorance to this statement and because it means absolutely nothing to you it will cause you great annoyance.

Wait....wait....wait for it.


New member
We are told to snatch people up to keep them from hell.

Jude 1:23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

I want you to read this scripture, it is about God punishing people and how they still did not repent:

Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

Now I want you to address what you said to me about their being a wrong time/motivation to obey and repent.

Tell me, would not God have accepted their repentance after they saw what pain they could go through?

Tell me why Jude explains to us to snatch others FROM THE FIRE if it was a wrong teaching premise.

You need to prove with scripture that there is a wrong time/way/motivation to obey and repent.

If you snatched someone you'd drag them into hell with you.


New member
Truster and you are following your own lusts, your own lusts of telling people they are not saved. You both spew arrogance saying to others they are not saved. You both try to cause divisions, and in this you build each other up.

I started this thread and as usual you are in here making inane remarks. I'm going to ask that this thread be closed down as you are derailing it again.

God's Truth

New member
You have no comprehension of what it entails to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Elohim. There is a process and that process involves deep searching beyond the capacity to think and into the depths of intentions. I have spent time judging my intentions, my thoughts, words and deeds. Having failed in all cases my eyes are turned unto Him who searches the depths of my being and has made sufficient provision for my well being.

You can now apply your ignorance to this statement and because it means absolutely nothing to you it will cause you great annoyance.

Wait....wait....wait for it.

Living through the Spirit is something one knows they are doing.

Living through the Spirit can only be done by obeying His words.

Living though the Spirit is living through love.

If you have to examine yourself, it means you have not been doing that which we are told to do.

2 Corinthians 13:5 5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!

God's Truth

New member
I think plenty of Christian kids have OCD.

Some of you guys put too much on God. Not every malady or life change is due to faith. Sometimes it's just regular old genetics

OCD is based on fear. If one had their heart on pleasing God, God could easily heal one from OCD.

Greg Jennings

New member
OCD is based on fear. If one had their heart on pleasing God, God could easily heal one from OCD.
Yeah well, I have a feeling every doctor would disagree.

OCD is not really fear. You can feel compelled to do something without being scared of not doing it.

Also, child abuse is a common cause of the disorder. I guess those abused kids should've just prayed harder, and dad wouldn't have hit them right?

God's Truth

New member
Yeah well, I have a feeling every doctor would disagree.

OCD is not really fear. You can feel compelled to do something without being scared of not doing it

What does it mean towards the truth when you say every doctor would disagree?

OCD is based on fear. The person with the OCD is afraid something bad will happen if they do not do the ritual in which they do.

Greg Jennings

New member
What does it mean towards the truth when you say every doctor would disagree?

OCD is based on fear. The person with the OCD is afraid something bad will happen if they do not do the ritual in which they do.
Ok. This disorder doesn't normally arrive randomly. For example, child abuse is a common cause of the disorder. Should those abused kids have just prayed harder, and then dad wouldn't have hit them? Or would their prayers stop abuse?

It just seems strange to blame every psychological disorder, things we actually understand fairly well nowadays, on a deity. That's literally what tribes in the jungle do

God's Truth

New member
Ok. This disorder doesn't normally arrive randomly. For example, child abuse is a common cause of the disorder. Should those abused kids have just prayed harder, and then dad wouldn't have hit them? Or would their prayers stop abuse?

It just seems strange to blame every psychological disorder, things we actually understand fairly well nowadays, on a deity. That's literally what tribes in the jungle do

So many things you are saying here I did not say.

I did not say the disorder arrives randomly.

I did not say child abuse had a part or not.

I did not say they just pray harder.

I did not say prayers stop abuse.

I did not blame every psychological disorder on "on a deity".

If you want to discuss together about OCD and about being helped by God, it would be right if you were more careful on what I am actually saying.

Do you know anyone with OCD? See if you can get them to discuss with you what they think will happen if they do not do their ritual.
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