
Gary K

New member
I don't see how overturning Roe vs Wade comes even close to aligning this nation with its founding principles. Those have been left behind so far that most people are now afraid of real freedom/liberty. People now expect a nanny state rather than taking care of ourselves the way we used to. We used to not be taxed half to death and the federal government was not allowed to legislate us into oblivion. It hadvery little to do with the average citizen. The local townships, counties and states had far more power as the nation was set up so that local issues were decided locally as that is what the phrase "of the people, by the people and for the people" meant. It was never meant to be that people who had never even seen your town would issue proclamations that changed our lives. Self government was our founding principle.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You seem to ignore the fact that it (and they) also got us into this mess in the first place by allowing the nation to vote on laws that are not to be voted upon, only upheld.
I am not ignoring; I don't know what you're talking about. Just fill me in on whatever change from 1787 or 1789 or 1791 that you're talking about and I'll comment on it. I just don't know what you're referring to.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't see how overturning Roe vs Wade comes even close to aligning this nation with its founding principles. Those have been left behind so far that most people are now afraid of real freedom/liberty. People now expect a nanny state rather than taking care of ourselves the way we used to. We used to not be taxed half to death and the federal government was not allowed to legislate us into oblivion. It hadvery little to do with the average citizen. The local townships, counties and states had far more power as the nation was set up so that local issues were decided locally as that is what the phrase "of the people, by the people and for the people" meant. It was never meant to be that people who had never even seen your town would issue proclamations that changed our lives. Self government was our founding principle.
Do you understand the third branch ("department" in Madison's lexicon) power of judicial review and its role in federal legislation? The Constitution says that the Constitution itself, along with federal legislation, are all together the supreme law of the United States. The 14th Amendment then incorporates the Bill of Rights against the states; a big change in our regime, but a necessary one in order that newly freed Black slaves were protected against immoral discrimination after the Civil War was morally won by former President Lincoln's moral Union. Bottom line; whatever your local government does must be Constitutional. That's the Constitution as it is now interpreted by the current SCOTUS.

This is all the founding principle of America. The 14th Amendment wasn't adopted in a rogue manner.


Well-known member
American patriots are under fire by democrats for objecting to democrat policies such as conducting shady voting operations and demanding people just accept their word they committed no crime, refusing to obey federal and state laws, referring to conservative Christians as deplorables and terrorists, stacking courts with anti-American, anti-God radicals, threatening the lives and families of conservative SCOTUS justices, threatening the lives of cops, and more.


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I am not ignoring; I don't know what you're talking about. Just fill me in on whatever change from 1787 or 1789 or 1791 that you're talking about and I'll comment on it. I just don't know what you're referring to.

The same system that

brought this federal regime and system into alignment with its charter a little better


only affects like six or seven states, just the ones with "may issue" policies wrt gun permitting

is the same system that allowed Kentucky and Louisiana in 1813 to enact laws banning concealed carry, but that allowed open carry (the idea being that "only criminals carry concealed").

Fast forward to today, and and open carry is only allowed in 31 states.

Open carry was the norm, and now, by the same system that did the above, it's criminalized (you can't do it legally) in six states, and in other states, it's only allowed if one has a permit.

And it's all a result of

our Constitution


Our framers


They're the ones who conceived this government

that prevents or restricts the people of this nation from using their God-given right to carry personal defense weapons.

Gary K

New member
Do you understand the third branch ("department" in Madison's lexicon) power of judicial review and its role in federal legislation? The Constitution says that the Constitution itself, along with federal legislation, are all together the supreme law of the United States. The 14th Amendment then incorporates the Bill of Rights against the states; a big change in our regime, but a necessary one in order that newly freed Black slaves were protected against immoral discrimination after the Civil War was morally won by former President Lincoln's moral Union. Bottom line; whatever your local government does must be Constitutional. That's the Constitution as it is now interpreted by the current SCOTUS.

This is all the founding principle of America. The 14th Amendment wasn't adopted in a rogue manner.
You seem to not have a clue as to how the settlers of America set up their own self government.


Gary K

New member
Here is the Mayflower Compact.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You seem to not have a clue as to how the settlers of America set up their own self government.

You seem to not have a clue that the framers of the Constitution knew about not only the Mayflower Compact but also about all the other government charters and types of regimes then known to man, when they deliberated about how to form a perfect Union.

Gary K

New member
You seem to not have a clue that the framers of the Constitution knew about not only the Mayflower Compact but also about all the other government charters and types of regimes then known to man, when they deliberated about how to form a perfect Union.
Not at all. They set up the federal government to have very limited power. Our nation is now run from the top down instead of from the bottom up as it was designed to be. That is the reason for the pilgrim emigration here and for the Revolutionary war.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Not at all. They set up the federal government to have very limited power. Our nation is now run from the top down instead of from the bottom up as it was designed to be. That is the reason for the pilgrim emigration here and for the Revolutionary war.
So what do you disagree with? The 14th Amendment?