

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
California, don't appeal!
That appeal is as automatic in California as their electoral votes going for the Dem candidate in the presidential elections every four years is (exception only for Repubs whose name ends in Reagan).

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Greatest poster ever


Well-known member
Leftists want to disarm white conservatives, not black thugs. That is why idiots in the Biden administration keep propagating the lie that white conservatives are the biggest threat to this nation today. What they mean is that white conservatives are the biggest threat to crime and corruption in the democrat party today.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

way 2 go

Well-known member
In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council passed an ordinance requiring every head of household to possess a functioning firearm at their homes,
with a 1980 population of 5,095
One year after the ordinance was enacted, burglaries plummeted a staggering 89 percent even though the state only saw a 10.4-percent decrease in the same category,
March 15, 1982 to October 31, 1982), there were only five reported residential burglaries, compared to 45 in the same period in the previous year, an 89 percent decrease…

The effects in Kennesaw aren’t an anomaly. Kleck discovered that rape dropped a whopping 89 percent in Orlando after the Orlando Police Department trained around 2,500 women in the proper use of firearms. The initiative came in response to skyrocketing sexual assaults. Once again bolstering the causative effect, Kleck recorded that the “rape rate remained constant in the rest of Florida and the United States.”
However, arming the women in Orlando had other unforeseen effects as well. Not only did sexual assaults drastically decline, but other crimes dropped as well, including “a substantial drop” in burglaries. Kleck’s studies point to the often overlooked reality that citizen ownership of firearms prevents crime on a massive scale.


Well-known member
In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council passed an ordinance requiring every head of household to possess a functioning firearm at their homes,
with a 1980 population of 5,095
One year after the ordinance was enacted, burglaries plummeted a staggering 89 percent even though the state only saw a 10.4-percent decrease in the same category,
March 15, 1982 to October 31, 1982), there were only five reported residential burglaries, compared to 45 in the same period in the previous year, an 89 percent decrease…

The effects in Kennesaw aren’t an anomaly. Kleck discovered that rape dropped a whopping 89 percent in Orlando after the Orlando Police Department trained around 2,500 women in the proper use of firearms. The initiative came in response to skyrocketing sexual assaults. Once again bolstering the causative effect, Kleck recorded that the “rape rate remained constant in the rest of Florida and the United States.”
However, arming the women in Orlando had other unforeseen effects as well. Not only did sexual assaults drastically decline, but other crimes dropped as well, including “a substantial drop” in burglaries. Kleck’s studies point to the often overlooked reality that citizen ownership of firearms prevents crime on a massive scale.
Facts like these cannot be reported by democrats who, like Biden, only care to promote carefully crafted democrat truths while totally ignoring facts.

Biden: "We choose truth over facts."


Staff member
Super Moderator
In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council passed an ordinance requiring every head of household to possess a functioning firearm at their homes,
I would love to see this requirement imposed nationwide. Impossible you say? It's illegal, not to mention immoral, to require someone to purchase something you say?

Ahem, ever heard of Obamacare?

I'd be in favor of this law just for the sheer pleasure of watching the libs lose their minds.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Feeble moron doesn't understand ...

The second amendment wasn't written by a bunch of guys who just got back from a hunting trip. The second amendment was written by a bunch of guys who just got back from waging war against the most powerful military in the world. And won.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
First time buyers of firearms last year - 40% were women, over 50% were black Americans

And Joe wants to nuke them for exercising their second amendment rights because they're all white supremacists


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Emperor Palpatine Urges Citizens To Give Up Their Blasters Since They'd Need A Death Star To Beat The Empire
June 24th, 2021 -

CORUSCANT—Emperor Sheev Palpatine has made a new push for blaster control in an effort to bring peace to the galaxy.

“We live in a world where the common rogue feels he can just shoot first whenever he feels like it,” Palpatine said in a speech at the former headquarters of the Galactic Senate. “This violence has to end.”
Palpatine was also dismissive of the idea that people need blasters in case they have to overthrow the Empire if it turns tyrannical. “It’s just a ridiculous idea that a rebellion armed with blasters could do anything about us,” he said. “You’d need your own armored, planet-destroying superweapon to match the strength of our Death Star. Even if you had X-Wings, what could they do but scratch its surface? Abandon all hope to rise against us! Abandon!”
With the Emperor’s proposed blaster control, anyone caught with a blaster would be summarily executed by a stormtrooper, a policy anti-blaster activists are hailing as “harsh, but fair.”
Palpatine also took questions on charges of discrimination within the Empire, as all officers and soldiers seem to be white males. Palpatine said he’s working on a “new order,” which will be more diverse with lots of women and minority hires — though no species other than human, since “they’re all inferior.”