

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

I believe all of these have one thing in common pistols.
The vast majority of gun homicides are committed with handguns, whether revolvers or pistols, that is true, but the biggest headlines are the massacres committed with "assault weapons". Whenever the weapons are identified as handguns, the emphasis is on expanding background checks, but when they're "assault weapons", the emphasis is "banning" those along with the BG checks. Nobody talks about "banning" handguns. That's just my impression of how people react to these massacres.


Well-known member

"Fauci on gun violence: 'How can you say that's not a public health issue?'"

Because it's a moral issue. Morality is not health, and health is not morality. They don't overlap.
When somebody dies, their health is compromised. True of gun shooting victims, true of abortion....


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
When somebody dies, their health is compromised. True of gun shooting victims, true of abortion....
So then we have a murder problem---not "gun violence". If you want to call a murder problem a "public health issue" then, that seems incredibly silly to do so, but I guess technically, it's not wrong. It's just so much worse than a "public health issue".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Never considered this:

The 5.56 cartridge has had a reputation of poor to mediocre performance in combat. While I think that a 6.5mm or 7mm cartridge would be far more effective, I believe the 5.56 deserves a much better reputation than it has. Disappointment with the 5.56 is mainly due to the type of ammunition fielded.

If a 5.56 projectile passes straight through a person it makes a very small wound channel. Unlike larger calibers, for the 5.56 to kill effectively, it must fragment. If the 5.56 fragments well enough and early enough, it is quite effective. Fragmentation requires a properly designed projectile and sufficient velocity to cause fragmentation.

During the cold war, the military 62 grain M855 cartridge was developed. It was designed to be fired from a long barreled SAW at a husky potato-fed Soviet soldier wearing a flack jacket. Today our soldiers are firing that cartridge from 14.5″ barrels at 95 pound insurgents wearing man-dresses. The average target for US soldiers today is 7.3″ thick at the chest. The M855 averages 7″ of penetration before beginning to yaw or fragment. The result is small ineffective wound channels. Multiple hits are required to eliminate threats. From an M4 barrel, the velocity drops to the point that fragmentation often does not occur past 100 meters.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Criminals using guns is a problem, so let's restrict law abiding citizens from owning guns!



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Criminals using guns is a problem, so let's restrict law abiding citizens from owning guns!

Initial question, basically, is there a crime problem? Her answer, basically, well there's a gun problem. Huh? So that's a no on the crime question? smh

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Cult members at Waco shot down Texas National Guard helicopters with Barrett 50 Cal sniper rifles
