
Eric h

Well-known member
Scripture doesn't say one way or the other what they had prior to Jesus telling them to sell their cloak and buy a sword.
Fair enough, but at that point, there were only two swords between all the disciples present. Jesus then said, two swords is enough, meaning, you don’t have to buy any more. Jesus knew a crowd was going to turn up armed with clubs and swords. Had he truthfully wanted swords to be used in self - defence, surely it would have made far more sense for all the disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a sword.
When He told them to buy the swords, He expected them to know how to use them.

At least one of them knew how to use it enough to lop a man's ear off...
I would argue that Peter was an amateur, if you cut someone’s ear off, you are going to make them mad. Peter should have taken the man's head off.
In Luke’s Gospel, Peter tries to do the right thing. He asks, Lord, should we strike with our sword? When you ask a question, you should wait for an answer. But Peter, the proud owner of a sword, does not wait for an answer and cuts the servant’s ear off before Jesus replies.

Eric h

Well-known member
When I said, America is probably responsible for [China and North Korea and Iran] having WMD’s. The US was the first to use one in anger, so every other country needs them for their own self defence. The war in Iraq was a farce in my opinion, the US and Britain had loads of WMD’s. They should have looked in their own back yard first. We all went guns blazing into Iraq, and look at the mess we have left.

You replied,
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Does that mean you are agreeing with me, you already had suspicions of what America was up to.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When I said, America is probably responsible for [China and North Korea and Iran] having WMD’s.
That was retarded
The US was the first to use one in anger
I assume you're talking about Hiroshima, because you're too retarded to understand that the previous campaign of fire bombing of Tokyo (and Dresden) caused more deaths and more destruction.

And that's as far as I ever bother going with you because you're comfortable in your ignorance and I don't have the patience to teach you


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You are telling Christians what to do.
I only tell Christians to follow Jesus and also tell them to do what would make Jesus pleased with them.

As JR said, you're a hypocrite.
When does Jesus tell his disciples to train with swords? They were the guns of the day.
In Genesis when He is glad Abraham went and rescued Lot (and the property).

When he said if you kill a man at night who comes into your house to rob you it's good to kill the robber.

When He asked what father of their child if they asked for a fish would he give him a stone.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Eric h

Well-known member
I assume you're talking about Hiroshima, because you're too retarded to understand that the previous campaign of fire bombing of Tokyo (and Dresden) caused more deaths and more destruction.

And if you had bothered to read my response in full, you would know that I was responding to 'Idolater'. He specifically talked about nukes, and not fire bombing.

And that's as far as I ever bother going with you because you're comfortable in your ignorance and I don't have the patience to teach you

Teachers need patience, and if you don’t have any, that’s not my problem.

Eric h

Well-known member
There was a military strategy that avoided nuking them, it involved instead killing tens of millions of them, because they literally would have never surrendered until they were all just dead. So we all avoided that with the nukes.
If you were truthfully concerned about saving lives, you would know that around 9 million people die needlessly from starvation, grinding poverty and preventable disease every year. Since WW2, hundreds of millions have died needlessly.

We could eradicate these needless deaths by reducing the billions and trillions we spend on the military.

So we all avoided that with the nukes. That's why, thank God for the bombs.
At some point, we shall all stand before God, he does not need us to kill each other so we can meet him sooner. In today’s readings, it talks about the fear of God, we should fear God, more than we fear our fellow man. Today’s Gospel is the greatest commandments, to love God and neighbour. Which also leads to loving and praying for our enemies.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A discussion about a currently pending New York State bill to limit purchase of ammunition to 20 rounds every 120 days



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If you were truthfully concerned about saving lives, you would know that around 9 million people die needlessly from starvation, grinding poverty and preventable disease every year. Since WW2, hundreds of millions have died needlessly.

We could eradicate these needless deaths by reducing the billions and trillions we spend on the military.
You're out of your mind. Not only does one have nothing to do with the other, but it's actually closer to the truth that more military activity is one of the few options the wealthy have to solve world hunger. As you're unaware of this fact, that starvation and impoverishment and abject destitution occurs in greatest concentration in countries with abject political corruption.

So, if we had the means, one of the best ways (if not the only way!) to open up the poorest countries to the rich resources that rich countries want to distribute to the poorest people, is to invade their corrupt regimes and destroy them and depose their rulers, because these are the crooks who line their pockets with any and all aid which the West attempts to provide to the poorest people in the most corrupt countries.
At some point, we shall all stand before God, he does not need us to kill each other so we can meet him sooner. In today’s readings, it talks about the fear of God, we should fear God, more than we fear our fellow man. Today’s Gospel is the greatest commandments, to love God and neighbour. Which also leads to loving and praying for our enemies.
And killing the people who are committing atrocities against their own people if need be, if they won't surrender. That's love. The people who are hurting you, I will hurt. I'll pray for them and I will hurt them. For you.


Well-known member
Ordained by GOD for all humanity:

Gen 9:5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
Gen 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

This has never been rescinded.

Eric h

Well-known member
So, if we had the means, one of the best ways (if not the only way!) to open up the poorest countries to the rich resources that rich countries want to distribute to the poorest people, is to invade their corrupt regimes and destroy them and depose their rulers, because these are the crooks who line their pockets with any and all aid which the West attempts to provide to the poorest people in the most corrupt countries.

Fair enough, America invaded Iraq, disposed of its rulers and crooks. Twenty years have passed, how have you helped the poorest in Iraq? How is Iraq a better country now, than it was twenty years ago.

Eric h

Well-known member
So, if we had the means, one of the best ways (if not the only way!) to open up the poorest countries to the rich resources that rich countries want to distribute to the poorest people, is to invade their corrupt regimes and destroy them and depose their rulers, because these are the crooks who line their pockets with any and all aid which the West attempts to provide to the poorest people in the most corrupt countries.
America invaded Iraq, disposed of its rulers and crooks. Twenty years have passed, how have you helped the poorest in Iraq? How is Iraq a better country now, than it was twenty years ago.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Fair enough, America invaded Iraq, disposed of its rulers and crooks. Twenty years have passed, how have you helped the poorest in Iraq? How is Iraq a better country now, than it was twenty years ago.
America invaded Iraq, disposed of its rulers and crooks. Twenty years have passed, how have you helped the poorest in Iraq? How is Iraq a better country now, than it was twenty years ago.
Iraqi's like very many other people tolerate political high crimes. Simple as. You can lead a horse to water, but in order to force him to drink, you'd literally have to occupy indefinitely, iow colonize, or just flat out annex them, at least until they understand American morality.

Like Japan and Germany, post WWII, come to think of it, while we're still on the topic.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Poor Kitty looks like she's going to have whiplash. Dad needs to tell her to lean into the buttstock.

Noreen BN36
AR platform, 30-06 cartridge


Eric h

Well-known member
Iraqi's like very many other people tolerate political high crimes. Simple as.

America, in their wisdom knew how to put this right, they went in guns blazing, and took Saddam out.

You can lead a horse to water, but in order to force him to drink, you'd literally have to occupy indefinitely, iow colonize, or just flat out annex them,

And it seems any price is worth paying, even if you do not succeed. About 300k Iraqi have died as a result of the war. A larger number have died as an indirect result of the war, due to Infrastructure being destroyed, sanitation, power, food supply, hospitals, etc. Over a million have been displaced.

at least until they understand American morality.

To the Iraqi, it might seem that American morality, has destroyed their country. If you are being truthful, America and its allies have caused more damage than Saddam did. Guns don't help the poor, guns can't heal countries, we have to turn to God.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
America, in their wisdom knew how to put this right, they went in guns blazing, and took Saddam out.
Correct. That wasn't the hard part.
And it seems any price is worth paying, even if you do not succeed. About 300k Iraqi have died as a result of the war. A larger number have died as an indirect result of the war, due to Infrastructure being destroyed, sanitation, power, food supply, hospitals, etc. Over a million have been displaced.
And yet they still didn't learn as a people, as a polity, to reject corruption in high places.
To the Iraqi, it might seem that American morality, has destroyed their country. If you are being truthful, America and its allies have caused more damage than Saddam did. Guns don't help the poor, guns can't heal countries, we have to turn to God.
Guns is turning to God. When someone's hurting you we hurt them. That's love. It's also justice. It's very unique don't you think, that the same instrument is both an instrument of love, and an instrument of justice? It is a vehicle for both love and justice. It delivers love and justice into the world like a shot in the arm.

We definitely took out Saddam Insane and he definitely was hurting the Iraqi polity, because he was corrupt. All he did was abuse his people's human rights, with impunity. He hurt them, we hurt him, that's love, and justice.

But they tolerate being abused. We can't fix that by deposing your government. We need to occupy you for like 50 years and snuff out every temptation that you may have to tolerate human rights being trampled under foot

(human rights like the right to defend people whose rights are being trampled under foot)


Happiness is not a warm gun, but a warm gun in a eudaemonic hand, is love and justice.

Eric h

Well-known member
Guns is turning to God. When someone's hurting you we hurt them. That's love. It's also justice.
Of the 300k Iraqi who died, how many of them were guilty and deserved to die? America cannot judge in the way that our Lord will judge us. How many of the 300k dead, would our Lord also condemn?
We definitely took out Saddam Insane and he definitely was hurting the Iraqi polity, because he was corrupt.
America and its allies have destroyed Iraq, it is far more devastated than when Saddam was in power.